Forums Discussions Do You Let Your SO Watch You Practice?

  • Runemist34

    April 6, 2010 at 10:31 pm

    Haha, ladies, my husband isn’t really a gamer (particularly not much for the xbox), but I am! Oh man! I don’t play online games or anything (I was once addicted to WoW…), but if I’m really into something, it’s hard to get me to do anything BUT that! Although, I gotta say, if the hubby is taking things off, I’ll usually pause and give him attention!
    Video games are great…but I like physical activity (particularly pole) just as much.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 7, 2010 at 1:14 am

    I like playing video games once in a while (although I wouldn’t really consider myself to be a gamer,) but if there’s nudity going on in the same room, I can turn away from the TV screen, and I don’t even have all those male ‘duh huh huh look at the boobies’ hormones running through me!

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