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Dancing VS Tricks
Posted by Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace on March 11, 2011 at 11:51 pmHey girls and boys, so ive been self-reflecting a bit lately, especially while watching my videos, and it got me wondering, how much of a pole performance should be made of dancing, and how much of tricks?
Obviously this can vary with personal opinion, I myself tend to naturally groove along to a song and only throw tricks in every here and there, while other's is mostly one trick after another joined by transitions…. I suppose in a pole contest tricks would be the main thing on display, plus any other floor/dance move that displays flexibility and strength I suppose.
Id be interested to hear what everyone' else's thoughts are on this subject, and how they identify in the dance vs tricks combo…. What do u guys prefer to do, and what do u prefer to watch?
??? Scarlett 🙂 xo
Serendipityma replied 13 years, 11 months ago 29 Members · 42 Replies -
42 Replies
Well i remember when i started and i was all for tricks and to be honest that's all i would do, now I'm loving the dance side after all it is pole dancing and not gymnastics. The perfect performance for me is a mixture of everything and everything has to be controlled even the tricks you perform can incorporate movement to the music
I prefer to watch dance and not just tricks.
I was artistic skater over 10 years, and i think the pole dance it's similar in this think, need to have artistic part (dance & transitions) and technique (tricks) a mix that makes all looks awesome.
I hope take level to make pole dance this way.
I personally prefer to have a higher dance to tricks ratio when I’m performing so that the tricks have more impact when they occur, but that’s one of the reasons I consider myself a performance pole dancer rather than a competitive one. The brilliant thing about pole though is that people can play to their strengths and people who would not necessarily be good at more traditional forms of dance can still put on a good show.
I agree it should be a mixture but myself I prefer the dance and transitions over the tricks.
Lately I keep saying "when did we take the dance out of pole dancing"? 🙁
Now when I find new variations and dance movements to add to my pole work I'm just as, if not more, excited as when I use to get new tricks.
Plus it seems that it's more difficult (or at least a lot less common) for the performer to have much audience interaciton during most tricks so it's not as fun to watch the polers who are more trick oriented.
Iv been working on floor movement (so not natural at this) but everytime i get something new i feel just as chuffed as when getting a new pole move and i feel it just as much as a good workout too
I love to watch both for different reasons, I can't pick one over the other. But for myself, and my own dancing I am currently working on dancing. Mostly for the practical reason that I just don't have the stamina or the trick reel for a song of trick after trick after trick. But it's a lot of fun, today for instance, I danced to nearly a whole song on the floor. Only got up for one spin I think. 🙂
I'm a trixster. Not big into the dance part because I dont flow well (at all), and am more into the strength involved I like watching all sorts of cool tricks and ways to get into them from others moreso than dancing around the pole or doing floorwork. (My friend and I agree, the floor is hard! lol!) I get bored watching performances that are 90% dance 10% tricks. But that's just me 🙂 Me and my pole buddy call ourselves "Zorayas" rather than, say, "Aletheas" when describing style. That's the great thing about pole – so many different styles.
Interesting. I agree with sassafrassle that I like to have quite a lot of dancing in my performances (because it comes naturally to me) and also because I feel like the tricks have more impact if they are only occur every now and then (in moments where the music climaxes maybe) as opposed to one after the other. Plus, who has the stamina for trick after trick? One day I hope to be able to for competitive reasons, but geez… Still, artistically and aesthetically I still prefer more dancing and emotional expression than just trick-transition-trick. I actually struggle to fit alot of tricks in one song before the music ends…. I get distracted with all the groovin 😛 Maybe that would be an interesting challenge? A whole song consisting of every trick you can do…. Uh im exhausted just thinking about it! 😛 haha
I like a good balance between the tricks and dance. I also love it when the dancers can put expression into the tricks and not just the dance. It adds so much more to the performance.
Miia Rytkönen does it perfectly in this performance. This is by far one of the best performances I have seen so far and she balances tricks with dance perfectly and she is very original. Notice how her tricks are so much more then just tricks. Well thats my opinion at least 🙂
I agree… the more dance, the better! Tricks are great for comptetions, but when it comes to amateurs and peers I find myself getting drawn in by the dancers more. It's just my preference. Maybe I feel that way because I strive to be a better dancer…! 😉
I think a dancer appreciates watching dance moves. A random person though would be much more impressed with tricks. So it’s a combination of both obviously. I think like 30% dancing and 70% tricks.
I'm one who leans towards tricks. My goal for pole is a fitness program and it is the most difficult & rewarding fitness I've ever done, so I get more out of it practicing tricks, . I know the dance part involves stamina, strength, flexibility, etc. and is beautiful. Because I am so impressed with awesome tricks I spend time watching those kind of performances. I personally also am one who wishes I could have a natural flow and dance, my body and brain just can't connect 🙂 It's wonderful that there are many variations and styles to pole so we can find our nitch and have something for everyone.
I did ballet from a young age until I left home for university so for me it's all about making the tricks into dance moves. I also love love love when I see girls dance with their pointe shoes on!!! I kind of wish there was more emphasis on dancing then I generally see, but I'm a dancer at heart. You know that girl on the bus that's moving funny and tapping her foot? That's me choreographing dances in my head to whatever I'm listening to.
If it gets overly dancey I can get bored with it but on the otherside I can get bored just watching tricks.
For myself I try to have an even mixture of both dance and tricks and I generally accomplish way more dancing that tricks.
Something that I love about Jenyne Butterfly and I think she does this the best – she dances through her tricks so no matter what she's doing she is in total and constant movement and this is something I really try to achieve myself. I really want to not just hold a move but somehow move while I am in it and beautifully transition to the next the thing so that the tricks aspect become whole with the dance aspect.
I am so far from achieving that it's not even funny…but that's my two cents.
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