Forums Discussions Dry skin and poling

  • Dry skin and poling

    Posted by Kyrsten on January 20, 2012 at 1:23 am

    I have reeeally dry skin and I live in a dry/cold climate. It isn't a huge problem  if I use corn husker's lotion to help me stick, but I've been noticing lately that my skin is so dry it literally flakes off onto the pole–like I'll slide down with my legs to get out of a move and all this dead skin is sticking to my pole. EW.

    So, a few questions:

    1. Recommendations on body exfoliation? Products/methods/etc.

    2. Recommendations of moisturizers that can be used daily that won't interfere with poling?

    3. Recommendations for more intense moisturizers I can use on off-pole days?

    Mary Ellyn replied 12 years, 9 months ago 14 Members · 40 Replies
  • 40 Replies
  • Cherished

    January 20, 2012 at 1:33 am

    For an intense moisturizer I use aquaphor (it has the texture of petroleum gel) and put vaseline intensive care lotion over it. It makes my skin very soft. You can try it over night. If I use it during the day also I take a hot shower right before I pole and I get a good stick.

  • PaulettePoles

    January 20, 2012 at 3:53 am

     I have used aveeno oatmeal for awhile and found it to pretty good and not cause too much slipperiness, but lately CORN HUSKERS is the bomb! Moisterizes and leaves a nice tack- and its cheap! Would def recommend it! Then theres always the pole products like – I honestly have found the corn huskers to be a better solution for me.Let us know what you find works for you!

  • PaulettePoles

    January 20, 2012 at 3:59 am

    Pushed enter too soon… Use a loufa sponge in the shower and really scrub off the skin before you put on the corn huskers.. Maybe will stop the peeling a bit for you. Of course theres all kinds of exfoiliator products but soe elbow grease a nd a loufa work wonders- You can lube up w the corn huskers too and it will soften after a hot shower, or soak in a bath w a bit of the huskers to penetrate, then rescrub- then you can loose skin and keep the tackiness. You dont want to put too heavy of a moisturinzer on cause then youll run in to slipping. Id scrub scrub and try again w the corn huskers. Make s.ure you drink lots of water too so you can stay hydrated

  • Kyrsten

    January 20, 2012 at 4:25 am

    I do use corn husker's but it's just not good enough of a moisturizer for me. It works for adding moisture to get grip (like, as a before pole thing) but it really doesn't help my dry skin much overall. 🙁

  • PaulettePoles

    January 20, 2012 at 5:22 am

    aveeno is good for polers too- I think they make a body wash- you can use in the shower and exfoliate and then use their moistiurizer afterwards.

    Tough cause you dont want something taht will affect your poling..but dry skin can be just as bad!

    OTC- if aveeno doesnt do the trick,I used body butter bliss form Ulta- its a high end moisturizer that didnt leave a heavy residue and I could still pole w if I used on my off days

    Deeper moisturizer- Avene cold cream- I get from my dermatologist – its for dry chapped scaly areas.. Much thicker and deeper penetrating. Maybe if you used something heavier like that on non pole days then applied the huskers, youd still get enough tack and would counter the slickness of the moisturizer.

    cetaphil is also good for poling but from the sounds of it, you will need something heavier.

    Not tried w pole and not sure how this would work out- but in the shpwer- baby oil w the exfoiliator- the oil put on wet will lock in moisture. I dont know how this would translate to the pole though…

    my step mom works for a dermatologist and this is what he told her to do in the harsh winter mo to prtoect her skin.

    Id experiment with the combinations and see what you get since everyone reacts differently.


  • CalBear

    January 20, 2012 at 5:35 am

    Not sure if your dry skin affects your grip on the pole, but if it does, you can try .. a spray for poling for ppl w/ dry skin..

  • CalBear

    January 20, 2012 at 5:36 am

    Also, Pole Physics is supposed to be a lotion for polers that doesn't cause slippage..

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 20, 2012 at 8:29 am

    As mentioned keeping yourself hydrated is essential and most people drink less water during the winter so pay attention to make certain you are keeping up with your water intake.

