Forums Discussions Caterpillar Climb!!!

  • Caterpillar Climb!!!

    Posted by horsecrazy12987 on November 13, 2010 at 1:23 am

    I can’t believe I actually just did this move!! A long time ago I tried to pick up the caterpillar and struggled with it for various reasons, a lot of which had to do with my slippery grip and the fact that the move was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be, and finally I just sort of stopped practicing it. I stopped practicing altogether for quite some time aside from the occasional spin or invert here or there because I was so frustrated with my grip and all the different things I’d tried to improve it that just did nothing to help. I finally got desperate enough to actually lightly sand my stainless steel Lil Mynx, and it’s a lot grippier now. (Pole burn all over again. Better than sliding right off the damn thing, though.) I’ve been trying to get back into poling but just have no motivation because before every time I’d try to practice, it was always sweaty hands and slippery pole and me not really able to do anything because of this heinous combination, and I think I’ve really psyched myself out with the thought that I’m going to fail so why bother.

    Well, today I finally got back on it because I’ve decided that with the new finish I should be able to make some progress and I need to just go for it. I started practicing my regular caterpillar again, and then all of a sudden without thinking about it I actually started to climb! It was completely an accident. Of course, then as I slid back down my pole shrieking with happiness and inverted to try it again, it didn’t look nearly as good as when it was accidental. Sometimes I wish I could just shut my brain off–it felt really comfortable and natural when I wasn’t even thinking about doing it. At least I know I can, though.

    It was a really great way to get back into poling. My regular caterpillar is feeling/looking a lot more fluid, and now I know I can climb in it as well. Veena, your lesson on the regular caterpillar helped enormously, by the way. Prior to watching it I was mostly just pushing with my arms, but you really emphasized using the legs and that made such a huge difference. If you guys aren’t already subscribed to Veena’s lessons, do it!!

    horsecrazy12987 replied 14 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • tiggertail

    November 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Congrat on this move this is a hard one! I got it by accident too, it happen to me a few time lately, i mean good accident I guess that when you stop overthinking it, thing happen.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 14, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    CONGRATS!!!!!!! This one actually took me a LONNNGGGGGGGG time to do. And I still need lots of work on my caterpillar climb. I’m just finally starting to do it with an elbow grip now. Before it was this funny looking hand grip I was doing. Just keep at it. Practice lil by lil every day and you will get it.

  • Veena

    November 14, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    Yay good for you!!!! Glad your finding the lessons helpful.

  • horsecrazy12987

    November 14, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    I guess that when you stop overthinking it, thing happen.

    This has been my experience. I’ve nailed hard moves before in just a try or two because I wasn’t really thinking about them, I just did them. That happened with my reverse grab–all of a sudden one day I was just kind of messing around and I went into one, stopped and kind of did the ‘What the hell did I just do?!’ thing. Yet it took me an embarrasingly large amount of tries to get the fireman down when I first started poling. Go figure. Also, I’ve noticed that if there is a move I’m really really struggling with if I just leave it alone for a while and work on something else and eventually come back to it, all of a sudden I can do it.

    I’m going to work on my caterpillar/climb some more today, and probably give myself another move to work on since I finally have the mechanics of the caterpillar now and just need to make sure it’s smooth and pretty everytime I do it. Maybe I’ll go back and smooth out my butterfly, which was another move I sort of just dropped when I started having really severe grip problems. I’m just really excited–I feel like I can actually do something now instead of just slide all over the pole and get mad because I can’t hold on for anything.

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