Forums Discussions Dry skin and poling

  • Dancing Paws

    January 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    haha, just realized I meant to say I DID realize the lotion I have has petrolium jelly. Silly me…

  • KuriKat

    January 21, 2012 at 12:15 am

    I haven't tried it yet myself, but my boyfriend just let me know about <a href="">this stuff</a> (which is I guess also a vaseline product. I'm curious about the claims that you'll still have awesome grip for bodyweight manuevers (one of the videos has a guy doing what looks like pole dance to me, but I think the pole used in the video is covered with sport tape). I might try it before a poleflow workout (wouldn't risk it during a class – slippery hands just ruins a class for me) and see how I'm affected.

  • KuriKat

    January 21, 2012 at 12:16 am

    Ack! I guess I can't use html here. Retrying the link.

  • PaulettePoles

    January 21, 2012 at 3:44 am

    I forgot about coconut oil- its awesome as well! Its a bit pricy. I used to get mine at whole foods but recently have found it available ion a large jar at walmart! If you can afford that- exfoliate w the cocunut oil! Like mentioned, you canuse it on your hair- its good for your body, I put a tsp in my smoothies each am. Good stuff!!

  • chemgoddess1

    January 21, 2012 at 7:36 am

    I would also try to start adding vitamin E and coconut oil into your diet. I use Vaseline Aloe Care and have not had any problems. When my dry patches get really bad I will get a bottle of AmLactin at the pharmacy. It is kind of gross but it works for really stubborn dry patches. A prescription is not needed but they keep it behind the counter. Urea is also a good ingredient to look for as it is a moisture “trapper”. I will look up what the common ingredient name is one I am back at a computer.

  • nymphdancer

    January 21, 2012 at 8:26 am

    Paulette I just started using coconut oil and LOVE it. use it to take off my eye makeup every night and used it about once a week in the shower all over. I have horribly dry skin and it seems to be making a difference.

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 21, 2012 at 8:58 am

    Isn't coconut oil going to be greasy? Although I know that lotions can have some oils in the ingredients like vitamin E oil…

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 21, 2012 at 9:10 am

    Just some quick research shows that coconut oil has a high comodogenic rating…if it's clogging pores it's not being absorbed….isn't this a concern?

  • nymphdancer

    January 21, 2012 at 9:25 am

    as with most of what I use it is totally absorbed by my skin in a few hours and doesn't feel greasy on my skin. I use unrefined. I had tried pole physics but in the winter using it I'm ashy again in about an hour or so.

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 21, 2012 at 9:34 am

    I'm still concerned about that high comedogenic rating….it just screams problems. Many things may "feel" good but that doesn't mean they are absorbed into our skin. Something like this will sit in the pores (blocking them) only to be flushed out when you begin sweating and create an oily layer.

  • Krista Bocko

    January 21, 2012 at 9:40 am

    You have to use unrefined CO, like nymph said. AKA extra virgin CO. It is very similar to the skin's natural oils, and should not clog pores. Also, you only use a very small amount. A little goes a long way!

  • nymphdancer

    January 21, 2012 at 9:41 am

    it might not be something I would want to use in the heat of summer when I sweat. But I rarely ever sweat even when working out unless its hot out. My husband teases me because I'm in the barn cleaning stalls in a sweatshirt and jeans in 80 degree weather and never break a sweat while he is dripping wet in shorts and a tank shirt. All I know is for now it has stopped my hands from cracking and bleeding from being too dry, and has stopped the skin around my eyes from getting sore from trying to remove my eyeliner and mascara.

  • nymphdancer

    January 21, 2012 at 9:46 am

    sparrow your so right on a little going a long way 🙂 and yes I use the unrefined. I haven't tried poling right after using it yet only been using it for about 2 weeks. I actually got it primarly as a makeup remover, and after reading about using it all over gave it a try and loved the way my skin felt. And hubby said it didn't feel oily just smooth.

  • Mary Ellyn

    January 21, 2012 at 9:51 am

    Not to be argumentative but from what I'm reading even the refined/virgin coconut oil has a high comedogenic effect.

    I'd love to try this stuff…I have a jar of organic refined coconut oil in my cabinet which is just screaming for me to try it but everything I'm reading (except on the sites that sell the stuff of course) say it clogs the pores. Even if you don't feel the sweat pouring off of you – you would still be flusing traces of it out if your skin heats up.

  • Krista Bocko

    January 21, 2012 at 10:07 am

    Here's what I found in a brief search:

    Perhaps, as with all things, it depends on the person. It may work for some and not others. 

    You can always take a spoonful a day and eat it–it's good for ya! I need to get me some more. 🙂

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