Forums Discussions FB vs pole torn

  • horsecrazy12987

    July 24, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    There was a forum post up about a girl getting kicked off FB cuz of her pole pics, that freaked me out!

    Yup, that was me. A word of advice for you all: make sure the people viewing your pole pictures are supportive of your poling. What happened with me was that I thought my pole pictures were friends only, because I only had about a dozen friends on there and all of them already knew I poled and were fine with it, but there was a pic of me doing a CKR that was actually viewable to the public, and someone on a friend’s friend list flagged it. It was a big hassle; FB deactivated my account for a week, then just a day and a half after it was reactivated, the photo was flagged again, by the same person, I’m sure. It then took me two weeks of contacting FB to even get a reply from them, only to be informed that I was permanently banned from FB for posting ‘pornographic content.’ I was in just a regular bathing suit, and not doing anything in violation of their policy.

    Just keep in mind that if your photo gets flagged, Facebook does NOT review the situation even though it says they do in the form letter they send you. If someone decides they are offended by your pole pictures and reports you, there’s a chance you could get kicked off, even though you’re not in violation of their actual policy. It seems as though FB’s policy is deactivate your account on the first offense, then ban you if someone happens to flag you again.

    I’ll be making up a new account whenever I get around to it, but I’m thinking maybe I should have two as well, and strictly just have pole dancers on one page and everybody else on my other. At the very least, I’m going to be very careful to make sure my pole pictures really are all friends only this time.

  • mizvix

    August 19, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    slightly off topic….. fb privacy settings…..
    i’m only just starting to put up photos but have poler friends and wall chats about pole. I had all my settings on ‘friends only’. I’m a high school teacher and although i’m happy with poling, and my boss and colleagues know about it ,i’m not prepared for my pupils and their parents to know! A friend’s new gf looked me up and could see some of my pics – she isn’t one of my fb friends. SO…. if you want to keep things private check that your ‘profile pics’ are also listed as private. It isn’t one of the main options. if you ‘customise’ your settings, its the ‘edit album privacy’ link (really small at the bottom of the first section).

  • Kobajo84

    August 19, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    I just have the one account. I’m pretty selective on who is on my FB because it has my family and close friends. There are people on there from SV but its mostly people I’ve known for a long time and talked to for over a year through SV. I will sometimes block my Dad and some of the male family members from videos I feel are a little too risque, but other than that- I have all my pics open for sharing. My thoughts are, you can either like it or don’t look at it.

  • MelCat

    June 2, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    I'm pretty fortunate as my life has always been in the arts, so it's a bit more understood.  I remember when I was in college there was a hushed talk of me poling as it was a tabboo subject, but I was very open about it and they accepted it.  Now the company I dance for is actually under a director who used to be a Vegas performer and we've even chatted about how she had a show where she had to learn how to pole (and how it was the strongest her arms have ever been in her life!) 

    But I know Facebook is started to be poked and prodded for what is and is not acceptable to share, especially depending on your particular career, so if you're fortunate and live a life where people accept arts as arts then you don't need the hassle of a second account.  If you've ever had trouble up to this point with posting pole related things on your Facebook, you might want to consider a separate page if you plan to up that content 🙂

  • Ocuspocus

    June 2, 2012 at 11:52 pm

    I'm sorry to ask but…what is a CKR??

  • Sam I am

    June 3, 2012 at 2:08 am

    Cross Knee Release


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