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Posted by Tovah on November 21, 2012 at 6:26 pmI am a bit embarassed about asking a question that may be found offensive to some.
Eventhough my diet is pretty much paleo I find myself at times (red meat sometimes is slower for me to digest too btw) constipated where when on any given pole work out that I find my constipation or bowel movement wanna be sitting in my bowel and affecting my core strength. Certain things are somewhat challenging already to add this to the mix…well…
I know it is funny and it's ok if you laugh.
I would like to address the issue if there would be one.
I have taken a laxative the night before pole class and then I find myself gazing out prrrruuuttt and sometime my vagina fluffs too. I know I am not the only one.
I knew a ballerina years ago and she said dancers before a performance they would have cathartic types of enemas for whatever reason they would have to do that. Also, she said it would give them a surge of energy.
You can pm me if you like on this topic.
Hazelnut replied 12 years, 3 months ago 12 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
I got this really bad when I was on one of my medications. I found the best thing for me was to use miralax (well, the generic…it's PEG 3350.) It's a bulking laxative. Mix it with coffee or something (just not fizzy drinks.) Works within 24 hours for me. No cramping.
Also, I think your period can cause constiption…
Natural Calm (magnesium) is my best friend. Trust me, this has been discussed here before so no worries. Not only is it good on a low dose on a regular basis but if you use about a tablespoon in hot water before you go to bed you WILL be cleaned out the next morning. And it does not linger like some laxatives do (as in having the shits all day).
I have this problem when I have to take iron supplements, which is every 4 months or so. I usually take Fiber and that seems to help. My doc recommends Probiotics, but the good ones can get costly. I would take Chemmie's advise. She knows her shit. Ooooopsss!!! Haha!! No pun intended!
Pumpkin is really good for keeping your BM’s nice and on schedule, as well. Either a capsule from a health food stood, or just a small bite of canned pumpkin can work wonders.
If you are eating a paleo diet make sure you are eating enough fat! Avocados are great but coconut butter(not oil) really helps me!!
I've struggled with constipation seems like forever. Sometime not even feeling like constipation, but just not having bm on a consistent basis. My husband could not understand that it could be days for me. Knowing it's not good, thought that was just my body.
Couple months ago, a friend and I were talking about the protein shakes we use, various foods, etc. She mentioned something she uses and I tried some. I love how it helped my digestive system to be "normal." I bought my own and use almost every day when I make a protein shake. It's called: All Day Energy Greens—The-Best-Energy-Supplement.axd?SRC=WBSRCH&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ADEG_WBSRCH&gclid=CIqR1rjB5LMCFWrZQgodGCMAxw
I put a scoop of this with whatever else I mix in protein shake. I am regular and love that I don't have that backed up feeling.
I' ve struggled with constipation since I was a kid, I know exactly what you mean! It is very annoying to feel bloated during exercise, especially during pole dancing. Try to add kiwis to your diet. Kiwis have helped me so much but you have to eat them every day in the morning. The best thing to do is to blend 3 kiwis and 1 orange in a food processor/blender and eat them first thing in the morning. Allow about half an hour before you eat breakfast or anything else. Also, drinking lots of water during the day helps.
I've had digestion problems for the past 13 years or so, and eventually I came up with a method to regulate my bowl movements:I don't like laxatives – you can become dependant on them. I use them only when I have an emergency.
Enemas are ok from time to time – use a simple water enema (no coffe or soap or any of the other stuff people put in it), but be careful – it can irritate your stomach, so don't do it for the first time before a show.
Water – drink. A lot. And drink water – no sodas no sweet or diet drinks, no hot drinks. Just water. I drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
I don't know much about the paleo diet, but if you are constantly constipated – maybe it's not right for you? Do you eat enough fresh vegetables (If I don't eat a giant salad in the evening, I don't poop the day after that)? Do you have enough fibers in your diet?
You can also take fiber supplements on a daily basis to regulate your bowels. If you do, DRINK.A.LOT.WITH.THAT. It can also cause stomach ache and may take some getting used to, so don't try it for the first time before a show.
Adjust your lifestyle – make sure you have enough quiet "poop time" every day. If you skip one day, the next one become much harder.
I order from Swanson Vitamins as I can generally get free shipping or some sort of discount.
This is the stuff:
Only on StudioVeena can you talk about constipation and pole farts and know you're among friends 🙂 I hope you feel better soon! Eating prunes or drinking prune juice tends to help me; bananas too!
For myself whenever I have a regular (at least once a day) intake of chopped up strawberries mixed with blueberries or half an avacado diced mixed with half a grapefruit. Everything runs smoothly. I also have to try not to over do eating too much bread type stuff or I have trouble. Without my regular dose of the above fruits my system just stays at a stand still. Also lol@Sascha, I know right. I'd only have a discussion like this with my closest friends or the entire Veener community!
lol you're going to be so inundated with replies you won't know which advice to take! Constipation is SO common,don't be embarrassed! The basic rules are lots of fibre (to bulk it out), water (keep it bulked out during the transition in your gut) and exercise (helps the natural peristaltic/squeezing movements of your bowel). And a medium amount of sugar… I'm not sure what it does, but that's why a big night of boozing tends to lead to a loose tummy the next morning, the sugar in the alcohol stimulates it. So any of these, without the others, may screw it up. If you're onthe paleo diet you may be eating too much fibre, without keeping up your water levels. So I'd definitely increase that first before trying any laxatives. For a super easy trick, a nutritionist friend told me to have a large glass of orange juice just before bed… the sugars in that are apparently enough to fix a generic single episode of constipation.
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