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I think many of us are all trying to say the same thing, but in different ways. Eating natural foods is best, although I'm sure the pesticides are not helping with people getting sick. Eating foods we were meant to eat is the best way to keep ourselves healthy and keep our bodies from building up a ton of toxins (thus making us sick.) When I eat garbage, I feel gross and sick afterwards. I feel much better when I eat healthy foods, and I don't feel as tired throughout the day, ya know? Healthy foods will also help keep your digestive tract healthy, and it moves through it much quicker, so you are not as likely to get that unconfortable build up. Isn't chronic constipation associated with colon cancer???
There is a connection SM. See i like my unhealthy diet….i know sad, so looking for a good cleaning every so often. Thanks!
Dont do it..I did it once. Thought i was going to lose all kinds of built up waste…FELT LIKE CRAP AFTERWARDS. I did not lose an ounce and had the worse gassy. bloated belly for days afterward. That's a one way street. Use some herbs to stimulate colon a little (dont go crazy) drink warm water and lemon juice, stay away from Gluten for a couple days. Give it a couple days and you should feel a difference. I love probiotics too..( turbo yogurt..make syour tummy feel great)
Thanks PS, that is information that i was looking for. Good/bad of those who have experienced it. Not that i enjoyed all the responses, i just dont know of many people who have had them…..
I don’t want to totally derail this but gummi you really need to do a lot more research about mj.
…..not that I DIDN'T enjoy all the responses, I did. Thanks everyone……(we need a delete button, is there one?)
Hey! Just thought Id join in…. I have had it done before and know about 4 friends that have also had it done.
I thought the results were great! The place I went – now this will be greaphic – but she counts all the "pieces" that are over 3 inches long – and a friend of mine had something like 38 and I myself had 25. Now do the math on that! That is a lot of extra stuff in there.
Now you can watch this process at the place I went. So I know she wasnt making it up.
And about the good bacteria – she uses a liquid chlorophyl that gets diluted in with the water they use to clean you out. Also the amount that is going in you at one time is only 1 cup of water. So this isnt a blast of a large amount or anything.
I went twice and a couple months and that was about a year ago. I had no ill effects from it and was definitely less bloated going forward.
Two of my friends who go to the same place – they have a twist in their bowels or a kink, where material backs up over time. You can still pass poop, however its only when the back up beccomes too much that it will untwist to allow stuff to move. Usually a kink will happen if you were ever in a car accident or had some sort of trauma to the body or abdomen. Even pregnancy.
Also it is great if you are lactose or gluten intollerant. If you have a back up of stuff in you and switch to gluten free, that stuff will sit in you for some time and you may wonder why going gluten free hasnt helped. Its cause its still in there!
I know Ive kinda jumped all over with this, but make your own decision based on information you gather and what you feel is helpful. Things like this arent for everyone and not everyone has a good experience or good results.
Good luck!
WOW, thank you for your lengthy response….very helpful. I would like to hear a few others experience then will make a decision. 🙂
in the colonics defense…even though I would never do it again..It probably wont hurt you.
I have tried two different colon cleansing methods in the past and did see results. But both times, did not finish the amount of days I was supposed to do it, because the effects started interfering with my daily life. Such as being in a meeting with someone and feeling rumbling sensations in my abdomen and thinking, "Oh know, please no embarassing body situations when I stand up….or….I really want to run to the restroom now." After reading these posts, I want to try again because now I am thinking, "My stomach will feel so flat and light for the pole!"
Donalee, were u taking oral stuff? That is why im considering a clonic… done with it n less than an hour!
before my colonic they had me eat a special diet a few days before and after to help alkaline the body.. Vegies and a little bit of avocado.
Lyme Lyte,
I tried pysllium husks. Had to mix the pysllium husks dried formula with 8 oz. of water. It may have been the worst tasting mixture I have ever tried. I had to drink it very fast because within a few seconds the pysllium husks and water turned into a thick, goopy mixture which seemed like mucus. Sounds awful, I know. I think there were some pills that went along with this regime also. I could only do it for about a week and could no longer handle the awful drink plus being out in public and having to find a restroom because the formula was kicking in. But I did see results. Seeing the results made me think, "Yuck, THAT was in my body. Glad to get rid of it."
The second time, I tried, colon cleasning was through a kit I found at a mall Vitamin store. May have been "Vitamin World." No drinking pyslliym husks in this kit. It was a serious of pills. I did not complete that regime either, because the effects were very uncomfortable with my daily life. Too much preoccupation with running to the restroom.
So, I want to try again. and am seriously wondering how I will find the time. It's as if I need a two week vacation from regular life, to be alone and go through a colon cleanse program!
Lyme Lyte,
I tried pysllium husks. Had to mix the pysllium husks dried formula with 8 oz. of water. It may have been the most awful tasting mixture I have ever tried. I had to drink it very fast because within a few seconds the pysllium husks and water turned into a thick, goopy mixture which seemed like mucus. Sounds awful, I know. I think there were some pills that went along with this regime also. I could only do it for about a week and could no longer handle the awful drink plus being out in public and having to find a restroom because the formula was kicking in. But I did see results. Seeing the results made me think, "Yuck, THAT was in my body. Glad to get rid of it."
The second time, I tried, colon cleasning was through a kit I found at a mall Vitamin store. May have been "Vitamin World." No drinking pyslliym husks in this kit. It was a serious of pills. I did not complete that regime either, because the effects were very uncomfortable with my daily life. Too much preoccupation with running to the restroom.
So, I want to try again. and am seriously wondering how I will find the time. It's as if I need a two week vacation from regular life, to be alone and go through a colon cleanse program!
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