Forums Discussions Creepy Creepers Lurking!!!!

  • Creepy Creepers Lurking!!!!

    Posted by MissJ on May 17, 2011 at 9:11 am

    Hey all. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in about something I noticed recently… It's fairly easy to come to Create a profile, and just lurk around at people's videos. And that's all well and good if you're one of US, and maybe you just don't feel comfortable uploading videos yet, if ever. But the more time I spend on here, roaming the site, the more "Faceless" "Info-less" profiles i notice popping up, and I wonder ( Actually.. I am convinced ) there are Guys that just sit around using this community we love so much… as "FREE PORN".

    Anyhow. I think it would be great, if there was a Facebook type structure put into use here, where you must "Friend" people to see your videos/photos etc, ar at least be able to flag certain videos for certain people etc. I know, personally I'd feel safer, and more relaxed when posting…

    Anyone else have thoughts on this? 



    Dancing Paws replied 13 years, 10 months ago 22 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • Mechie

    May 17, 2011 at 9:23 am

    I ditto on LadyJean!!! There’s was a weirdo guy in the chat room a couple of nights ago. There were only the 2 of us and he was creepy…it was obvious that he was not a poler and was not looking for someone to chat about poling.

    Webmaster – is there any ” privacy setting” in SV??

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    May 17, 2011 at 9:25 am

    I agree.. I think there are definitely some creepers out here.. ugh. No matter where you go online, there's always bound to be one lurking. Unfortunate, but sad.

  • MissJ

    May 17, 2011 at 9:30 am

    True, they are Def out there in full force, but I think there are alot of little things that can be done to deter most of them. Right now it just seems like a potential free for all….  

  • LoneStarDiva

    May 17, 2011 at 9:40 am

    I also kinda don't like that when I google my login name, any and all of my posts show up. 🙁

    BUT.. eh.. I guess I'll live. lol

    Creepy freaks.  ewwww.  

  • Scarlet Thunder

    May 17, 2011 at 9:40 am

    I originally had my full name as my user id, once SV changed its look and feel I found that when googling me you could see small thumbnails of my videos and click through (like you said its free to join so once signed up it was a free for all) and I was all over the net. I subsequently deleted the videos on that account, changed the username and made a new one up. I also sent web master a message about making videos have the same settings as our photos where you can choose to only share them with friends. I've also noticed lots of new profiles where people have no pics, I don't like this and would be all up for friends only viewing my content. 

  • Ginger Kitty

    May 17, 2011 at 9:50 am

    Yes, they are out there!  As a matter of fact I had someone post on my wall a few days ago.  I contacted webmaster and it was removed within minutes!  I would not hesitate to contact webmaster if you see some one looks suspicious.  I believe that they are here for us in every way that they can be.  But everyone must remember that this is the world wide web.  If you are posting on here, anybody can create a profile and get on here and see your videos and pictures.  They can even copy and save your photos to their computers. So just beware.  And be safe.  I can almost guarantee that there are some silent creepers on here!!

  • tiggertail

    May 17, 2011 at 10:04 am

    In the past i cross some "not real poler" member. It's not fun but SV is much safer than a lot of place i've seen. On FB or YT your video or picture can be seen by a lot of people even if you want to keep it private. Of course they're will always be some guys creepping around but i feel safe here.  Having a "just for friend" would be good for the video we don't feel as confortable showing to everybody. But i the same time if everybody put video only in that section we will never have the chance to see video from someone who's not already our friend.

  • BACE16

    May 17, 2011 at 10:18 am

    Sorry if you think I'm creepy.  I know no picture, but I've posted around on and off for awhile.

    This is why I don't have any photos, videos or information posted in my profile.  Its why my Facebook page is practically blank and locked down.  I make a habit of checking out my name in every major search engine every month.

    You should download Picasa, the photo organization software by Google.  It will scan all your photos and allow you to sort by a person based on its facial recognition.  How long until you can put your picture into Google and find every picture with your face in it online?

    Sorry I'm not trying to be creepy or an alarmist.  I don't even consider myself paranoid.  You just have to know whats out there and what can be done about it.  This is a good start at pushing for a change in the website security.

  • Webmaster

    May 17, 2011 at 10:28 am

    @All – I just wanted to throw in a couple words here.  We have put alot of thought into how StudioVeena.Com is engineered and designed.  I have fifteen years experience in online marketing and business seven of them specifically in the area of social networking.

    Your security is of the utmost concern to us as is the growth of the pole community.  These are two needs that often seemingly have opposing requirements.  We balance these needs by providing a relatively open community that is designed to appeal to the people who are interested in the subject matter found here.  The look and feel of this site is not an accident, it is the result of the many years of experience both on my part and the firm we hired to create the design.

    It certainly is easy to create a profile here and that is by design.  Many women who are interested in pole are not ready to jump up and say "here I am".  The forum is full of members who said "I watched what was going on for a long time then finally bought my pole", likewise we recieve emails to this effect quite frequently.  If it had been difficult to join you would not be sharing your love of pole with nearly so many people accross the world.

