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Posted by Lyme Lyte on April 9, 2012 at 10:48 pmAnyone here have a clonic irrigation? If so, how did you like it? Thinking I am in the mood for a good cleaning, and some people loose up to 20 lbs of old built up fecal matter! Maybe able to get my shoulder mount better if I lost 10 lbs of $hit in my botty area.
tarah replied 12 years, 10 months ago 16 Members · 48 Replies -
48 Replies
No experience with that, but your comment made me LOL!
haha! nice way of putting it!! I was actually thinkin of it too let me no if u find out anything.. as far as i know they recomend that you get 3 sessions :/ as it does cleanse and detox,.. Id say it would b worth trying
There is a company called colon blow (seriously, look it up) that has a cleanse that takes about 24 hours. I guarantee you will blow out you colon! The big thing with colonics is that there is a lot of beneficial bacteria in your intestines and this can really disrupt that happy place. Just as douching can mess up your vajayjay this can be worse.
Chem, u try the blow stuff? I just want to feel clean as a whistle for once!
I'd be wary like chem said, especially with the risk of C. Diff (you do not want to mess with that.) It's how my aunt died. If you disrupt the bacterial balance (which also happens with antibiotics), the bad bacteria can take over. You can also get mega diarrhea and become dehydrated. Also, it's not true weight loss. Losing all the water waste and solids will just get replenished one you eat and rehydrate. Also, I can't imagine any NORMAL person would carry that much excess poopie (maybe a really obese person, but not someone like you.)
Thanks sensual scimitar. Ur correct about the normal flora, but I really am curious on how much excess fecal matter is built up on my large intestines. I’m sure I don’t have 10 lbs, but maybe even five…..I want it out! 🙂
One of my favorite Penn & Teller episodes is about this very topic check it out for free here
I have done the colon blow but it was years ago (and I have the t-shirt to prove it It is basically a large dose of stool softeners and fiber. It did not give me diarrhea but I was using the bathroom a LOT. I can't remember if I had any weight loss. Cleansers are more for people who are not "regular" to begin; this is when you start having issues. After long bouts of illness or medications it may be a good idea to reset your body, too. The reason I had chosen this one to try is because it is one of the few that are all natural and it only required fasting for the 24 hours that you take the product. I do remember though that the fiber packet that you mix with water was really hard for me to get down. It was a minty metamucil type product.
I had tried this when I had been sick for nearly a year and they could not determine what was wrong with me. I had been on so many types of medications and antibiotics and steroids it was not even funny. I was totally miserable and willing to try anything at that point. I remember looking into liver cleanses also and I did a candida cleanse too. Probably the most informative site I found was Dr Hulda Clark. I would suggest to anyone who is looking to do any sort of cleanse to visit and read the information that is there.
Oh, turns out that I was highly allergic to the products that we made where I worked. Since it was the manufacturing plant everything was always in the air. I always knew that I had sensitive skin to certain soaps, but try having soap fumes in the air you are breathing for 9 hours a day.
Webmaster, im going to have to check it out when my intenet decides to work again! Just texting on my phone now. @chem, I finally feel like my Lyme has died off…after over a year of stong meds and antibiotis, and just want to make sure to flush all the residual “shit” out! :). I will check out the site u suggeted too…..
Just watche the Penn and Teller show…I didn't know they did TV….thought they were some guys is Vegas who did a magic show. O'well, learn something new everyday. Chem, also just checked out the clonicblow as well. I am thinking I may just bite the bullet and go get a clonic done….in/out within an hour, nothing to drink, no fasting. Should be interesting!
I have wanted to try this..I saw where Madonna recomends a cleanse with every season. I am affraid of disrupting the natural process though. I looked up colon blow..and one thing I have found in researching this stuff is to becareful with senna products as they can be habit forming. You can try Mag's a great cleanse and magnesium is a natural cleaner..this stuff is oxygenated to work good and fast. Also aloe juice..whoel leaf will help clean you out and is great to use if you are doing a fast/cleanse..inner fillet I drink daily to help things.
One thing w oral meds, drinks, etc., i am afraid of severe cramping that i dont know when it will hit. Im going to be a bit gross here, but i did a water enema yesterday with abou 400 cc of tap water. It cleaned my lower colon out great, but reading where some people do 2,000cc up to 5 gallons! Not sure how i would get that much in…..going to buy an enema bag which holds 1500 ccs
I would be careful with that. Repeated enemas and colon cleanses are not necessary and can in fact be dangerous for several reasons:
Enemas and cleaning can kill the natural bacterial flora in your gut and colon which actually keep you healthy and are necessary for proper digestion.
Your GI Tract and colon are naturally self-cleansing and do not retain “toxins” as some say. But this natural cleansing action occurs with a delicate balance of bacterial flora, mucous production, and proper digestive action. All of these can be disturbed with enemas and cleansing. What your body needs to maintain these processes are a good balance of clean and healthy foods and lots of water.
Inflammation. The inside of your bowel and colon is not meant to be exposed to external elements or extreme solutions. Using diet cleansers or enemas can cause extreme swelling and irritation of the sensitive mucous membranes of your digestive tract. This inflammation can potentially lead to the most serious risk of all…
Anything that disrupts your eating patterns or digestion can up your risk for extreme constipation or even an obstructed bowel. If you are vey constipated or have an obstructed bowel, performing an enema should never be done at home as it can rupture the bowel. You would bleed out internally and die at home in a shockingly short amount of time. Even if you are in a hospital with a ruptured bowel, you can still die from a massive septic infection from the contents of your bowel leaking into your abdominal cavity. The ONLY way doctors can save you is to open up your entire abdominal cavity surgically and literally remove your bowel from your body, flush your entire cavity out with sterile saline, repair the bowel, staple you shut, and pump you full of antibiotics. It is an extremely traumatic surgery which carries its own massive risks.
Just like we now know for scientific fact that douching is unhealthy because the vagina is self-cleansing, we now know the same is true of the digestive tract, colon and bowel. Whenever you are experiencing digestive upset, the first thing you should do is clean up your diet and consult your doctor, not try to flush out your system with solutions which will only loosen the irritation. No enema or colon cleanse will ever make you feel as good as cleaning up your diet, upping your water intake, and exercising will.
Ultimately, enemas and cleanses are extremely invasive to your body and you should never undertake something like this without talking to your M.D.
Here are sources to backup what I’ve said. The mayo clinic is one of the foremost sources for standards of care in the US. Everything in this link applies to enemas as well.
Here’s the wiki for enemas. There are lots of good secondary links with more info as well. Note they do talk about using an enema as a laxative, but you do still need to talk to your doctor about this again because of the risks mentioned above.
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