Forums Discussions Excessive Bruising??

  • S girl

    September 9, 2012 at 9:07 am

    Hi-I have excessive bruising. The only thing that helps break them up is the actual Arnica oil. It's messy but in two or three days it breaks up even deeper brusies. The Armica gel works for swelling and pain for me, doesn't do enough to break up the bruises.  I do take flaxseed oil, a blood thinner. I've significantly reduced taking Advil.  I am border anemic and am very fair skinned. I do find some brusies don't come back nearly as often once my body is used to how much grab for a move, some parts of my body are taking a long time to adjust (under arm, shins, areas not used to holding your body weight, superman brusies are rare…finally).  

    The others are right, get bloodwork done.  New moves using different parts of the body, different amount of weight or leverage used on a body part make for bruise potential even though you have been poling 1 1/2 years. I increased foods and supplements with vitamin C, Magnesium and Potassium and Calcium. I am noticing improvement. I should have had a huge shiner today from yesterday's workout and it isn't as bad and the other brusies seem to be lighter than I normally get. 



  • OzarkSiren

    September 9, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    Birth control pills, low estrogen,  some medications, low calcium and low D3, low iron and low plateletts can cause bruising. Some of us bruise easier than others. You might want to get it checked out.

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