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Do people think they look good in videos?
Posted by SlowLearnerScottish on September 28, 2013 at 3:22 pmI was just wondering if people thought they looked good in their own videos?
You know when you see a picture of yourself and all you see if cellulite and spots and bad hair and…and…and….but other people are like "wow".
Do people on here think the same about the videos they post? I filmed myself once and was like "ARGH!!! that's HIDEOUS!!" so haven't done it since. I know its a good way to learn and improve but I can think I'm sexy until proven otherwise!!
I can't think of any videos I've seen on here where I think people have looked anything other than sexy and impressive but I wondered what the individual people thought of their own performances.
SamH replied 11 years, 5 months ago 24 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
I hate videos of me poling. Yuck. But I need it to see where I’m going wrong!
Nice to see a fellow Scottish lady!
I've actually done the same thing- take video of self, cringe, never record again.
However, I've been trying to figure out ways of getting myself to do it again. I'd like to increase my skill in dancing and movement, I'd like to be less self-conscious when in front of a video camera (or in front of other people) and I know that it's a fantastic way of learning more about what you're doing on the pole… especially when you don't have mirrors up, like me.
I think that it's sort of written into our general society that we judge ourselves very harshly. We see so many photoshopped "humans" in our media that we no longer understand that humans don't look like that! And yet, when we watch other people, we don't see what we see in ourselves- we don't see the cellulite, the wonky hand movement, that slight hesitation before getting into a basic invert.
I also think it's because we spend so much time with ourselves, and we internalize so much negativity, that we analyze ourselves in a bad way. Our judgment of other people seems to be magnified when it is turned upon our own selves, until all we can see is stuff that no one else even knows about!
Good experiment: If you've never pointed it out before, ask your boyfriend if he thinks you have cellulite. Mine didn't notice that, OR the stretch marks, which I think I have a lot of.
You could also try another good experiment! Go and look at yourself in the mirror before a shower, and see if you can find things you LIKE about what you look like! I've been doing this for more than a month, and really seeing improvement.
Eventually those pole videos are going to look like awesome. 🙂
I don't really like being in photographs and on film in everyday life scenarios, but i don't mind being filmed or photographed for pole/yoga stuff.
I wasn't always this way, when I first started I cringed at every photo and video I took of myself. I always thought I looked fat and ugly.
What helped me was focusing on watching what i was doing rather then how i looked. I almost don't' notice if I'm making awkward faces or if i'm looking less then slender in photos/videos now. I'm just excited about watching what I am doing and seeing how i can improve.
Pay attention to what you are doing in the videos, rather then judging how you look. It helped me a lot when I first started recording. Eventually brain stopped getting in my way and I became less self conscious.
I’ve only filmed myself doing tricks, and I really don’t like how I look. I try to focus on my form and not my flaws. I haven’t had the nerve to film myself “dancing” yet.
I have filmed routines, freestyles and tricks. I don’t mind watching my routines as I have usually practiced them loads so am just pleased I have remembered them to be honest. As for tricks, again doesn’t bother me as I need to know what it looks like to improve. BUT, when it comes to recording me free styling, UGH! I look awkward, uncoordinated and feel that I look like I have been poling for a week not 2 years…. Meh! You can’t be good at everything right? Besides I only pole for myself so it doesn’t really matter, but it would be nice to watch it and think, BOOM I look mint! Lol 😀
I think if I analyze too much, I have wrinkles and a fatter (but flat) booty, too big of boobs, etc. Nobody is perfect. BUT I also think for 48 I look pretty damn good and I have a ton of self confidence in myself, so I feel secure to shake what I have and think it shows in my videos. I am not no Alethea, but hey I think I do just fine for little ole Lyme! 😉
Yes, I just edit out the stuff I don't like lol
Seriously though I film regularly because I needed to learn how to dance and be aware of what my body was doing without the help of a mirror. For me, I always looks pretty bad during the learning curve but I keep a lot of it to compare with footage down the line when I've improved.
However I actually do put together vids where I edit out stuff I don't like and just enjoy the good parts.
I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting with different lighting and outfits that film ‘well’, so that I don’t hate on my body quite so much. Seriously it makes all the difference. Wrong lighting or outfits can make the most ‘perfect’ body look off putting.
I film every practice as I find it to be a valuable tool. I try to really focus on every little move I’m making. Ie; if something looks awkward, I break down WHY it looks awkward. It could be as simple as hand positioning or needing to straighten legs more. Those small tweaks can transform an awkward looking dance into a smoothly flowing one… It’s worth it! -
I'm not sure I'd necessarily say 'good' – but generally speaking when I watch a video of myself poling I feel proud, and don't cringe, even if my dancing isn't the best. It took me SO long to grasp any pole moves, even the most basic spins, so now when I watch back my routines and freestyles they tend to remind me of how far I've come and that makes me proud and happy 🙂
If I do tend to pick at things it's lack of flow or awkward movements rather than my looks or body, and then I can improve on these. I tend to concentrate more on what I'm doing than how I look (as someone else mentioned). I never notice my face at all, and if anything watching my videos back has made me quite proud of my legs, if I may say so ^_^ not trying to be bigheaded at all, just pointing out some good things that have come from recording my practices.
When I watch videos on here I always appreciate the impressive moves, strength, flexibility and flow that you ladies show. I think we all need to be proud of ourselves for what our bodies can achieve, and spend less time criticising them 😀 -
I know it’s daunting, but filming yourself (whether you are the only one to see it, or if you post it for others to view) is a wonderful teaching tool. You get to see what moves look like, see the things you do we’ll and find the things you want to improve (which you might never notice otherwise). If you do decide to share them, this is the venue! Everyone on here was a beginner at one point and sometimes watching others struggle with the same things you are is actually very helpful (you dont feel so alone). Sometimes you’ll gather clues on how to do the move or hold the pose or improve, just because someone was brave enough to share their attempts. Poling is a journey (not just a destination), and we all have things to work on and improve- that’s what makes it so wonderful. So whether you decide to post your videos or not, do keep filming- it’s just another tool to help you along the way. 🙂
I don't like to look at video of myself or being in front of the camera even for pic. But once in a while i get to make a video with the right angle and the right light. I have to say that in my last one i look like i have super long legs and perfect flat tummy but i know that the outfit help a lot too.
I also learn to look at it like it wasn't me on it, when you edit your video and have to look at it for over an hour you really need to step back a little or you'll end up hiding in a closet.
I usually hate filming myself. Mostly just hearing myself talk is odd. But after a stint in radio ive gotten comfortable with it. But when I take my footage and edit – I see it as a project and dont focus on what I look like. Then I try to focus on the overall look of the video but I also learn what facial expressions, arm motions etc work best.
I think most of the time people post their best stuff. 😉 Am I ever COMPLETELY happy with anything I put up? Nope. I always pick out stuff that could be better. But I sure don't post videos where I spend 10 minutes looking *extremely* awkward trying different moves, wiping the pole, staring at the pole, etc.
The best way to get better at liking what you see on camera is to video yourself often. As a teacher once told me, 'the camera doesn't lie'. It's all there, the good the bad the ugly. The goal is to get the good to outweigh the rest!
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