Forums Discussions Conflicted on Which Pole!

  • nymphdancer

    December 20, 2011 at 8:23 am

    Yes it only takes me less then a minute to get it down, if I want to take it totally apart and pack away its about 5. And I have been there for set up and take down for Empy studio and its true she gets the 4 poles down in no time at all.

    On a side note, you should take ANY pressure mounted pole, be it mynx or x or PS down every few weeks to let your ceiling and floor settle.

  • Laura KittyCat

    December 20, 2011 at 10:25 pm

    I have the xpert amd just took it down from my appartment (dry wall spackled ceelings) after having it up for a year. I couldnt tell where it had been once it was down and i took it down no prob- 5 mins.

  • CalBear

    December 21, 2011 at 7:26 am

    If you want something that can go up and come back down in the blink of an eye I'd say lil mynx all the way. One of my studios uses mynx's and there are regular dance classes in between our pole dance class and my instructor pops the mynx's up in a matter of minutes (I can pop my mynx up in about 10 seconds). I have both the xpert and 2 mynx's and I like the mynx better… esp if you have standard 8-9ft ceilings.

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    December 22, 2011 at 8:18 am

    I have lil mynx and PS. I've work on Xpoles and when I tried to take it down it seized up and my husband ahd to take it down for me. He actually damaged the pole a (which is a bummer, because I had borrowed it from a friend to try it out) I think the newer Xpoles do not do that, and they have something to help woth that. The LM's are super easy to put up and take down, just keep measuring it to check to see if it is the right height. Metal adjusts….so the compression spring might loose a little tension over doesn't make it unsafe really) You cannot use the top tube, and I don't like that, they spin a little off..but I think my floor is not perfectly level.


    I love my PS. It takes a little longer than LM. It's gorgeous! I just leave it up, but it would not be that hard to take down and put back up. LM takes 1 minute…PS takes 5min. I'm sure the Xpole is great too. They have a great rep. Stick with these three companies and you can't go wrong. One thing nice about the LM is the ability to get coated or the stainless. 

    Good luck and Happy Poling!

  • nymphdancer

    December 22, 2011 at 8:40 am

    make sure your taking any sort of pressure mounted pole down every few weeks to let your ceiling and floor settle. Although I will confess my mynx was up for over 4 years mainly because I couldn't get it down. Now its under the futon

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 22, 2011 at 9:02 am

    I've heard problems with the LM ruining ceilings after time…I believe Charley also had that problem.

    The thing is with a lower ceiling LM is not a good choice as the adjuster rod is larger on this pole and you lose usable pole space as you cannot hang from that part of the pole.

    The only pole that has all usable space is the XPert…you can use any part of it, even the bottom slide cover if you screw it in place securely so for an 8/9 foor ceiling it's also an advantage.


  • nymphdancer

    December 22, 2011 at 9:05 am

    "I've heard problems with the LM ruining ceilings after time…I believe Charley also had that problem."

    I had that problem too, we had to put a piece of wood up so it wouldn't eat through the ceiling tiles.

  • Dancing Paws

    December 22, 2011 at 10:15 am

    Do you think the vaulted ceiling mount would be less likely to damage ceilings??? Just curious.

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 22, 2011 at 10:23 am

    I would think that a mount would be better than any permanent or semi permanent pole as it is secured and has no movement whatsoever.

  • nymphdancer

    December 22, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    I have the vaulted adapter for both my mynx and my xpole. Its the vaulted adapter for the mynx that ripped up the ceiling. We fixed it by putting wood between the ceiling and the mount. It has been like that for several years and was solid. Although it didn't get a ton of use because I never could do much on the mynx.

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