Forums Discussions Dance Issues

  • Dance Issues

    Posted by SaschaPoles on June 15, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    hey guys, i need help i guess. this is the only place i feel comfortable venting and stuff, every time i have a bad day dancing or something i come on here and the love and support that’s on this site is so helpful. dance, has been REALLY hard lately, i feel like such a loser and i wonder why i was even picked in the first place to be in it. im not being picked for any of the dances, because im not learning fast enough which is my issue and i know that. i guess i could go on and on, but ill stop whining. i just feel like i could burst into tears. i dunno.

    FridaSiren replied 15 years, 9 months ago 10 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • drkfaery

    June 15, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Aww Sascha, I hate to see you so down on yourself. You are one of the most amazing dancers I’ve seen! Sexy, sensual, flirty girl you have it all! I have been totally inspired by your videos! Unfortunately some people (myself included) have a slower learning curve for new stuff. If that’s the case with you then just think when you do get it down how much everyone will be blown away by you! If I were you I would put on my favorite song to dance to, close my eyes, forget the steps and let my body feel the movement, just let it do what comes naturally. Somtimes when you get too wrapped up in learning a new move or new dance, you might forget the joys of dancing just to dance! Don’t give up on yourself! I have been mesmerized at times from watching you dance! Just get over this rough patch and breathe!! Love ya sweetie!!

  • Veena

    June 15, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Awww Sascha, I hate to see you sad. If dance is something you really want to do then DON’T give up!! Watch videos of yourself, so you’ll know what to work on, practice, practice! Don’t ever let someone tell you you can’t do something or your not good enough. So what if your not "the best" in the troupe….do you love what you do? That’s all that matters. Your never going to please everyone, but you have something about you,I love to watch you perform. Remember they DID pick you. I wish I could give you tips for memorizing choreography, but I SUCK at that. When I took those hip hop classes, I found that the more worried and nervous I was the harder it was to learn and remember. I had to tell myself to relax. The fist time I took that class I nearly cried (no joke) everyone in the class seemed to know exactly what was going on,I couldn’t remember diddly squat. LOL If this is something you have a passion for then don’t let yourself get discouraged.

  • amcut

    June 15, 2009 at 3:43 pm


    you’re awesome! you can’t expect to be THEBEST in the absolute begining. I mean you haven’t been in the troupe for that long. So just give it some time while still giving your best. Lord knows you can pick up silly choreography better with each silly choreography you learn!

    as long as you’re having fun over half of the time, it’s worth it! spots of doody are just spots.

  • untamedshrew

    June 15, 2009 at 6:04 pm

    Sounds like you’re frustrated this dancing gig is harder than you’d expected.
    Honey, you are a FABULOUS, natural dancer!!! Your videos ooze sexiness, confidence and personality.
    Obviously, these dances you have to learn aren’t as good as yours!
    Did simple boys do the choreography?
    Maybe if you can put some Sascha into the moves they’ll come easier to you. At the very least, they’ll look better!

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 16, 2009 at 12:40 am

    Awww this really saddens me because, Sascha, you’re the one always giving uplifting, encouraging words to the rest of us! You’re the last person I thought I would see down in the dumps

    But what everyone else is saying is right! You’re doing this because you love it, so just remember to enjoy yourself and maybe if you not over-think it as much, you’ll do much better.

    The one thing that’s sticking out in my mind right now is somewhere I read your story that went along with how you picked your stage name… You said something along the lines that Taylor couldn’t really be all dirty and sexy and all the other things that went along with your dances, but that Sascha could. I think you just need to remember to turn that "Sascha-ness" on full blast – and if you can’t make it happen at troupe practice, then turn her on when you get home and jump on the pole! You’re an amazing dancer and an amazing person, and there are so many people here that look up to you for being both of those!

    And on a personal note, I’m going to be truly honored to be sharing a stage with you next month.

  • SaschaPoles

    June 16, 2009 at 2:49 am

    thanks so much everybody, everything you said means so much to me…..there’s os much more i wanted to write but just couldn’t just in case you know???? i just watched a few vids online and on this site and just feel like such a loser like i cant get any pole tricks and i suck at dance and i repeat things in every video i do….. ive got such a long ways to go to get like my idols and stuff, ahhhh i hate being so down!!!! ill be more active on the site in a few days, i feel so bad because ive been slacking on posts and video comments and stuff, i just have to get out of this funk im in. anyways, thank you everybody for trying to cheer me up, it means a lot xoxoxoxo

  • branquinha

    June 16, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    I am sorry to hear you are so down. I also know sometimes when we are down it is useless to hear we should not compare ourselves with others and all, but this remaisn being true.
    One thing I would like to say, though, is that, to me, it looks like you are having a great time when you dance and you always have a big smile and a sexy playfulness in your dance, and that seems to get accross to more people, I believe, and is a great thing! Moreover, I really think you have found your dance style and you are comfortable on your skin when you dance – or at least this is what it seems to me – and this does far more than tricks! And tricks? Well, when you are happier again and you dance and try and fail… you will get them. All of them and they will build the extra confidence for more tricks and more dances.
    Best wishes and a virtual hug.

  • Fleur

    June 16, 2009 at 5:03 pm


    You are a fantastic dancer and beyond that, you are a beautiful woman and such an open, giving person, you really should not be so down on yourself! Picking up choreography is a SKILL, one that is learned. It will take some time but I promise you that the more you try to pick up routines quickly, the better you get at it! I enjoy all the videos you make and think you are fantastic! Please don’t be down on yourself


  • Gsylass

    June 16, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    Aww Sascha, I hate to see you sad, you know you’re an amazing, beautiful woman, and we’re all going to drag you kicking and screaming if necessary out of this pit of negativity and you’re going to shine again – we love you! Big hugs xoxo

  • FridaSiren

    June 16, 2009 at 9:55 pm

    aw sweetie, please don´t be so hard on yourself! we all have bad days (sometimes lasting many days..).
    your such a sweet, caring, funny, gorgeous and imensly talented person! i look up to you. the way you´ve overcome your shyness and actually become a bulesque dancer!!! and you always have great advice for all of us. and i could go on and on but i think you get the point.
    as for learning routines… i know what that´s like. the frustration of always being the last one in class or whatever to get the sequence only to forget it almost imediatly after. (seriously, i cannot remember my own coreographies for more than a few days. i have to write everything down or better yet film them and then relearn for each performance) i used to have an awful time with performance anxiety and many times thought of giving up. but with all the extra practice that i put myself through i was actually the better dancer. my steps were clean and fast. so i just started improvising more. most people are scared to death of improv and so was i but i got over it. i´m always ready to do a solo if necessary . i can usually get out of doing too many planned routines by offering to do a solo or two. nobody else wants to and it´s a way of adding a few minutes to a show or just giving the other girls more time to change. works well for everyone.
    try to find a way for your dissabilities to work for you in a positive way. and in the meantime pole those blues away girl!!!
    big hug frida

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