Forums Discussions Canadian competitions?

  • Anonyma

    August 16, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    wow piglet  congrats  this is amazing !

    and to mpdc why do i dint have a good opinion about the competition:  just the fact that you are twisting the rules  for the crown means a lot! Its all a marketing thing 😉

  • robynness

    August 16, 2011 at 8:31 pm

    Why bother arguing about this @oliviaaa? I just dont see what purpose there is, I have noticed on both facebook and on here you have made negative comments reguarding miss pole dance canada. Why make such a big deal about something so ridiculous! Tammy Morris is a wonderful organizer and has put everything she can into this event. I dont see how any can think that what Tammy is doing can be negative, she is hosting a competition designed to show the world that Canada has amazingly artistic and beautiful pole dancers and that pole fitness is a wonderful thing… That being said we should be happy for our current MPDC winner Crystal on her adventure and invitiation to Rio this year to represent our country. Crystal is amazing and it is yes unfortunate timing that she will be away for the competition but we should all be very proud our country will be making appearance. You act as though you are trying to show our country is so great, and you seem as though you are trying to show your pride in this country, well have some respect for the talents and opportunities Crystal has received. I am so happy for Crystal and would never ask for her crown to be taken away or for her to have to miss going to the worlds because the timing of  MPDC. I am honoured our country will be representing. I am a proud Canadian and have a true passion for pole dancing, and feel that it is all in the art and best interest of pole dancing. I do not feel a reason to be negative about anything other studio owners have done, as it is important to understand we all have the same passion for pole. Just my two cents…. 

  • polevixen83

    August 16, 2011 at 11:02 pm

    Well said robyness.

    I am just so excited that Canadian events are starting to crop up, and I am excited to see all the variety in types of events. There needs to be something for everyone, and everyone has different tastes or needs in a competition or showcase. I for one, work in a profession by day and am excited that some of the newer competitions are trying to put forth a clean image for pole dancing. Not to say that there shouldn't be competitions that bring out the more 'exotic' flavours of pole dancing, just saying that I want to compete, but because of my professional obligations, I have to be careful about where I do so, and I am glad that there are competitions that are in-line with my needs. I am also glad for the variety, because even if I don't see myself competing in a certain contest or show case, I am more than happy to watch or support every event, whether in person or in spirit. 

    It makes me sad that there seems to be so much politics in pole. I was drawn to this sport because of the togetherness and the way that women (and men now too) of all walks of life can pull together and support eachother. I find it really sad that what I feel the spirit of pole is, is being challenged by some members on a forum that is supposed to unite people who are supposed to share the love of pole. 


  • Sarahrei

    August 17, 2011 at 7:16 am

    Woo! Excited!

  • Anonyma

    August 17, 2011 at 10:32 am

    i have opinions. They re not negative they are realistic. To me mpdc is all sketch and im not the only one thinking it  but of course for "the politic" of pole no one will speak out  for X reason . But i don t care , it is what it is. I dont think its negative to post your opinion when they asked for it .

    it is only logical that the winner have to be there…  yes im happy for crystal ect ect … but rules are rules, if they want this competition to be taken seriously, then don't twist them

    And of course I am the bad not nice olivia bouhhh….. but hey we all need one big mouth in the bunch, and thats me 🙂 


  • Tammy at MPDC

    August 17, 2011 at 10:34 am

    Twisting the rules?   If you are referring the facebook page where someone thought there was a rule that actually didn't even exist then you should finish reading it.  The rules that are there have not been changed or twisted.  I am not sure why you are hating on me.  This would be a very expenive marketing scheme, lol..  I would rather just take an ad out and spend the rest of my time with my child.  

  • Tammy at MPDC

    August 17, 2011 at 10:46 am


    So just for everyone's clarification, there was no such rule that even said the winner of the previous year had to be there to pass on her crown.  I know there was a rule in 2007 so I didn't question it until a member of the World's reminded me that  the rule had been taken out in 2009, and so I checked the rule book  and nope, no such rule.  It don't believe that it was a good rule anyhow.  If Shanyn Pollard had won, it would be ridiculous to force her to come back  to BC to hand over her crown at her own expense.  I think people are sensitive to it because Crystal works at Tantra Fitness but all the judges that chose her were from other studio's: Flirty Girl, Aradia, Pole Junkies, Polenasics and one from Tantra.  This year there will be no judge from Tantra just to further try and ease people's minds.  If anyone has any concerns over the fairness of this competition or over my intentions of running it, I am always happy to address them.  You can email me at Olivia said it best, she is just a big mounth and I won't entertain her any longer.  I will be loggin off this forum as it is too stressful to be right in the middle of dedicating my life to a competition only to come on here and be bad mouthed by one person.

    I wish you all the best!  Thank you for the support:)

  • Tovah

    August 17, 2011 at 1:53 pm


    You know Olivia is right.

    I do believe for example dimes to dollars that Natasha Wang will be giving workshops next year in NYC. Is it in her contract I don't know but for being there is only right as people want to meet her.

    Now as for my bit in all of this is that on fb I had asked Crystal a ? and she responded that she was going to Rio. MPDC had not publicized this as I am sure the organizer,Tammy, was aware.

    It would of been right for MPDC to announce this months earlier vs the way it was found out on FB.

    Crystal did say that many encouraged her to go as she was swayed to go by friends….lol I would pick better friends because it was the wrong advice as her prior desire was to be at mpdc.

