• SpyralBound

    August 30, 2012 at 9:39 am

    So I've been better about using the Curel lotion and Hydrocortisone this week and noticed this morning that things seem to be subsiding a bit, the cracks are healing and the skin isn't flaking so much, and none of those pesky little blisters. They still itch, but not that bad (for now… you never know when an Itch Attack will strike). 

    I bought some Tea Tree Oil but have not used it yet. It says on the package to never apply it to skin undiluted and to dilute it in massage oil, which I don't have any of right now. And I don't think water will work since oil & water don't mix so it's not really *diluting* but *suspending.* I guess I could add it to lotion? Maybe? I don't know. 

  • Sweet D

    August 30, 2012 at 11:05 am

    You shouldn’t use that oil if your skin is cracked at all…..the brand that I use says to avoid open wounds and cracked areas. Just an fyi…..don’t want you to end up worse off than what it already is.

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