Forums Discussions Does this happen to anyone else???

  • Does this happen to anyone else???

    Posted by Neicey on November 9, 2009 at 4:43 am

    Hey there,

    I just put up my pole on Friday. It was quite daunting to me at first because I simply couldn’t believe that it FINALLY got here … but now I’m a lil afraid of it. When I first tried to spin on it…it wasn’t tight enough and it shifted and I fell on my ARSE!! But I’m ok. Pride is a little hurt because it was right in front of the hubby…who I now don’t want to watch me dance or practice because all I can see is him laughing at me. I’m doing this to build my confidence…not smash it. I took it apart myself after he went to work and got everything tightened and in place myself. Seems fine now. I did several spins and even got off a few CKR’s

    Now…to the question. I was practicing tonight with music on and I just couldn’t find the moves…I could do my spins and stuff, but i just couldn’t get into a groove in between moves. I felt stupid even though I was alone in my own home. Did any of you feel this way? I imagined myself doing all kinds of turns and swaying and hip rolling…couldn’t dance at all….AND I LOVE TO DANCE LOL!!!!! I guess since it was my first practice and I’m still a little leery of my pole I got Stage Fright??? I hope this goes away. will it?

    loopielou replied 14 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    November 9, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    There are some days when I am just not feeling "it". You are also probably over thinking things and may still be a little leery about the pole coming down on you. For me at times it is really hard to break that "home" aura too. When I go to the studio it is all about pole; when I am at home my mind is on the million other things that I could/should be doing. But then there are some days when the whole world just melts away and it is just me and my pole. Those are good days.

  • SissyBuns

    November 9, 2009 at 3:29 pm

    LOL, I just posted a similar thread not too long ago because I was having what I call "Dancers Block".

    It happens and it will probably happen again and again. All you can do is keep on keepin on until you get your mojo back. It’ll come back, I promise

  • pole-twista

    November 10, 2009 at 3:03 pm

    sometimes i get like that too, but take a minute and think of things you could dop to get yourself "in the mood " so to speak. could you change the lighting? maybe try a blacklight or christmas string lights. can you put on something that makes you feel like dancing? sometimes i feel sexy in undies and a mens white ribbed tank, sometimes it’s a swirly dress and red stilettos. just depends on my vibe that night. have you chosen a stage name? what persona would you like to convey when you dance, shy, but sexy, powerful, mysterious, sensual, cocky?? it’ll be easier to pick a name if you decide you what part of you you want to explore with your dancing. if you have a very stressful job w high demands, you may want to play a more submissive, sweet, maybe shy girl next door type thing and you know a name like velvet sin isn’t going to help you get into that character. or vice versa and you want to explore your more take charge, rebelious side, you can imagine a name like bambi suger isn;t going to fit that persona…
    hope this makes sense and helps!
    also explore diffrent kinds of music. i just recently discovered some reggae songs i LOVE. just keep an open mind to what might move you..literally

  • Sabrina

    November 10, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Yes to your question and yes to all of the answers! Somedays you got it, some days you don’t – but you keep on trying and the highs are so worth it! In short, it’s not just you

  • Neicey

    November 11, 2009 at 10:55 pm

    thank you to all of you who replied. I’m glad to know that it’s not just me. I’ll keep posting my progress. tonight is a practice night We’ll see how it goes…

  • Dirdy Birdy

    November 12, 2009 at 7:18 am

    Yup, it happens to me too. The solution for me is to watch A LOT OF VIDEOS of other polers. Take notice of their transition and dancy moves and try to copy that. When you have a lot of these moves under your belt it’s a lot easier to dance and flow. I had to practice the ‘in between’ moves individually and not just the pole moves, then practice them together with poles moves.

    Good luck hun, you’ll find your pole mojo soon

  • carriej

    November 21, 2009 at 11:40 pm

    Absolutely! When I pole at home, it’s usually more of working on a trick over and over and not a real "dance". So, then I go to pole class and learn a few things and then have to dance to at least 2 or 3 full songs at the end. I felt like such a dork cause I can do some kick ass tricks but SUCK at transitions, at least for now! Last pole class, I finally felt really good about a whole dance.

    This is what helped me…different walking moves to break up in between the tricks and spins. For example, drag your toes when you walk around, high step your foot to your knee on each step (like a horse?). I actually felt super sexy on the swing step (inside forward, outside forward, inside backward, outside forward and repeat) and a walk where you step backward on the opposite foot after every forward step.

    Plus, for me, the slower the song the better for now so I have the chance to think about what I’ll do next! Fast songs get me all discombobulated!

    If I can only come up with a way to not feel like a dork when I end up on the floor after sliding down the pole and when we have to run our hands over our body in class, I’ll feel much better.

  • SaschaPoles

    November 22, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    totally normal neicey!!!! this happens to me alllllll the time. well i haven’t danced in awhile but i think it happens to us all. we have all these great routines and these beautiful dramatic moves and stuff in our heads, and when we actually get to the pole, WOOOSH! everythings gone. i think some days we’re pole queens and other days we’re just not at our best but that’s normal. no worries hunny, you’ll become a pole queen in no time i just know it!!!!!!!!!

  • moonflower

    December 1, 2009 at 8:41 pm

    My solution to dancers block is to turn on some music and swear not to do a single "move" for the entire song. No spinning, no inverts, no climbs. Just dance aroudn the pole as if I’m a complete noob facign a pole for the first time. At first, my movements are choppy and out of time, but usually by the end of the song, I have found my groove.

  • loopielou

    December 2, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    I can do soooooo many things in class that I can’t seem to nail at home and I think it is to do with your concentration levels. As far as the dancing goes, it wouldn’t matter whether I was on my own or with an audience, I still feel completely self-conscious and a complete numpty when I try to dance. I’m hoping to get over it one day so that I can show my hubby what I can do now.

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