Forums Discussions Circus School

  • Circus School

    Posted by littlelindsay on September 9, 2012 at 8:06 am


    This was really hard to watch. A documentary on children training for Chinese Acrobatics. It's amazing how much joy can be sucked out of something that should be fun when an adult's ego is on the line.

    Did anyone grow up doing this type of training in gymnastics or anything else?

    I wasn't involved in sports, but music. Started classical violin at a young age and it was my life, full of competitions, adjudications, exams. And my violin sits unplayed under my bed. I've never played the thing for fun, but I play other instruments. I was never rigorously trained in piano, which is why I still play. For fun!

    I've been thinking of putting my daughter in gymnastics since she is extremely advanced physically for her age. Not even two and she can do somersaults, climb ladders, jump off platforms…but I don't want her competing. I just want her to have a fun childhood, and what kid doesn't want to learn to do cartwheels and flips?


    Empty replied 12 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • dustbunny

    September 10, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    I didnt watch the whole thing, it is long!  But forcing kids to practice something until they cry (and then asking for more) isn't helping them IMO!  Worse than that is that I NEVER saw any positive reinforcement in the part that I watched, only negative.  What they are doing is draining all the self-esteem out of these kids while at the same time, teaching them skills that they SHOULD be proud of.  It doesn't make any sense to me, but the chinese DO have some of the top gymnasts and acrobatics in the world.  I guess this is how they get them, but I don't know if it's worth it.  I'd rather be the best I can be, even if that is not the best there is, at something I find enjoyable. 

    On the other hand, a great recreational program can be a lot of fun!  I hope you do put your daughter in gymnastics, sounds like she will excel at it.  🙂

  • Empty

    September 10, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    I watched it the whole way through. As much as it disturbs me and makes me feel sorry for the little kids, i can totally see why this is done. Its truly a cultural thing.
    The parents, who are probably dirt poor to begin with, take what they have and place their kids in these people's hands to make them something. Something better then what they had. If anything its for family pride. Almost like living vicariously through there kids. Sure the methods are harsh and unethical in our mind. I even felt my heart drop and almost rage when they were forcing the boys legs to his face as he counted in pain. But, as dustbunny stated, they have the top gymnasts and acrobatics in the world. So something is obviously working.
    Ironically we have our own version of that…..Dance Moms. Or how about Toddlers and Tiaras? I've watched that fat wench make kids cry just like those men, pushing them well past there limits. But we have the option to just not to be a part of it, where i imagine their culture is that you quit, you shame your family.

    Have i ever experienced this kind of serious training? No. My dance teacher was about a easy going as they could get and i avoided "professional" studios because of the video like behavior. Even now, my pole teacher is the most lax person and i love it. I don't need competitions and i don't need to full fill someone else's wacky dreams.
    I sure as heck wouldn't put my daughter through that either. She was in dance for 2 years and every week i would ask if its still something she wanted to do. If she said yes, we go again. As soon as she no longer seemed interested and said no, we stopped. Its all up to her what she wants to do with her hobbies and future. I merely guide the sails.

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