Forums Discussions DC Pole Jam in December Roll Call

  • Angel1201

    September 28, 2009 at 7:03 pm
  • SissyBuns

    September 28, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    So bummed ….why did my sister have to pick the 19th to get married

    Where is she getting married at? Are you going to be out of town?

  • Angel1201

    September 28, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    I’m flying to buffalo NY friday dec 18th for my sister’s wedding on the 19th. I’ll probably stay in buffalo straight through xmas. That’s where my whole family is. I’m a Baltimore transplant! I’ll miss u guys!! Is Veena coming too? I didn’t see the original post about having a DC pole jam. What thread is it in?

  • azriel

    September 28, 2009 at 10:33 pm

    I’m flying to buffalo NY friday dec 18th for my sister wedding on the 19th. I probably stay in buffalo straight through xmas. That’s where my whole family is. I’m a Baltimore transplant! I’ll miss u guys!! Is Veena coming too? I didn’t see the original post about having a DC pole jam. What thread is it in?

    Hey angel- there’s no original post about the date on this.. the whole thing started when i decided to go visit my family in maryland for christmas, and so i planned to meet up with Jungle Cat at his house for a pole jam, the 2 of us. About a few weeks later, i met Sissy (on here) so planned to meet with her too. Then others started saying that they’d come too, & before you know it, it turned into a big pole jam! And since i knew i was coming around the 15th, we agreed to meet the weekend after i was to get there- around the 18th. All this just kinda happened during casual talk in chat, so there’s no thread on it- i really didn’t expect that so many people would be interested, otherwise i would’ve looked into it more!
    I"ll be there for at least a month, and i KNOW it won’t be the same if veena & some others won’t be there, but we can still arrange for those of us who live in the area to meet up during that time.. i personally would LOVE to meet you .
    The whole thing isn’t even definite yet. But i really do hope that it works out in the time that i am there, because i have NEVER met another person who pole dances, let alone get to be with a whole bunch of them together.. and this may actually be my one and only opportunity to ever experience something like this before i have to return to my country!

  • Trena

    September 28, 2009 at 10:41 pm
  • Angel1201

    September 28, 2009 at 11:17 pm

    Thanks for explaining that Azriel! I was wondering how I missed it. I can never make it to Friday chat b/c I work at my ‘big girl’ job all day and then teach back-to-back pole in the evening. When I get home I’m too exhausted to type!

    Well it’s good to know that some activty is bubbling on the east coast as far as pole jams go. It’s good you are here for a month – maybe there could be a new year’s jam too! It’d be great to meet you! I’d love to be there when you meet your first pole person!

  • Rara

    September 28, 2009 at 11:21 pm
  • SissyBuns

    September 29, 2009 at 1:01 am

    Thanks for explaining that Azriel! I was wondering how I missed it. I can never make it to Friday chat b/c I work at my ‘big girl’ job all day and then teach back-to-back pole in the evening. When I get home I’m too exhausted to type!

    Well it’s good to know that some activty is bubbling on the east coast as far as pole jams go. It’s good you are here for a month – maybe there could be a new year’s jam too! It’d be great to meet you! I’d love to be there when you meet your first pole person!

    I’ll be in town for the New Years Jam! LOL

  • SissyBuns

    September 29, 2009 at 1:02 am

    You can count ********* and I in !

    Really??? That’s so sweet! I guess I better bring Shania!

  • Rara

    September 29, 2009 at 3:19 am

    Really??? That’s so sweet! I guess I better bring Shania!

  • Elyse Hauke

    September 29, 2009 at 5:09 am

    I would love to come! Count me in too!!!

  • SissyBuns

    September 29, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    You can count ********* and I in !

    Really??? That’s so sweet! I guess I better bring Shania!

    Yeah SissyBuns that would be cool. ********* was excited when I told her. It will be great to see the two girls pole together.

    Except that Shania doesn’t do much poling LOL. She can do some basic spins but then she tried to climb once, said "Owww!" and never tried again LOL. My little ones on the other hands….they have skills. My 5 year son can invert, his chopper is pretty fantastic and his Reverse Grab is better then mine LOL. He even does this handed carasel chair thing…I should try to learn that….

  • Rara

    September 29, 2009 at 8:28 pm
  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    October 1, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    Ok heres the deal gang…

    The studio is already having their Christmas party on the 19th. However, Jessalynn says you are more than welcome to come to that It just won’t be a private jam for just us though. But at least it will already be food, booze, and decorations

    Also other options are I can reserve class spots in December when December gets here. She only reserves classes every 30 days. So if we all wanted to meet at the studio we can just pick class times and reserve them during that weekend. The class spots won’t be as crowded as the party. But no telling how many people are showing up at the party as of yet. Could be few, could be alot I reckon. So what do you guys all want to do?

    Everyone take a look at the schedule:

    Keep in mind that the schedule may be subject to change but as of now I only see her adding classes, not taking any off but.

    What yall want to do?

    I say we book the Friday Chair Play class at 6:30 (which is hella fun!! OMG) the Friday Pole class directly after at 7:30pm. And if you want she says you can hang around for a short while after the 7:30pm class. (If we do, just between us, let’s just make sure we compensate her w/ tips for her trouble If yall want to do any Saturday classes we can reserve those too. Then finish it off that Saturday night at the Christmas party!

    If yall want to choose another weekend though that’s fine too? If Az is gonna be here for a month then maybe yall can pick another weekend? I’m sure me and Az will be able to catch sissy and Angel during the month that she’s here no problem, but we all need to decide when is the best time for Veena to come. But keep in mind that the next two weekends after the 19th are Christmas and New Years.

    So any thoughts?

  • SissyBuns

    October 14, 2009 at 4:26 pm

    Hey folks,
    I asked Xpose if we could have our jam there and they said that we could book a "Private Party" and have the pole room to our self for an hour and a half. The cost would be $19 per person for 5-9 people and $15 per person for 10 more people. If we wanted longer we could book 2 parties back to back, then the cost would double.

    They have availability on

    Friday the 18th from 8:30-10:00pm
    Saturday the 19th at 4,6 or 8

    I think that if we did use xpose we should do a double party on saturday (maybe take the 4 and 6 slots) and then we could even head over to pole pressure afterwards for their x-mas party if we felt so inclined .

    It would be a fun filled day of pole


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