Forums Discussions Facebook… :(

  • nymphdancer

    September 24, 2011 at 11:19 am

    well I for one didn't keep touch with family at all before facebook, other then my mother. Now I have contact with cousins and aunts and uncles I wouldn't keep in touch with any other way. And have made tons of friends that I wouldn't have it it wasn't for facebook. I do not and will never twitterm and have never heard of windows live. I rarely IM with people because frankly it eats up too much of my day. I don't send out family emails and pics of the kids in email. I used to belong to a bunch of forums but only a few now, this one for pole, one for pinup dropped all my horses ones. But that is me and each has to decide what is best for them, if you want me you know where i'll be 🙂

    and as a sidenote i still hate most of the changes that were made to this forum, and i'm still here!

  • heathalynne

    September 24, 2011 at 12:48 pm


    Yep… very unhappy. Not liking how recent feeds aren't automatic.


    Its taken me a while to figure this out. Had to change a few privacy list settings with a friend and my husband's account to see what can be seen or not.


    The ticker has me pissed the most. Luckily only unrestricted mutual friends can see your comment or like. But if your friend's wall is public, then EVERYONE on your friends list can see your comment. Now you'd have to check the other person's privacy settings before you can comment something…


    For the recent feeds, if you create a new list called "Recent Feed" and add all your friends and fave pages to it. It's back in chronological order. That's the closest I could get to the old FB. Time consuming, but worth it.


    All the other privacy settings like blocked wall posts, tags, certain albums/pics, posts, and so on are still blocked. I've always had different tiered lists of privacy. But it's so complicated now.


    And sadly I don't twitter.

  • Kobajo84

    September 29, 2011 at 3:21 am

    I consider myself to be fairly computer savy, I've even dabbled in some coding and built my own website for my own business.  Whatever I can't figure out, my husband has been able to troubleshoot for me fairly quickly.  But this new facebook has gotten me perplexed.  I've given it a week now an at first the change didn't bother me but now I'm finding it difficult to stay up to date on the news feed.  I feel like everything is all over the place when before it was all neatly accessible in one stream that just required me to scroll down until I was able to see the last posts I'd seen the last time I'd checked my facebook feed.  It was quick and simple.  Now with all my friends divided into their own list and having to click each to see all the updates, I find that facebook has become time consuming and to just do my regular daily "check ups" its taking much longer than it used to.  I've been contemplating deactivating my account for a long time now- even before these changes as I want to go back to a state of anonymity as I've encountered like many others the discrimatory uses facebook has posed within our society as a tool for employers.  I am one of the people who use my facebook for business purposes with a business page in addition to my private page- which has become extremely limited anymore even with all my privacy settings.  I understand their wanting to evolve as a company and the service is free so I shouldn't complain.  I'm just frustrated that I can't seem to find the rationalization of the change making these easier for the user.  I guess I will have to see when all the changes are implemented if it in fact will be easier to use or if it just makes things much more complicated. 

  • amy

    September 29, 2011 at 8:13 am

    hate to make it worse, but do you guys know what's happening to facebook next? this is going to be the new facebook as of october, supposedly.

  • Webmaster

    September 29, 2011 at 9:20 am

    Facebook is changing.  They are utilizing their ubiquitous reach to create demand so that they can use the information you give them as a draw for integrated partners like Spotify, Rhapsody, Netflix and Hulu.  The way they deliver your information to developers and integrated partners is through a very concerning technology called open graph which creates a map of your preferences, friends and activities based on everything from your posts to your likes to what you might be listening to on Spotify right now.

    In English that equals:

    Facebook is giving all your information to any developer who asks for it and we let them because we feel like we can't live without their service.  The depth of information they can access without your awareness is disturbing.  Playing a game such as farmville exposes ALL your personal info to companies like Zynga, which they can then use to model game experiences in a way that will encourage you to spend money (Yes they do this).

    Its worse than farmville though.  Spotify, the hot new music service, now requires you to have a facebook account in order to sign up.  When you sign up and use the service they have access to all your social information.  I don't even have to give Radio Shack my phone number any more but this new breed of business wants to know EVERYTHING not just my phone number but who my significant other is, who my best friends are, what books I've read, movies I've seen, etc….

    We participate because it makes human relationships easy.  It's easy to contact people, its easy to keep the relatives up to date, it's easy to scream your opinions at the world.  The question I struggle with is whether this ease of communication reduces the value of the communication, especially when it comes at the cost of our privacy.  Privacy is something the modern world has valued for the last two hundred years, the US set the standard and now it's citizens are just giving it away to make their lives easy.

