Forums Discussions Changing username

  • MrsBoheme

    October 26, 2009 at 10:13 pm

    Hey Veena,

    Do I just do this via the "contact us" section down the bottom?… Cause i did do that… twice…

    Will do again now in that you will be looking out for it. contact us goes to the Studioveena email, things will be taken care of in order of priority deleting an old account wouldn’t be an ASAP…If you want it done right away email me on my profile. I TRY to get direct emails taken care of same day.

  • blackcandi

    September 11, 2010 at 4:14 pm

    Hi ladies

    I’m a newbie user and want to delete this account so I can make a new one with a new username because when I signed up I didn’t know you couldn’t change your username, but when I go to make a new account I put in all the details but it wont allow me to proceed because a red x comes up by the captcha, even though it’s typed in correctly. I’ve tried it a few times and the captcha doesn’t change to different letters/numbers like they do on most sites so I can’t create a new account :S Anyone know how to get round this?

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