Forums Discussions Chicken Soup for the Polers Soul?

  • Chicken Soup for the Polers Soul?

    Posted by karebearstare on November 3, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    I've been trying to find a discussion about the length of pole experience vs. pole ability but I haven't found one yet so I'm starting this thread off to get some input from others. 

    Moving onto advanced levels in class I find that the question of how long one has poled is constantly coming up.  Most of the time, it's initiated with a compliment which is great but last night I was asked the question from a poler that I met for the first time.  I stated that it's been 7-8 months and she replied "Wow."  I recipricated the question and she stated 4 months.  Having seen her a little in class, I complimented how she was really good for doing it in the little time that she has.

    I can't help but dwell and analyze the context of the comment.  Which leads me to think about how well I'm progressing for the time I have been doing it.  I know that a lot of it is all relative.  I don't have a dance, gymnastic or ballet background other than sports here and there.  I know my journey is my own and that journey is not a race but rather an experience.  However, one can't help but wonder especially if you're reminded with questionable remarks here and there. 

    I really don't have a specific question but would love to hear about other experiences (or words of encouragement) in the matter.

    karebearstare replied 13 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Paunobs

    November 3, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    Well I am age 49 and started poling 17 months ago, there are many moves I am unable to do and don’t know if I will ever get. I am working on getting the splits and stretch and flex if I get them I will be having a hell big party!! I also have no background in any sport that may have helped me to pole,I believe everyone has their own journey as people have. Different strengths and weakness some have natural good upper body strength. I read a blog recently from aerial Amy who believes there are some moves that certain people should not do because of their body types eg handspring because if the pressure on joints, so I would not be to concerned about where your at because it sounds like you are found extremely well.

  • Paunobs

    November 3, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Well I am age 49 and started poling 17 months ago, there are many moves I am unable to do and don’t know if I will ever get. I am working on getting the splits and stretch and flex if I get them I will be having a hell big party!! I also have no background in any sport that may have helped me to pole,I believe everyone has their own journey as people have. Different strengths and weakness some have natural good upper body strength. I read a blog recently from aerial Amy who believes there are some moves that certain people should not do because of their body types eg handspring because of the pressure on joints, that made me feel a whole lot better, probably due to my age and stage of life I do get I get fatigue if I work to much on the pole.but I usually manage at least 3 times a week with a break of a week every so often.I have found that I get stuck with the same moves for long periods of time where more strength building is needed to perfect or make the move look better . I will say this has been the most challenging thing I have ever done but my passion keeps me going back for more even when my body is sayi g hey your nearly 50 perhaps you should slow down a tad!.

  • Paunobs

    November 3, 2011 at 2:53 pm

  • Paunobs

    November 3, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    Sorry about the two posts I wanted to change the ending and on my mobile I cannot work out how to delete the first post lol..

  • amy

    November 3, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    hi karebearstare!

    i've been pole dancing since 2007. like you, i started with no experience in anything. until late 2009 or early 2010, there wasn't much of a community and pole wasn't as big as it is now, so i was going to classes 1x a week, and my emphasis wasn't on tricks at all, but fluidity, since there wasn't really a sense of how to train, what was possible… we were doing leg hangs, shoulder mounts, and not much else… and i had never even tried spin pole until last year! i hate the "how long have you been poling" question. length of study and strength aren't correlated– what you choose to focus on is so individual, and i hate the implication that i should be at a certain "level" based on how long i've been pole dancing. i usually just respond "a long time"…. i find that people who ask are usually relatively new to pole, or trying to figure out how to relate to you… either way i wouldn't take it personally or think about it too much =)

  • nolaelle

    November 3, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    Oops I’ve totally asked that question! For me it was because I just did my 8th class ever (yay!) and wanted to kind of benchmark how long it takes to get to certain things. (obviously different per person but just a general idea- I can’t wait to invert!).

    I agree time and ability have no correlation too. I think it’s sometime just a natural question to ask as small talk when you’ve first met someone in a class. At least it was in a complimentary way!

  • karebearstare

    November 4, 2011 at 1:56 am

    Thanks all – feeling much better about it.  It's funny how one little off comment can offset million compliments.

    @paunobs:  thanks for your insight…and no worries about the mult posts 🙂

    @amy:  thank you so much for this – everytime I hear someone's months/years of experience I never judge it right off the bat.  There are too many factors as you mentioned.  Btw (offtopic) – thanks to your blog I got my shoulder mount down!

    @nolaelle:  don't apologize!  You come from a good/positive place.  I admit myself I have done the same but I always follow with how I admire their abilities.  I would never want someone to feel bad.

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