Forums Discussions Chopper help?

  • Chopper help?

    Posted by glitterhips on January 3, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    Every day I try this move and I just can’t seem to get it which is extra frustrating because everyone makes it look so darn easy in your videos. Maybe I’m thinking about it too much but I can’t seem to get my legs over my head high enough. I put my strong arm on top, low arm underneath both at about chest height and I take my weight with my arms to pull myself over but I just can’t seem to get my booty over my head. I do feel my back muscles and my abs engaging when I try to do it and I think those are the right muscle groups I need to use to get my legs over my head but something just isn’t working the right way. I might just not be strong enough yet but I can do other inverted moves with no problem so I’m not too sure what I’m doing wrong.

    pole-twista replied 16 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • pole-twista

    January 3, 2009 at 7:14 pm

    i totally hear you ion this one I can do inverted moves that are more advanced than this no problem but this one i cant seem to master i have got it a few times and was able to just hang there like that and than get into gemini or whatever but than will try on another day and just can’t do it
    would like to be able to do when i want and not just rely on luck besides making sure to get your hips up any pointers?

  • ducky

    January 3, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    If you ladies can do inverts on other moves then you’ll get the chopper soon enough, I would suggest that when you’re in invert position open your legs in a V and engage that core area for balance, it gets easier every day, its just baby steps.

  • azriel

    January 3, 2009 at 11:54 pm

    I think this move is way easier if you have your strong arm on the bottom, and the other on top- i can invert both ways, but i can only do the chopper well if i have my strong arm on the bottom.. as ducky says, if you can do other inverts, you can definately get this one without much hassle. good luck!

  • miss fern

    January 4, 2009 at 1:14 am

    My tips:
    Strong arm on the bottom, like the previous poster said
    Make it a big swing or ‘run up’ (don’t actually run – I mean use your body weight to fling yourself – instead of trying to lift your legs just with your core strength). For example, start standing a little behind the pole (obviously still to the side) and then take a big step forwards (so now your hips are in front of the pole, on the side) and launch off that leg)
    Tip your torso and head backwards, as you jump. Try to look at the wall behind you.
    Remember to keep your arms engaged too, and pull with them
    If you don’t manage to get all the way over – throw back MORE than you think you need to. Much more. Like you’re trying to do a backflip or something.
    If you get into the position but fall straight back out again – try less force – and remember to drop your head backwards

    If you still can’t get it – try this version:
    Go into a normal invert – no fancy position – just jump up and wrap your legs on
    Take one leg (the one where the shin is touching the back of the pole) and put it the place it would be for the V shape in chopper. In other words, take your inside leg and straighten it over your head.
    Now try to push with the ankle of your other leg that is still on the pole. Push and bounce it OFF the pole. Little by little.
    When you push it off, and it rocks straight back on that’s okay. Just make sure you catch your ankle on the pole, and go again. Don’t let your leg go back to standing position.
    Keep tipping/pushing/bouncing with more and more force to try to put your outside leg over your head, so that your second leg completes the V
    I hope that made sense. Then you’re ready to try the regular way again, once you master this. That’s how I learnt it anyway

  • glitterhips

    January 4, 2009 at 1:35 am

    Thanks everyone! GeorgiaMarie, it seems like the second step your talking about is almost like the starting position from the corkscrew, where your hips are in front of the pole? That’s what I visualized when I read it so if that’s what you’re describing I’ll have to try it that way…I never thought of going in front of the pole, I’ve always done it from behind. I’ll keep you all posted on my progress!


  • miss fern

    January 4, 2009 at 1:39 am

    Hmmm for corkscrew I start behind the the pole too – but take a big step forwards and leap up – which puts my hips in front of the pole. Similar for the chopper (or inverted V as I call it).

  • pole-twista

    January 4, 2009 at 5:20 am

    thanks so much for the advice!! it was very helpful as ssaid have done it a few times and was really able to just hang in the chopper position comfortably, but other times i go up and right back down
    am wandering if strong hand was on bottom b/c tried both ways, but don’t remember which used when was able to do it it’s after midnight now and just getting in so will have to wait for tommorow, but am going to try your tips
    can also do regular invert and then let legs fall into chopper position, but since one of my big goals is to get the spinning chopper must be able to master from standing position thanks again!!!

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