    We love you all and look forward to being your pole community for many years to come.

  • FreeTheSun

    May 17, 2011 at 10:29 am

    I agree with tiggertail. I love being able to watch everyone's videos, even those I'm not friends with because it is a great way to get ideas about new combos, different ways to get into things, and encourage them and yourself that all the hard work is paying off or maybe by watching how one particular person does a move it suddenly clicks in your mind how it is done. I would hate to lose that oppertunity because I don't friend a lot of people on here.

    Granted some of the videos are a bit more risque and for that some might like to make it for friends alone. I would miss being able to see them, since that is a portion of pole I have a hard time with, but I understand how some would feel safer.

    I think Webmaster does a great job of deleting those that obviously are not polers and investigating those who aren't here for poling. But honestly those looking for free porn prob leave this site pretty quick since there is no free porn here and there are plently of places to find free porn and free porn-esque chat rooms.

    Besides, if they're anything like my BF, he'd seen soo much pole now that he can't even think of it in terms of stripping, porn or sex cause it's just exercise now. I try and show him a pole vid now (even super sexy ones) and he goes running for the hills. Poor boy.

    It can be creepy to think about but this is the world wide web and nothing you put on here is 100% safe, no matter how many privacy settings you stick on it. It can be found. Not to scare anyone away from posting, but that is just how it is. You accept that risk any time you put anything about yourself on the web.

  • vamp79

    May 17, 2011 at 11:04 am

    I do not post pics or videos because I am a very private person plus my husband would hate it. I do however enjoy watching other members videos here for ideas. Its easier than searching youtube since I don’t have a lot

  • chemgoddess1

    May 17, 2011 at 11:30 am

    I want to know how anyone equates pole with porn?  Anyone who looks around at the videos posted to this site are going to go away quickly because they are not going to see what they may have thought they were going to see.


    Also, if you have an issue with any member getting creepy there is a "contact Us" link at the bottom of pretty much every page.  Click that, report what is going on and that person will POOF. 


    I agree 100% with Webmaster.  This community grows from support…from watching and posting videos, from getting feedback and just getting that one person that sees something maybe you did not see.  I am not ashamed of pole dancing or to have my pictures associated with it.  Every person in my family knows what I do, all of my co workers know what I do, who else am I trying to hide from??  There is NO SHAME in what we have taken up as a sport.  I understand being a private person but to those that want the site locked down is taking things a bit too far.

  • glitterhips

    May 17, 2011 at 11:42 am

    Veena and Webmaster do an amazing job of finding the questionable members on here and deleting them right away. I have always been super impressed at how fast they do it and this is also true when it comes to nasty posts made by polers, that sort of thing is taken down almost immediately. This is their business and they do everything they can to keep this a safe and secure place for polers since that's one of the missions of the site in the first place. I was one of the first to join here almost three years ago and I have always felt safe posting here thanks to Veena and Webby who do a fabulous job keeping the content of this site awesome for all of us 🙂

  • unicorn

    May 17, 2011 at 11:47 am

    There was a strange one not long ago. no pic , strange name.. I am assuming it to be a guy as they left a rather unappropriate message on someones video… on the lines off will you do that o top of me..but worse

    I was concerned as I thought it could of been my ex checking up on me….

    A few days later they were gone.. 


  • Miraine

    May 17, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    The problem with posting any image or video on the internet is, someone may find a different type of pleasure to it than the one you were aiming for.  This is an absolute given: there's a multitude of people out there with their many and varied kinks, so yes, even if it's obviously not actually porn, someone might get that kind of enjoyment out of your videos.

    This is an issue I discovered whilst playing an online computer game: I put my photo on the "guild" website, and was rather unsettled to be told later by someone that they'd printed it out for certain purposes.  I guess he thought I'd be flattered.  Anyway, the photo in question, I was fully clothed (in fact it was a huge rollneck jumper and baggy combats!) and not in a remotely sexy pose, so I got to thinking about the whole situation.

    At the end of the day, so long as said fetishist makes absolutely no attempt to contact you, find you in person, or interact with you, then I choose to not care about how *they* are interpreting images or videos of me.  It doesn't affect my day to day life, I'm in no way directly encouraging them and tempting them on, they're just finding an alternative meaning to things I've put up for a specific purpose (e.g. sharing with friends / the pole community, etc.).

    This may seem a little, erm… liberal I guess, but some lonely guy sitting in his bedroom on his own, who really *really* likes pole videos…  He's not doing any harm.  I find it more pitiable than scary.

    The truly important issue is the one of personal safety, which means being very careful about how much detail you give regarding your location etc. in public forums, and being cautious about private conversations with people who've just appeared:  fair enough to take an invite to a pole jam from an active member of the community, quite another to accept such an offer from someone who doesn't participate and isn't forthcoming with details of themselves.

    I've some fantastic friends that I first met online, and consider it thoroughly worth the risks to get involved in online communities.

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