Forums Discussions Clean Eating anyone????

  • chemgoddess1

    January 9, 2010 at 9:53 pm

    I just made the mushroom stroganoff and it was really freaking good. It replaced most of the cream and sour cream with blended tofu and used whole wheat noodles and used white and portabella mushrooms.

    This thread gave me the push to go back through my magazines and look over the recipes. I now have stuff in the house to make at least 4 clean meals.

  • poledanceromance

    January 10, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Amcut: ricotta pancakes are fluffy delicious heavencakes! 

  • RoxyPink

    January 11, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    Then do you have tips on cooking tofu…although I’m a veggie I have yet to cook or eat a piece of tofu that I like! I’m a big "texture" person and can’t seem to get over the slimy feel of it. I am constantly trying new recipes that involve tofu…but I don’t know if it’s something that i’m doing (or not doing)…that just dosen’t appeal to me. I tried a recipe for baked tofu the other night. I pressed the tofu and marinated it over night..cooked it like the recipe said and it still had that super mushy soft center…which I could not handle! lol

    I have another one on the list to try this week but I’m getting to a point where I’m almost done trying….help anyone!!

  • deetron

    January 11, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    Yuck, I hate tofu too!!! I have an excuse not to have to eat it… my mom is a breast cancer survivor, and believe it or not, she has been advised by her consultant to steer clear of soy products!

    This is a typical article that you might find if you google "Is soy a health food?""

    I guess there are many "studies" both for and against the health-giving properties of soy products – but I’d love to know others’ opinions on this matter.

  • amcut

    January 11, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    Roxy, have you tried freezing your tofu?

  • poledanceromance

    January 11, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    You should try some dessert recipes that call for silken tofu, like vegan pumpkin pie. That can be a good way to ease into it, too. The trick for getting it into stir frys imo, is to make sure the pieces are tiny, like 1cm thick at the largest. Like amcut said freezing can help, just gotta get nice firm tofu. Sautee in wok with the oil/whatever you’re using for sauce so it browns and cooks and add other ingredients as needed. Just like if you were using meat, you’d brown it in the pan with the flavorings first (or at least that’s MY philosophy ). Then it cooks longer than anything else in the pan and by the time the noodles or rice are cooked it’s got a texture more appropriate for a protein. Read: not gooey.

  • chemgoddess1

    January 11, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    Deetron, I have been having a conversation over on a bodybuilding forum discussing soy in men. I will post a few articles for you. Notice release dates. There was a lot of pseudoscience floating around a few years back and many "experts" are still basing their theories on outdated information.

    Women With Breast Cancer Who Consume Soy Food Have Lower Risk of Cancer Recurrence

    If you look to the right side of this article you will see related stories. There is a lot of new research on breast cancer and soy. There is also a lot of new research involving men and soy.

  • RoxyPink

    January 11, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    You should try some dessert recipes that call for silken tofu, like vegan pumpkin pie. That can be a good way to ease into it, too. The trick for getting it into stir frys imo, is to make sure the pieces are tiny, like 1cm thick at the largest. Like amcut said freezing can help, just gotta get nice firm tofu. Sautee in wok with the oil/whatever you’re using for sauce so it browns and cooks and add other ingredients as needed. Just like if you were using meat, you’d brown it in the pan with the flavorings first (or at least that’s MY philosophy ). Then it cooks longer than anything else in the pan and by the time the noodles or rice are cooked it’s got a texture more appropriate for a protein. Read: not gooey.

    i’m going to try again…I bought some extra firm cubed…threw it in the freezer last night. gonna thaw it for tomorrow’s "attempt" lol Here’s hoping b/c I really do want to incorporate it into my diet!

    My mother-in-law is also a breast cancer survior and she has to stay away from soy too! I wouldn’t know what to do if I couldn’t eat anything that was soy based!!

  • SissyBuns

    January 11, 2010 at 10:53 pm

    You should try some dessert recipes that call for silken tofu, like vegan pumpkin pie. That can be a good way to ease into it, too. The trick for getting it into stir frys imo, is to make sure the pieces are tiny, like 1cm thick at the largest. Like amcut said freezing can help, just gotta get nice firm tofu. Sautee in wok with the oil/whatever you’re using for sauce so it browns and cooks and add other ingredients as needed. Just like if you were using meat, you’d brown it in the pan with the flavorings first (or at least that’s MY philosophy ). Then it cooks longer than anything else in the pan and by the time the noodles or rice are cooked it’s got a texture more appropriate for a protein. Read: not gooey.

    i’m going to try again…I bought some extra firm cubed…threw it in the freezer last night. gonna thaw it for tomorrow’s "attempt" lol Here’s hoping b/c I really do want to incorporate it into my diet!

    My mother-in-law is also a breast cancer survior and she has to stay away from soy too! I wouldn’t know what to do if I couldn’t eat anything that was soy based!!

    Lemme know how that goes Rox.

  • deetron

    January 11, 2010 at 11:25 pm

    Deetron, I have been having a conversation over on a bodybuilding forum discussing soy in men. I will post a few articles for you. Notice release dates. There was a lot of pseudoscience floating around a few years back and many "experts" are still basing their theories on outdated information.

    Women With Breast Cancer Who Consume Soy Food Have Lower Risk of Cancer Recurrence

    If you look to the right side of this article you will see related stories. There is a lot of new research on breast cancer and soy. There is also a lot of new research involving men and soy.

    Interesting, chemgoddess, and it’s a fairly recent study – I’m not sure what to think with the soy foods any more! Well, I don’t enjoy tofu anyway so I guess it’s an easy decision for me! Thanks for the link.

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