Forums Discussions DANCE HOOPING

  • Poledancefan

    July 29, 2009 at 5:50 am

    Laurie and I have a few home made dance hoops we made from 160 PSI tubing and hose connectors. We tricked them out with colored duct tape from Michael’s craft store. I have one or two hooping vids up on my channel. I am really terrible…can just make the hoop go round, that’s about it. But it is loads of fun.

    I wish my wife would consent to posting a video..she’s actually pretty decent at the hoop…and can even turn around and walk while hooping. But that whole high school teacher thing has her nervous about ever being in a video!

    "Hoopgirl" has a great website and a female fitness and empowerement message similar to much of the poling movement. She is into nutrition and vegetarianism. She was part of a video project that never got released…but clips of the movie, HOOPWORLD, float around on the net. SHe has an outrageously sexy video of herself hooping over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran..or Oakland…and gives lessons at a place called something like the Dance Junction…or something…on Divisadero Street in Oakland, I think….

    Veena and/or Fleur…I would be surprised if you ladies had not encountered her at one point or another because she is quite a fixture on the Dance Exhibition and street festival circuit inthe Bay Area. I think her website is just simply Her real name is Christabel.

    I REALLY want to see a hoop video with the TRIPLE THREAT: CHARLEY, QULIA, and JENNIFER.

    Come ON, ladies…that would be something to see!


  • Charley

    July 29, 2009 at 12:54 pm Triple Threat!!! I love it!

    Jen was just over Sunday and made a gorgeous hoop! I made on last night. I am still working with it. I love the isolations I find it’s helped my dance so much and I love it for a quick warm up before pole.

    I’ll vid soon when I can do more than 3 tricks. This just doesn’t feel as natural to me as pole did. I can tell where my body is really stiff and it’s slowly beginning to loosen up.

    Oddly my bf seems to find hooping sexier than pole!!!!!!

  • marle777

    July 30, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    Yay! I make hoops too!! In fact my first foray into hoop making was charity for an NPO I used to work for. Everyone loved them. charley, it’s not odd that your bf thinks hooping is sexier, because it’s definitely hypnotically amazing to watch a beautiful woman hoopdance well, especially with a fire hoop! Something about it’s lack of overt sexuality makes it even more sensuous. I can do a few tricks with my dance but I’m not anywhere near as good as I’d like to be. Have you ever seen ShpongledHoops on Youtube? She’s effing amazing!!

    edit: and hoop dancing most certainly IS a workout. Try doing it for more than five minutes and tell me you’re not sweating and working every muscle you’ve got, especially your core. I hear it burns 600 calories an hour!!

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