    I do believe that written or unwritten rule subliminal or not that the winner of mpdc should step down because this is part of the commitment to be present at mpdc and also do workshops for people to meet her. Instead the mpdc has lovely people from the U.S. to come and give workshops. There are 'NO CANADIANS' giving workshops at mpdc.

    I beloved that Tammy has a heart for pole but is disorganized because she is very busy with 'two studios, & her five year old' …balancing all of this is challenging and to do the right thing at this level must be challenging and stressful because it requires more strength and energy to do so …plus, to assess potential damages to her studios reputation as she is inadvertently fully impacted from every direction. It is the dynamics of the people involved here.

    To me it's  easy. Crystal, can not fulfill her commitment to mpdc and so, runner up Shanyn should take it; but she on fb didn't want the crown from Crystal this way and I understand as for what for a couple of wks…logically then to me everyone needs to move up two spots.

    I do not wish ill will to anyone but to only do what is right.

    Now at this point I truly don't want Crystal, at mpdc because she will be absent of mind & heart being there. Inadvertently, this tells me alot about a persons integrity & honor towards the hand that has fed you.  I was always told that you don't bite the hand that feeds you. Well …mpdc has fed Crystal and she bit it. I am disappointed in the whole mpdc and wonder how come that she wasn't invited to Denver, International Pole Competition .

    Get this there is presently 2 World Competition and 1 International and so, to me = 3 World Pole Competition.& copyrights be gone…lol What country is gona go after what country for this copyright? It's very confusing to me that there are 3 world pole comps in one year & I don't get that at all.

    Why couldn't Crystal go to this one in Denver? vs Rio? and she would of made it in good form to mpdc. I also hate to say this but our amateur division is very intermediate/beginner compared to the U.S. Amateur Division and their pro division where probably Crystal doesn't stand a chance and so, maybe this is why Rio. Dunno just TOL (thinking out loud)

    We need to grow alot here in Canada in ref. to Pole in so many area and I know this has been a growth experience in different ways for me.

    I wish you all the best poling days integrity & honor in everything that you do.

  • robynness

    August 17, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    Great your opinions are said a on a forum.. what justice does that serve you? First of all, Crystal has already competed against others from US in the World Championships so she actually does stand a chance, she won most entertaining…. WHY bother commenting on something when you do not even know the facts????? Yes US pole championships might be different because they have had time to develop and work through all the small fine tune details, but for us here in Canada this competition grows yearly… Leave the decisions and details up to the professionals, which by the way Tammy and all the members of Miss Pole Dance Canada are professionals. Professionals who have experienced the world championships unlike yourself who sits behind a computer commenting on a forum! Tammy is apart of Pole Fitness Associations and so on and so forth. Leave it at the fact that she started this competition, she brought pride to Canada by showing the world that Canada yes in fact does have talent and wonderful pole dancers. Our competitors maybe seem to you to be beginner… but you know what thats a very offensive comment that should be kept to yourself, these competitors have worked hard to get in, and everyone has to start somewhere. For most competitiors this is there first competition and first portion of their learning, and also for them a great chance to experience the thrill of being infront of a panel of judges. ALSO these people were voted for, so realize that these beautiful dancers have worked hard to get to were they are. The competition will develop every year.. If you hadnt noticed that these are the people who truely have passion for pole, and have the willingness to try and advance, they will compete and learn how to develop into amazing pole dancers. It takes a very brave person to compete publicly give them some credit honestly! I dont know why everyone is so concerned about her being there, it isnt in the rules… so therefore she does not even need to be present!! A few people have been saying she has an obligation to be there, what obligation, where does it say that she has to be there….. RULES ARE RULES, they do not state that Crystal has to be there. She has prior commitments to represent at worlds! Would you rather not have Canada represented in the worlds so that she can be present at the competition to find the next MPDC… thats a great way to get invited back to the worlds in the future.. by not showing up.. Honestly I would rather see that people wish Crystal the best of luck at the worlds than have her present to sit and watch competitions..  and now it is important for "us" and her to be present in a much larger competition for our country!

  • Tovah

    August 17, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Easy with the yelling out of control. ^

    I am aloud to express my opinion that may not be in agreement with yours & I can leave it at that.

    One point I do agree with is the ladies in amateur division will grow with this exposure and to be performing at an awesome facility. I apologize should I have offended anyone in amateur division as I meant to remove that comment but I pressed a button instead of deliting that phrase. I wish you all the best.. Unlike some people should you be angry and upset at me then yes, I will own what I said. and apologize for it as that part came out wrong. Again sincere apologies.

  • Tovah

    August 17, 2011 at 2:48 pm


    I also find in interesting that you all seem to extend much grace to all that don't oppose you but don't extend grace to someone like me that has an opinion on the matter.

    I spoke privately with Tammy on fb on this matter too btw and we are not angry with each other and in fact it has made us grow.

    As for most entertainer…I knew that but that's us as a Canadian country or borders are that way so why not? LOL We let everything in apparently even terrorists….hahaha

  • Sair

    August 17, 2011 at 2:56 pm


  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 17, 2011 at 3:46 pm


  • xtinalovespole

    August 17, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    Wtf is right!

    Thank you Crystal for what you have done for Canada. 


  • xtinalovespole

    August 17, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    Wtf is right!

    Thank you Crystal for what you have done for Canada. 


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