    Exfoliate – I like the loofah too as there are some exfoliating products that have oils in them leaving your skin greasy for pole dancing.

    I love Pole Physics but it is pricey…$25 plus shipping. However I use it only on my legs so it lasts a long time for me.

    Find lotions without any oils or lanolin in it. Vitamin E oil is one exception which most people can use although some other oils might be ok, you have to experiment. Avoid anything that is petroleum based or products with shea butter in them.

    Also I would advise against using different lotions on off days. Find a good lotion and use it every day. No need to change and if your off day lotion is greasy it's not any good for you anyway.

    Think of it this way…if it's making you slide off the pole, it's not absorbing into your skin…therefore it's not really moisturizing, it's just sitting there and not healthy for you anyway as it blocks your pores so your skin cannot breath. You "think" your skin is soft but you're really just feeling the product sitting on your skin.

    Really rub your lotion in so that it's absorbed and not just slapped on top and then dries without being rubbed into your skin. Most of us hurry through applying our lotion and don't really rub it in.

    Some lotions that work for a lot of polers:

    Pole Physics
    Night time baby lotion (Lavendar cap) though this is pretty light/mild
    Vaseline Essential care
    Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion (avoid the other Cetaphil products as they contain pretroleum and shea butter though I've not had the chance to check the Restoraderm label)

  • Dancing Paws

    January 20, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Vaseline: total moisture conditioning is an AMAZING moisturizer It is glycerine based so it doesn't counteract poling. In fact, it gives you a little extra grip. I use it everyday after showering all over my body where I stick to the pole. You can get a little sample bottle at walmart for 97 cents to test it out. It has really helped me. It was actually recommended to me by an instructor here in Oregon.

  • Dancing Paws

    January 20, 2012 at 9:42 am

    I haven't tried it yet, but CeraVe is a REALLY good lotion. It replaces all the natural chemicals that your body loses when you shower. My dermatologist recommended it for my face. It might be a good lotion for your off pole days. It is pretty creamy, but still glycerine based.

  • Dancing Paws

    January 20, 2012 at 9:42 am

    I should say I haven't tried it on my body. I HAVE used it on my face and it is very nice.

  • luvlee

    January 20, 2012 at 10:05 am

    I thought I had a problem because I have neverhwaes anyone else say this. My skin does that too!!!! It flakes onto my shorts. Onto mNy carpet. I just vacuum it all up later. I have been successful with pole physics lotion and in the medium level and we are close. I am in Ohio. These are both available on bad I do not have this problem now. I even did a video on how I use my grip aids. It is on my YT channel. Tnksdrmgrl.

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 20, 2012 at 10:15 am

    I'm going to have to try the CeraVe Thanks SS! You have to be careful with the Vaseline Total moisture as one of the first ingredients is petroleum based.

    However, an important point I forgot to bring up is that different lotions work differently on everyone – just like grip aides.

    Also forgot…hot water dries out your skin so try to avoid really hot baths/showers!

  • Dancing Paws

    January 20, 2012 at 11:25 am

    I didn't notice that total moisture had petrolium jelly in it, but I think it is so little cuz honestly the lotion is NOT greasy at all. I get a sticky/ gripyy feeling afterwards (which eventually does go away.) I can grab onto my pole right after putting it on with no problem (unlike with my bath and body works lotion which is sooooo slick!)

  • MaliciousMynx

    January 20, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    I have really dry skin as well in the winter time and it's hard to stick to the pole.  I'll moisturize at night after a shower or bath and in the morning, I'll be all flakey/white dry skin again 🙁 What I find that helps is exfoliating (I use Origins Ginger Body Scrub with a loofah) followed by applying moisturizing lotion with a drop of coconut oil or sweet almond oil.  It helps the lotion slather on better and you stay moisturized longer.  I got my coconut oil in Thailand but I'm sure you can find it online or at health food stores.  The sweet almond oil I got at Whole Foods.  Both of those oils you can also use on your hair as a hair mask and it works well. You can also try to use Ahava's Dead Sea bath salts and their lotion line to moisturize the skin.  I love Ahava!  Darn dry winter weather!  I hope that helps.  

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