Forums Discussions Climing and THEN inverting

  • sunnyinphoenix

    November 22, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    I agree with Emperean moving you hips to the front of the pole was really helpful for me. I move both hips forward. Actually my husband is the one who suggested it (after watching me torture the poor move to death with no luck). If you think about it, by putting your hips in front of the pole, you are actually 4 Inches closer (or more, but let’s go with 4 I don’t put the sole of my foot on the pole at all. With your hips in front you can think of just rolling your back up the pole. I hope this helps. As others have said ab and arm strength are important too. Post your video when you get it.

  • VixxPlum

    November 23, 2009 at 11:39 am

    Cheers lovelies, i STILL don’t have it down! I’ve done it once or twice and it’s taken me by suprise both times! I’ve had people watch me at class to see if i’m doing something stilly on my way up there but aparently i’m doing everything i should be so i think it’s a mental thing!

    I’m getting a camera soon too so i’ll be able to post some vids for more of your awesome advice. I’ve learned so much just from watching you guys and reading the advice given to other people!

    This is the best site pole dancing site i’ve been on. Love it! x

  • poledanceromance

    November 23, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    Cheers lovelies, i STILL don’t have it down! I’ve done it once or twice and it’s taken me by suprise both times! I’ve had people watch me at class to see if i’m doing something stilly on my way up there but aparently i’m doing everything i should be so i think it’s a mental thing!

    I’m getting a camera soon too so i’ll be able to post some vids for more of your awesome advice. I’ve learned so much just from watching you guys and reading the advice given to other people!

    This is the best site pole dancing site i’ve been on. Love it! x

    Maybe you just need to give it a nice shrill battle cry as you march up to the pole intimidatingly. Seriously though, I did a few weeks of nose to knee crunches from cross knee or cross ankle (whichever felt better on any given day lol) and got my aerial invert totally spontaneously one day and haven’t had any problems since. Those inverted situps whip your abs into shape in no time.

  • PolePhoenix

    November 23, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Hey VixxPlum,

    I was just reading this thread and what you sed about it being a mental thing I really relate to. I found with all the moves requiring me to go upside down if i shifted the weight from my feet to my head mentally I flipped over a lot easier. I mean actually think the weight is in your head, i always envision one of those cartoon ton weight thingeys lol.

    This has really helped me with the cradle especially. I dunno if this makes sense or not but just my two pennys worth.
    Keep at it you’ll have it very soon

  • ShellBellz

    November 26, 2009 at 4:13 am

    Don’t look at your feet! I think a few people said this, but it’s something that blocks me from inverting from the pole all the time. I haven’t actually been able to get this yet, but my teacher keeps telling me that when I "kick" my feet above my head (dont bring them up straight, bend your knees when you;re leaning back) and you have to let your whole body, including your head…..lean back. If you’re looking at the pole (to see if your feet are gonna make it), you’re not leaning back.

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