Forums Discussions Cheap Mirrors?

  • Cheap Mirrors?

    Posted by Salfies87 on September 12, 2009 at 4:24 pm

    I’ve seen some pole set ups with those "over the door" mirrors that people stack together to make a big mirror…I’m just wondering if anyone knows any other ideas or different types of mirrors? My boyfriend recommended an Acrylic Mirror which is a plastic mirror type. He said it scratches easily but would work just as good…

    Any ideas?

    Kobajo84 replied 15 years, 6 months ago 9 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • faerie_wench

    September 12, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    I called around to several glass places in the phone book a couple of days ago actually. I am planning on getting 2 mirrors 3′ x 5′ and 4′ x 5′. The cheapest I found was $90 for the 3′ x 5′ and $120 for the 4′ x 5′. He is going to deliver and install them for that price. Also check on craig’s list and if you have any yard sale websites in your area.

  • Salfies87

    September 12, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    I just found something called a Mylar Roll…It is huge and is mirror like…What do you think if I roll a mirror out…would it work the same way? Anyone know what Mylar Rolls are?

  • PoleDork

    September 12, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    Mylar rolls are usually used for gardening to reflect light onto plants.
    If you click on the above link and scroll down to "Making Mirrors" they have directions and supplies for making mylar mirrors. I have never seen one in person but i’m not sure if it would be reflective enough.

    They sell rollout mirrors on e-bay – they look more like mirrors to me and are self adhesive (ships from the UK)

    Good Luck!

  • Salfies87

    September 12, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    Ok..So I ordered this online:

    I ordered the 55 in x 25 ft x 1 mil Mylar Roll. I think it’s going to work pretty good for the time being until I can afford a big mirror or even a couple "over the door" mirrors. I looked up prices on the "over the door" mirrors and the cheapest was 14.99 because campus specials are over now. Last week I saw them at Walmart for 7.98 and I couldn’t believe it. I should have bought it. If the Mylar doesn’t work, I’ll just suck it up and buy some mirrors.

    Go to that website and check out the pictures…It shows the reflectibility and it looks pretty good!! I know a couple of gyms who use Mylar Mirrors because Mylar doesn’t shatter so it’s much safer. I hear it scratches easily if you are touching it a lot…so I’ll probably need to use a soft lens cloth of some sort to clean it.

    What do you guys think? Am I crazy for buying it? Im going to find a way to adhere it to the wall…but I could also attach it to something with a back to make it look like a free standing mirror (like a pegboard or something)…

    Ask your hubbies!!

  • FreeTheSun

    September 12, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    I would think that it might be good to attach the Mylar Roll to something so you can move it if need be. But I have no personal experience with it, so that’s just what I would want.

    If you wanted a cheap big just mirror mirror, you could go to Lowes or Home Depot and they have huge mirrors (I don’t have the dimensions handy but really big) with no frame for around $50. Mine worked out to be $46 for the mirror and a few dollars for the mounts. But if the Mylar Roll doesn’t break that is a nice safety feature. I placed my far enough away to not worry about breaking it but it was a concern of mine.

  • Kobajo84

    September 12, 2009 at 10:47 pm

    I got my mirror from Lowes and they had several different sizes. I went with a long door looking mirror so I wouldn’t have to always rely on a mirror when dancing. I figured if I had a bigger mirror- I’d want to always watch it. You can always record yourself too. It helps with seeing things you need to work on better.

  • PoleDork

    September 13, 2009 at 3:12 am

    Ok..So I ordered this online

    Let me know how it looks I wouldn’t mind getting something similar

  • PoleDanceABCs

    September 13, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    Seems like a lot of people get lucky with dumpster diving. I found two really tall mirrors on wood boards and it looks like they used to be doors to a wardrobe or something. Because they are tall they work really well.

  • Salfies87

    September 13, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    Let me know how it looks I wouldn’t mind getting something similar

    I definitely will let you know!! I think it’s going to work out really good. Even if I just tack it to the wall without a back…It reflects 95-99%…It may be a tad darker because of it missing those few %s…But for 15 bucks, a full wall length mirror that could cover 25 ft of wall…It’s not a bad buy and if it doesn’t work, I didn’t waste that much money!

    I got my mirror from Lowes and they had several different sizes.
    I may still check out that avenue…I was just in Lowes parking lot meeting my boyfriend’s grandparents and I begged him to go in to look, but he has to go to work in a little bit. So I sadly drove away…I’ll probably check it out there tomorrow…What are they like? Are they strong enough to just lay against the wall? Or did you actually attach it to the wall with those mirror clip things?

  • Porscha

    September 13, 2009 at 10:13 pm

    Did you try craigslist? Select the free section and then keyword search "mirror." I just did this and came up with about several offers of people giving away huge mirrors for free! If only I had the room in my apartment and the truck to drive them away with…

  • Salfies87

    September 13, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    I did try Craigslist and they were all antique old small mirrors…BUT GUESS WHAT!!

    I just went to Lowes with my Mum & we found a mirror!! I didn’t know how many different types there were. I ended up getting a Polished Edge Mirror 48" by 36". It’s bigger than I thought!! It was only 39 bucks!! I had to buy the hardware which was about 16. But I think it’s going to work really good.

    I really wanted a full length mirror (like ceiling to floor) so I can see my entire body…Check things like making sure my toes are pointed or my hand is gripped in the right spot…So the 48 x 36 mirror I just bought might not show everything, but maybe I can create another mirror on the other wall out of the Mylar Roll…

    One thing that kinda sucked was…I emailed one supplier of the Mylar Roll (which had to do with hydroponics) and they said it would look like a funhouse mirror. So that got me down, but the guy I ordered it from and another person I contacted said it would work very good. Can’t wait!!

  • Jengineer

    September 14, 2009 at 12:03 am

    I have these from Ikea. They’re only $8 and you can butt them up together to make them as wide as you want" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

  • SissyBuns

    September 14, 2009 at 12:29 am

    Seems like a lot of people get lucky with dumpster diving. I found two really tall mirrors on wood boards and it looks like they used to be doors to a wardrobe or something. Because they are tall they work really well.

    I have 3 mirrors. 2 I found dumpster diving (cha-ching) and another big one on Craigslist that I got for free! I’m still in the market for a bigger full length mirror though. I’d like to cover one whole wall with mirrors high enough to see myself up high and low enough to see myself on the floor. As it is now I have a floor mirror and 2 mirrors that I can see myself when standing.

  • Salfies87

    September 14, 2009 at 12:40 am

    I have these from Ikea. They’re only $8 and you can butt them up together to make them as wide as you want" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

    That’s not too bad of a price either!! I found some of those at Lowes tonight for 5 bucks…The only problem that you have to look out for is if the mirror is beveled…I think that is the term…If it is, it will create different images through all of the mirrors. You won’t get one continuous image. Just choppys versions…Especially with mirrors like that which have a frame… (those over-the-door mirrors especially)…But that is a cheap price! And you say they work great!!

    I think I might buy some Mirror Tiles…They have 6 for $20 bucks…so I could extend each side of the mirror to come further out…

  • Jengineer

    September 14, 2009 at 12:53 am

    The Ikea ones don’t have a frame or a beveled edge, so the reflection is pretty decent. I have 5 or so in a row – they work pretty well!

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