Forums Discussions DirdyBirdy pole tutorials

  • DirdyBirdy pole tutorials

    Posted by Kira on January 15, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    Hey all, 

    If you don't know her, she does lots of great helpful tutorials on youtube (MissDirdyBirdy and I think DirdyBirdy101) and she's a big animal lover.

    She's done some great tutorials on : Roxy spin to Twisted Ballerina (for all level), Twisty Grip Turn (a little creation of my own for any level), a new way to get into Twisted Grip (advance level) and Remi Sit (for all level) for a small donation to some of her favourite animal charities.

    So far she is doing well but the more the merrier – and the more animals we can help 🙂 I've had the priviledge to dance with her and she is very passionate about such causes. Recently Alethea did the same and she raised well over $2000 for her chosen animal charity and I think it's a great idea so if you want to learn new moves and help out animals.

    This is my attempt of what I've learnt from her including the roxy spin and remi sit

    If you want to donate and help her out, add her on Facebook or maybe this link will work?? It has more details on it anyway

    happy poling 🙂 


    Dancing Paws replied 13 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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