Forums Discussions DC Pole Jam in December Roll Call

  • Sabrina

    October 14, 2009 at 5:20 pm

    I’m there!!!!!! I loke the idea of an afternoon thing, as well, b/c so many people have work/friend/family obligations during december – anyway – looking forward to it!!!

  • Beccagirl

    October 14, 2009 at 6:52 pm

    Okay Jc I will try to make it but I am not making any promises b’c the money is tight for me right now, but I want to try on planing on coming!! I will try to let you know more advance on when I can come, how is everyone booking a hotel room?? Let me know, and I will try to save up money I wanna come!!

  • azriel

    October 14, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    Sissy i think that sound great!!! thanks so much for asking the studio owner(s) about our jam! I’ll be able to make it no matter which day/time we decide on, but i do love the idea of saturday 4 & 6! and i’d definitely be up for going to pole pressure after! actually, i’m personally planning to reserve spots for classes at pole pressure too- it’d be so much fun if a bunch of us (or all of us) went together! I’m super excited now! So what do the rest of you think about those hours on the 19th?? yay sissy for finding a space!!!!

  • Sabrina

    October 14, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    If def be in for a class at polepressure!! Great idea!! XPose looks like ah awesome place!!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    October 14, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Actually Sissy, that deal is better than both of my other 2 back up studios which are P Spot and Body Talk LLC. But if we go to Xpose then we will need to around car pools. If folks are flying in they won’t want to get a rental car too. Pole Pressure, P Spot, and Body Talk are all metro accessible. P Spot is $225 for 1 hr and $425 for 2 hrs (includes instructor, shoe rental, and grip aid) and Body Talk is $250 for 1 hr and $430 for 2 hrs (1 hr pole, 1 hour exotic moves and complimentary wine)

  • Sabrina

    October 14, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    I’ve taken weekly pole classes at the p spot for a while. It’s a nice place with 6 poles. The focus is more pole fit rather than pole moves. ie:squats, pullups but we’ve been doing more moves lately. Depending on what we nail down for date and time, I’d be willing to carpool to xpose! Thanks for all the searching, guy!

  • Sabrina

    October 14, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    Guys, I meant thanks guys! Sissy and JC

  • azriel

    October 14, 2009 at 9:13 pm

    Maybe it would be easier if we could all arrange a time to meet in chat to talk about it? from what i understand, we dont really want to have any instructing.. just a party. It doesn’t seem like only 6 poles will be enough for us (P-spot), especially for only an hour or two. The prices at x-pose are really good (depending on how many of us end up going), but i do understand that it can be a problem for some if it’s not metro accessible. Maybe those of us with cars can arrange to carpool with those flying in.. if everyone stays at a hotel near the studio, i’m sure this wont be a problem ?? How many poles does Body Talk have? i say we meet in chat!

  • Veena

    October 14, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    I was going to contact Xpose but I see there are 4 locations so I didn’t know which one to email. If I could get the contact info from whatever studio you guys would like I will happily contact them. Remember guys we are only looking for the use of space……not, instruction of any kind. We do not need a "host" to help us with the party either, this is not a bachelorett party. I am trying to work things out here so I can go…I just need to know what studios are out there…I will gladly make the contact with them and explain what we are looking for as soon as I find out if I can go. I hope to know with in a week.

  • Beccagirl

    October 14, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    so since most of us will be staying at the hotel maybe reserve a room and bring our poles? if the airlines will let us?? it is just a thought, but i agree with azriel we should set up a time to chat about the trip!!

  • SissyBuns

    October 14, 2009 at 9:55 pm

    HI V,
    I explained to them that we don’t need an instructor. Just the space and they understand that. The location I’m in talks with is the Arundel Mills location and I’ve been talking to the manager Hope. I don’t think you need to contact her, unless you just want to and that’s fine too. I told her we just want to have a party with no instruction or class.

    I’ll be in chat tonight so we can discuss because it will need to be booked ASAP because they do book up fast.

  • Fleur

    October 14, 2009 at 11:39 pm

    Maaaaaaaan, I want in!!! I doubt I’ll be able to do it financially though

  • Angel1201

    October 14, 2009 at 11:50 pm

    Sissy, Pam at said she wants you guys to call her for info about the party. 16 spin/non spin brass poles. Arundel Mills doesn’t have spinners. Her # is 410-382-1735. This is a ways from DC though. At least an hour and fifteen minutes.

  • SissyBuns

    October 15, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    Sissy, Pam at" onclick=";return false; said she wants you guys to call her for info about the party. 16 spin/non spin brass poles. Arundel Mills doesn’t have spinners. Her # is 410-382-1735. This is a ways from DC though. At least an hour and fifteen minutes.

    Thanks Angel for checkin on that for me but I think I’m going to go with Xpose. I’m going to go ahead and book the party today. I sooo wish you could come

  • RoxyPink

    October 15, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    Sissy…ur gonna have to call and talk Dave into it!!! lol…but either way I’ll be sleeping next to Chaka!!

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