Forums Discussions Creating a weekly workout schedule

  • Creating a weekly workout schedule

    Posted by Beccaf87 on August 8, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    Hi everyone. I finally set my pole back up last night. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the past month but I am trying to increase my workouts. I am going to a personal trainer once a week for the next three months to help me with my strength training and getting into a routine. She suggested each week getting 5-6 cardio workouts (20 minutes each), 4-5 strength training workouts (30 minutes each), and I wanted to add at least 2 yoga sessions a week (20-40 minutes each). However, I don’t have super amounts of time. Basically just an hour a day or a bit more on the weekends so this may be a bit hard to accomplish.

    I want to use Veena’s lessons as part of my strength training (2-3 of the weekly sessions). Should I start working on the 30 day but it may not line up properly with my other training days? Or should I just incorporate certain aspects of the Veena lessons on days that line up with strength training? If I also want to do some of the Flexy program should I just add the days to my yoga days?

    Thanks. 🙂

    Veena replied 8 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Veena

    August 10, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    What’s your overall goal? 😊

  • Beccaf87

    August 11, 2016 at 12:37 pm

    At first it was just to lose 5-10 pounds. Now its evolved to wanting to get stronger, be more flexible, and have better endurance. (The weight loss would also be nice but if my body looks and feels better it is less of a concern.)

    I have up to an hour a day to give to working out. I was thinking of 2 30-40 minute pole days which I can combine with 20-30 minutes of cardio or yoga. I have 1 personal training a week which is strength/circuit training. Then maybe one day of weights combined with yoga and cardio. And then add yoga and cardio as needed. All strength training includes 10 minutes focused on the core.

    Sample schedule I tried to make:
    Monday- 20 min cardio, 40 minutes pole
    Tuesday- 20 cardio, 40 yoga
    Wednesday- 40 pole, 20 yoga
    Thursday- 30 personal training. Add some stretches or cardio depending on how much she kicks my butt lol.
    Friday- 30 yoga or rest day if needed
    Saturday- big day. 30 weights, 20 cardio, 20-40 yoga
    Sunday- rest. Maybe some gentle stretches or a light walk.

    With just two days of pole I am not sure if I should try to 30 day takeoff or just create my own program of warm up, strength training, and then a spin or two.

  • Veena

    August 11, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    The schedule looks good, not sure how long you’ve been working out so if you are just getting into it then I might be a bit much. If you’ve been training pole or other strength based stuff then it should be fine. I use to lift 6 days a week and find now I see the same results (if not better) doing 1-3 strength days. Cardio can be done daily, that would include simply walking, doesn’t mean going at your max.

    Any who, I would give it a try and see if you feel energetic or run down, if you feel good keep at it, if you feel like napping a lot, you might need to either check your diet or add more rest. You could do the take off and see if it works or try any of the other program too, they all focus on strength building and since you’ll be doing other strength training if you need to skip a day thanks no big deal.

  • Beccaf87

    August 11, 2016 at 2:45 pm

    That makes sense. Ive been working out (not pole) for just over a month. I was doing 3-4 days a week but my July schedule had a lot of out of town or events to work around. Now that my schedule is more open I am trying to increase it a little. I haven’t done pole in a while but with a month of strength training at the gym I am hopefully alright to start pole ST (slowly of course). I tested it out and was able to do 1-2 sets of most of the strength training lesson (aside from not doing the shoulder press and only managjng 1/2 set of knee tucks per side but my pole was also a little slippy).

    I will test out this schedule this week and then make adjustments. Thanks again!

  • Veena

    August 11, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Good luck!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻

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