Forums Discussions Facebook… :(

  • Lyme Lyte

    September 22, 2011 at 7:54 pm

    Yeah, I am about as good with a computer as I am on a pole…..and that is NOT TOO GOOD!  Actually I am too computer illiterate to even try to sign up for Twitter.  However, I THINK I joined Skype today, took me a few hours!!!!!  Not sure tough, haven't tried to connect with anyone, because I am still in my robe from this morining!

  • Runemist34

    September 22, 2011 at 8:52 pm

    I highly recommend Google+ if you haven't tried it yet! It's still in it's "Beta" stage, which means they're still working out the bugs, but they want people to join it so those people can FIND the bugs! I have like, over 100 invites, so if anyone wants to try it out, I can try to figure out how to make them go!

    I'm seriously against Facebook, and have been for a while. I would just leave it, but a lot of my family from England are on there, and I'd rather not lose contact with them.

    Google+ hasn't got those incessant games, their interface is way easy to use, and it connects into things like Youtube and Gmail, so you can get it all together.

    And yes, I hate the new Facebook layout. Why does Facecrack get to decide which of my friends are "top stories" and which are not?

  • Veena

    September 22, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    I'm on Google+ but I don't really use it. Most people wont find me though because you have to use your real name. LOL

  • Runemist34

    September 22, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    Hehe, Veena, yeah…there aren't that many people on G+ yet, but it is getting better. I really like it, because I really find Google to be a very nice company.

  • Miraine

    September 23, 2011 at 5:50 am

    @Chemgoddess You're right, the "News Feed" did exist before.  I was under the mistaken impression that deleting a " just commented on X's wall post" link from your own wall hid it, because it was no longer visible to me *anywhere*.  I hadn't realised that it would still be in people's news feeds, but that was pretty much universally ignored for the timeline view I guess so a bit less noticeable.

    All that actually means is, if I'd not ignored the existence of the news feed earlier, I'd have just stopped using FB back then!

  • SpyralBound

    September 23, 2011 at 7:27 am

    Runemist, I too am on Google+, but just because they don't have crazy games and apps and whatnot YET doesn't mean it won't happen. There's already talk about add-on apps, Google just hasn't opened the platform to third-party developers yet. I mean, Facebook and MySpace both started out pretty damn basic, and while Google+ is starting far ahead of where FB and MS did, it's still quite basic and will probably evolve into a convoluted monster the same way its competitors have.

    It took me the better part of yesterday morning to figure out the ins and outs of the new Facebook and get all my friends into lists. They did already have the list thing looong before this change, I just don't think a lot of people used it. I used it mostly for privacy things; I had (and still keep) a "No Pole" list so that if I do post something pole-related on FB (which I don't do often), I can hide it from people who (a) I don't want seeing it, like my family-in-law and coworkers, or (b) have indicated to me that they'd prefer not to see it.

    I think there's been a lot of very public backlash against the "Facebook get to decide what's important" thing. And what I think it is, Facebook wants you to tweak your feed and tell it what's important so it can give you more of that content, which is fine in theory but flawed in practice. For instance, if I mark a video from a friend as a "top story," will Facebook think I want more posts from that friend? More videos? More videos just from that friend? I don't understand its criteria, so I haven't been messing with the Top Stories thing and will probably just end up ignoring it.

    (Sorry for the long-ass reply, I'm kinda techy so while I find the Facebook changes frustrating, I'm sort of weirdly fascinated by the impact it may have on the future of social media. I think it already pushed a lot of people to Google+ or other alternatives.)

  • minicoopergrl

    September 23, 2011 at 8:43 am

    The only thing im not a big fan of is the top stories – I want to know whats going on with everyone on FB.  I may not comment or like but its hard with the amount of friends I have.  So I may not get my bff's post b/c I havent commented/liked something of hers recently. 

    im gonna hang on to my FB, b/c we have an  old IE that doesnt support G+ at work.  And it helps pass time at lunch.  But I will be using Twitter and G+ more.


    You can find me on twitter – @teamlulu and find me on G+ as LuAyne Brown.  Ive also learned the hard way using my gmail for work that I have to be careful what I post as profile pic.  Im just worried about losing a customer b/c my profile pic being me in a split with my back leg up with cheek showing!


    September 23, 2011 at 8:51 am

    Just glad I don't use FB:)

    I think its great for business and promotions, but I think it is a big invasion of privacy. I don't wnt everyone knowing soooooooooooooo much-I worry about the weirdo's. I hear Twitter is good for business too-but I don't have that either.

    Good luck!

  • nymphdancer

    September 23, 2011 at 9:03 am

    if you don't like the lack of privacy and the lists and groups on facebook you will not like google + either, half of the stuff they did to facebook was to make it more google+ like and the privacy controls on google + are 20x worse then facebook.

    and pretty much whatever you put on the internet anywhere is available for pretty much anyone to see if they know where to look.


    September 23, 2011 at 10:33 am


    Thats why I am only here:)

    I don't even know what like is. I thought google was only a search engine. I'm out of the "loop" and glad. Less stress and worry.

  • Coatcheckgirl

    September 23, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    @ Veena I will follow you on tweeter.

  • Angie La

    September 23, 2011 at 2:27 pm

    Oh, I have had a growing detest for facebook that gets worst with each "improvement" they make. I recently went on a facebook diet, and haven't looked back since. I deactivated it for a little over a month but my grandma (yes my grandma) complained so much of  how she missed seeing my pictures.  I even saved a screenshot of how manipulative facebook was in trying to sway me from making such a selfish decision–" will miss you…" Um Facebook… my husband is sitting right here, so if he missed me then I think I would know.  


    I have become more accquainted with twitter as well, so I will follow you.

  • Angie La

    September 23, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Just to add something… Whenever you RSVP to an event, then it keeps notifying all of your friends, just in case they want to go, I guess.  There is no way to turn this feature off.  I responded to a pole and lap dance invite and all of my 532 friends were notified and kept being reminded that I was attending.  My RSVP was given in a private message and I did not ask facebook to post this (repeatedly) to all of my other friends.  Many of them had no idea I had started pole fitness and started to wonder if I got a new job.  It was someone who asked my husband about it at WORK before I knew facebook was throwing me under the bus.  Not. cool. at. all.

  • Jenn

    September 24, 2011 at 12:51 am

    I am definitely not loving the new Fb either,and have been considering deactivating my account. I feel like I have wasted so many hours of my life on that website, The only thing is that there are so many contacts I would lose touch with because FB is our main way of communication. Also, I would probably be out of the loop with many events in my area.  Aaaah, I hate feeling so dependent on it!

  • Tballerina

    September 24, 2011 at 5:16 am

    I just deactivated my account and feel so free right now  I had most of my best friends and families on FB, but I think, if some people want to be in touch with each other, there is always a possibility: Skype, Twitter, MSN, Windows Live and so on. To hesitate to delete the FB account  for anybody who is on FB (because of  families and stuff) it's just a false reason. We all know that keep contact with people we love, it is not necessary to be on FB. Remember the time before FB. How we kept contact???  

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