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Cradle – ugh!
Posted by LittleC on June 26, 2009 at 8:32 pmSo, I have been working and working on the cradle and I feel like I’m getting no where! I have read everything online I can find about it, watched Veena’s lessons – and the same thing keeps happening. My hands don’t move and I fall out of position after spinning about 6 inches. Oh, and I twist my wrist. I think I might have the deathgrip going on, since that’s the only spin I’ve done with my hands in that position – I did that when I first started a few months ago and it got better in other grips. Just not this one! Why is this spin so elusive for me? Of couse, because I can’t get it I’ve become obsessed with it. Am I the only one that can’t do this one?
Sorry to vent – any advice is appreciated!
FridaSiren replied 15 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
Hey girl! glad you posted! sometimes it’s best to leave a move when you become too frustrated. It would definitely be easier to help you if I could see what’s going on!:) Come up sunday!!
The cradle is an evil move. I hate it too.
Jamilla has a trick which has made it easier: think about bringing your knees up to your shoulders, rather than anything else.
At the same time, think about bringing your torso level to the ground.Hope this helps.
There are a couple of things you can do to get better with the cradle.
The first thing is be good with other split grip spins and half bracket spins – The Chair Spin and ALL it’s variations and the Carousel and Boomerang. Once your really good and controlled with those spins the Cradle will be easier.
Secondly, work on it from the static position. Think about tipping your head sideways – this will make it easier for your brain to understand that you are going sideways (haha I had the worst brain block on side ways spinning.)
Don’t practice the cradle with a bare torso – this will make you stick more and while we are in summer it’s so easy to stick.
Don’t worry about keeping the top arm straight. You are lifting your top arm and pushing with your bottom arm.
The Cradle can be used as a transition too – I would have to actually show you what it is but it’s a good practice.
Also try to cradle up from the floor as a spin up instead of doing the full spin down. You don’t have to spin around the pole as much so it’s easier in that regard and it’s a pretty way to get up – plus you are conditioning yourself for the spin down.
WOW! Thank you for all the advice. Going sideways is a little foreign to me – I will try all of these ideas. And Roxy, let me know what time tomorrow and I’ll definitely come out. Eat your Wheaties, because I am a mess!
Haha…I replied to your email…but I’ll be up there at 10:30 to practice…please come on up if you want! I can show you some of the things Charley suggested…which are great suggestions by the way!!
The cradle continues to elude me….I don’t think I’ll be able to get it for a long time LOL
keep at it – I’ve been hating this one myself but in practice last night I actually went around 2 times instead of my usual 1/2 turn before my feet hit the floor again!
I just do it a few times each practice and then move on to other spins so I don’t get too frustrated.
Thanks for the posts about focusing on pulling the knees up and being sideways – that helped.I think the evil one for me will remain the boomerang – my legs won’t stay up!!
keep at it – I’ve been hating this one myself but in practice last night I actually went around 2 times instead of my usual 1/2 turn before my feet hit the floor again!
I just do it a few times each practice and then move on to other spins so I don’t get too frustrated.
Thanks for the posts about focusing on pulling the knees up and being sideways – that helped.I think the evil one for me will remain the boomerang – my legs won’t stay up!!
What’s another word for the boomerrang? I’m not familiar with that name…
boomerang is the name I’ve heard for the spin where your hands are like carousel but your legs are forward in a V
tried again last night – down they fall – now I’m just trying to do it as a stationary hold.
sorry, I should start a new post for tips on this one – don’t want to Hijack! -
Also try to cradle up from the floor as a spin up instead of doing the full spin down. You don’t have to spin around the pole as much so it’s easier in that regard and it’s a pretty way to get up – plus you are conditioning yourself for the spin down.
cradle spin up??? i´m just not able to picture it, do you have any vids that show this charley?
big hug! frida
ps: unbelievably, i can actually do this spin. i think i got it easily because one of the first things i learned on the pole was to jump up and tuck into the cradle position just as a pose and not a spin. it builds strength in your arms and abs and i always do some each time i practice. when i found out you could do it as a spin, i tried and got it right off! it´s not perfect but i´ll get there…
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