    Do we value our privacy and intimacy in the relationships we hold close or is their more value in very one dimensional relationships with a couple hundred people and a complete loss of privacy.  To me it feels as if it is a quality or quantity question.

  • Veena

    September 29, 2011 at 9:25 am

    Yeah Amy that was one of the changes.

    I am in the process of removing family pics from FB today. I am done using it for anything other than business. I'll be posting more photos here so the members can get to know me better if they want. I really only have pole dancers as friends on fb anyway.  I know there are people who want to leave fb but feel they will lose contact with others or miss out on things by not using it. To me that just seems like fb has control over you and not you over it…..kinda scary!!

    This pasted week I have spend my time here rather than fb and I am in a better mood and I have gotten to know people better on SV then I ever did on FB. That was somthing I never expected!

  • amy

    September 29, 2011 at 9:49 am

    i spent a lot of time a month or so ago unfriending people who i had nothing personal against– i just really wasnt' friends with them. i went from over 1K "friends" to literally 350 who I am actually REALLY friends with and it has made a huge difference. but yes, i do have serious privacy concerns with the new chagnes FB is implementing.

    i'm trying out google+, but not sure yet how i feel about it and there isn't enough critical mass in teh membership among my friends to make me do a switch just yet.

  • beginner2

    September 29, 2011 at 10:36 am

    Fb is like a way to keep the contacts or to communicate. I don't post my family member pics on fb so I'm not worried. I don't show my email address. I don't post anything which can help people to find me, like where I live, where I'm going to, where I work, etc. Same like amy, I also unfriended thousands of friends so I now have less than 300 friends. I don't want all the Tom, Dick & Harry to stare at my pics there.

  • Angie La

    September 29, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    I can also relate to spending too much time on Facebook, especially when looking at pictured of friends… “Aww, so cute!! Oh that’s funny, wonder how she’s doing… Aww now her kids are just so BIG now… Omg! He got SO fat!!” Before I know it, my resting time was spent on Facebook, or I am up wayyy later than I needed to be. As I mentioned before, I decided to go on a Facebook diet. There was a time I would never leave without my cell phone from one room tithe next, let alone leave the house wining rushing back for it. I finally felt free once I realized I was no longer chained to my phone. It was the same with Facebook. I went on a Facebook hiatus for 1 month. When I came back on, all the changes were there but I already felt disconnected. Like with my cell phone, I was free. I still have not put the app back on my phone. I’ve been casually deleting old friends that I feel like I have grown out of. Not that I don’t care but that maybe they don’t care about me enough to notice I deleted them. I wrote on my info “no, I will not add you just so you can be nosy.” I personally felt like Facebook was a distraction. It was distracting me what really matters..not to mention compromising my integrity. And, Webmaster put it very truthfully! Americans have been completely blind to how much they are exploiting themselves. In Europe, people have said they are amazed by the kind stuff Americans will put on Facebook. As an American, I never actually thought about it until t was brought to my attention. I have since started a weebly website for free that I can post twitter stuff. If people actually care about me and my family, they will find other ways to keep in touch rather than just what is convenient.

  • Coatcheckgirl

    September 29, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    @ JelliCrew 

    I completely feel you on this.  I noticed I'm on facbook alot.  When  my cell wasn't working right for weeks.  I didn't miss it.  When it first became famous, I requested some many people from my grammar school, highschool, work,  etc.   Now I realized that I'm tired of looking at them.  I have nothing in commom with them anymore.  I deleted them, but giving that note,  they got upset with me.  So I felt the need to add them back .  Once again I got sick of them.  This time I deleted them and keeping up moving. 

    You are so right, Americans put some much of their business out for th world to see.  Who cares ?? Not me, because if I'm a real true friend, I will call you to see how you are doing.

    Hopefully before the ending of the year my facebook page will only be about poling.  If you are not on the pole, you are not on my page.  !!!



  • beginner2

    September 29, 2011 at 11:30 pm

    When I started to use fb, I was so excited to see friends or ex colleagues fb automatically recommended. I requested to add them & talked to them. Some never response. After a while, I was so bored I unfriended all of them. I only keep friends who talk to me. At least we have something in common. I no longer spend time with fb like before. After a while, it just loses its appeal.

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