Forums Discussions Difference in reactions to telling people I pole dance

  • HollySatine

    January 6, 2012 at 1:35 am

    Oh and another funny reaction I got recently was from my grandmother.  She has started losing a bit of her memory and saying some pretty funny things.  She's seen some of my videos and a lot of my pictures, which were all showcasing pretty advanced moves (in that I was upside down in most of them) so she knows how much athleticism it takes.  And yet the last time I talked to her on the phone and had finished telling her about a show I'm going to be in, she said, "You know, you'll never have a problem finding a job with the talent you've got.  Men love to watch stuff like that – you could be very entertaining and people would pay to see that."  Somehow I don't think she was talking about Cirque du Soleil…

  • ShonaLancs

    January 6, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    Love reading the mixed reactions!

    My Nan bought me my xpole – how cool is that?
    My mum was well impressed at what I could do in such a short space of time.
    My friends admire how difficult it is and are impressed I’m trying it.
    My fella knew it was excercise based (he’s a Sport Science Lecturer) so knew it wasn’t sexy learning! His mates however cheered him like he had won the lottery! His family didn’t seem bothered but they don’t ask me about my progress.
    My boss was great about it -his daughter does it, he ended up advising me on where to get a pole!! My other boss is a feminist and doesn’t agree with it, despite my explanations that I don’t do it for men, she couldn’t see past that. Shame as she’s a very intelligent woman.
    So, overall a positive response I think 🙂

  • dancing in the gray

    January 6, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    Overall, I had positive reactions. At work (i work with mostly men) they all make the obvious joke of becoming a stripper. But it’s not offensive, it’s all in good fun.

    One group of girlfriends is a little skeptical because they are very “women’s rights”. Another group of girlfriends thinks it’s odd that I’m so comfortable with it. And there’s my pole girlfriends, who clearly love it!!

    My family was also skeptical, not so much because of the stigma, but mainly the price. They’ve been supportive though. My sister for Christmas gave me money towards classes, and my brother gave me cash which is being used to purchase a pole. And my brother in law is helping me build a floor and mount my pole!!

  • PaulettePoles

    January 7, 2012 at 4:01 am

    Ive had mixed reactions. It does frustartae me people can be soo judgemental!

    I have either been supported or not!

    My dad was like- Now what have you gotten yourself into? then he hopped on the internet w me and has been surfing videos w me ever since. He lives in Mi and will send me links he finds..

    My hubby- iffy- Says he supports me but doesnt want anyone to know!

    MOST friends are super cool

    Had 1 message sent to me on FB from a GOOD friend- I had "liked" a post about a charity event "pole for a purpose" and she sent me a message that my "pole dancng" comment was tagged on her ADULT daughters web site form college and she almost lost her internet priveledges becasue of me! WTF?

    I am very careful about what I post on FB- havent heard a word from her since- this was a very good friend. That hurt.

    In the end it only makes me want to pole moe and share more to increase awareness!

  • JadeMeadows

    January 7, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    Ah yes, the classics. I constantly have to reassure people I'm not a stripper.


    "So, what kind of dance do you do?"

    "Well, Swing, blues, salsa, pole mainly."

    He looks at me and just sort of gives me that awkward stare…

    "No, no, I'm not a stripper."

    "Well…that's not exactly what I was thinking…"

    (I still have no idea what he was exactly thinking)


    Buys me a pair of yoga pants for my birthday so that I don't have to exercise in my underwear. Lets just say I had no idea how few people realize that skin is actually needed to pole.


    A friend of mine told me a story about a girl we both knew who used to pole a bit. Apparently she fell and hurt herself while practicing. At the doctor's he asked her how she hurt herself. She said, "I did pole dancing." He says, "Okay, just let me go grab some WCB papers for you to fill out."

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