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Everyone’s talking about get flexy but..
tarah replied 13 years, 2 months ago 20 Members · 47 Replies
Oh, I should note, it takes 30 seconds for your muscles to relax into a stretch, so you have to hold a stretch for AT LEAST that long to have any benefit in the stretch. So if you are stretching your legs for 1 minute each side in different positions it can easily be at least 15 minutes for just your legs to get a really good stretch. Add your upper body (which you should cuz you don't want to be loose in your lowers and tight in your uppers and that adds even more time), so yes it can take 40 minutes to stretch everyday. If you put on good music, or watch a fun show, it flies by though. I took my back massages to rub out my nots yesterday while watching "How I met Your Mother" and a full episode went by before I even switched sides!
I never had the splits as a child, and I am going for them now. I am trying for all the flexi stuff. Don't be discouraged. A lot of us are in that boat. Join us! 🙂
I'm so bad with stretching at home, but now my studio is offering a flexibility class that I'm hoping to be able to take.
Oh by the way, another thing that helps me: instead of holding stretches longer it helps me more to do them more often. So I hold all stretches for 30 seconds but I do several sets of these 30 secs.
I find if I hold stretches for 1 minute I don't go any further down into the stretch, it just hurts more But after a short break and doing another set of 30 sec I usually am further down.
i'm thinking of getting alethea's stretching dvd's. i'm wondering how they compare to valentino brothers.. can't decide
Thanks ladies, I am very pleased by the response this thread has gotten. I was reluctant to post it incase I sounded stupid
I am going to start stretching more regularly now anyway and hopefully I will see some progress. I know actually seeing a difference will spur me on to keep going. That's amazing how quickly some of you have progressed. I may get the DVD's once I have some money (Alethea gave me a 20% discount for entering her comp but it expired before I had the money saved) I also am planning to renew my lessons here after payday!
In relation to the DVD's tarah, I don't have them yet but I did do her workshop and the stretches are very, very good. She has a great way of explaining things and breaking them down. I can't speak for her DVDs since I haven't watched them but certainly her teaching method is very encouraging. I was sore for daaaays after her workshop though..
Just be careful.. I overstretched and pulled a groin muscle, so make sure you're listening to your body since I didn't!
Thank you polevixen, I totally agree. I asked above about stretching even when you're sore and this is why. I do not want to get injured but I don't wana wuss out over normal stretching pains either
thanks polefairy! i think i will get them. i'm sure you were sore after her workshop!! i'm still sore from friday's stretching, LOL
I think stretching when you are sore can help alleviate te soreness. I sm sore today from yesterdsy’s stretch session snd i did smother round today. Obviously you have to listen to your body. You are allowed to stretch everyday, and you will be sore from exercising and stretching the day before, so by default you will be stretching while sore. You need to be warm during the deep stretching, which is easy to achieve: dance around your pole for a little bit or take a hot shower. If you are sore, ease into the stretches slowly, but your muscles should relax.
I am a fan of resistance stretching. I haven't watched Veena's stretch vids, so I can't speak on whether she uses resistance stretching or not. However she does her homework and really understands the body, so I have no doubt they are wonderful.
If you are looking for strech dvds, this is one of the best stretching dvds I have. It's very professionally done and is backed up scientifically. You get two dvds, one that explains the 17 stretches and the other has the 20 minute 'workout'.
They recommend 48 hours in between sessions. You'd probably be fine doing it 3x/week.
One of the dvds recommended in this thread have ballistic stretches in it and that type of stretching concerns me. Ballistic stretching can cause injury especially in previously injured areas. Camera angles also make it hard to see everything. The other dvd recommended in this thread has some unsafe knee positions.
PS, I never did splits as a child, but I can do them fairly well now once I'm nice and warm.
i'm confused by all of the different answers to "how often should i stretch for the splits." there have been other forums on this topic. i think veena recommended 2x per week for the splits. so which is it? rest for 24 hours, rest for 48 hours, or stretch every day?
Thanks Angel! I have that DVD!! Its good, but I'm too lazy to do resistance stretching. LOL I could never get into it.
Polefairy, there are lots and lots of methods for stretching. Its ok to try all kinds and use what works for you!
If you have questions about how often ect. Try watching the Getting Started Stretching lesson also read all descriptions for all lessons. They have tips and important info for you. All stretches are placed in order according to muscle group so you can create your own routine if you like.
Angel–I saw a book recommended on this site lately–the Genius of Flexibility–and I ordered it used from amazon. When I got it, I was happy to see it's endorsed by Dara Torres, and I remembered that you recommended her videos!
polefairy–I have the same questions as you! Great thread. I am working on my splits. In reading the book referenced above, anyone at any age can increase flexibility, which is awesome to hear!
tarah-what confuses me too, and the same goes for the question/answer to 'how often should I pole?' is, what if you only stretch for 30 min a day (for example) as opposed to an hour every other day? If you do 30 min it seems you can stretch every day right? Or what if you stretch/workout less intensely? I guess the answer is to have body awareness and see how you feel the next day. IDK, it's definitely confusing!
This is how I break it down for the purpose of the lessons:
Stretching is use to maintain! Stretching is done after any exercise, but your not going to the max and is only takes a few minutes.
Flexibility training is to gain! This is intense and therefore you will need to give the muscle a rest so they can recover. I only do Flexibility training 1-3 times a week.
I do Back mobility once a week and Legs no more than 2 times.
Like I said there are lots of methods for stretching though……
thanks veena! it makes sense. light stretching every day is okay, but intense stretching for the splits should be only 2x per week. i'm glad you answered because i did some intense stretching on friday, and my hamstrings are sore, so i've been resting them this weekend (except for a long walk today). xo
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