Forums Discussions Fake X-Poles

  • Fake X-Poles

    Posted by Meg Smith on March 17, 2014 at 1:52 am

    Hey ladies and gents saw this on the X-pole Australia FB ppage ( …. So thought i would share it here too….

    “Feeling completely overwhelmed by the number of fake sets out there.

    Last week a girl mid-performance broke her hip bones so badly that she will never be able to pole again… when a fake pole snapped while in use. She will not ever dance again, & she will be lucky to walk again normally.

    Going through Ebay now & there are sellers that have sold 301 sets… 384 sets sold… last one of 75 sets… 401 sets sold… it is pages & pages & pages of fake X-POLEs.

    If your dome or your friend’s dome looks like this: please please do not use the pole?? Our domes are not teardrop shape.

    Fake sets are so dangerous. We are in court with one seller who has sold hundreds, and we will have to now commence proceedings against others.

    It takes months to get these guys to stop selling & they just open up shop under a different name – so please keep each other safe – spread the work & say no to fake sets?

    To those that have one – it may feel sturdy – but so did the one this girl was using. The join was push fit & chromed over the top, but no welds at all.
    Even the domes only have two sets of dodgy cheap bearings that are not sufficient for sideways loads.
    Please consider your safety – contact us if you’re unsure or go to if you’re not in Australia.” Pic below of fake xpole…

    Allgold78 replied 10 years, 6 months ago 19 Members · 47 Replies
  • 47 Replies
  • Meg Smith

    March 17, 2014 at 2:07 am

    What it should look like (passed on from xpole Australia fb page) –

  • Polebull

    March 17, 2014 at 7:15 am

    It’s true, I bought what I thought was an X Pole on eBay and it was a fake price of crap! It didn’t even have all the parts. And when I tried to contact the seller, they told me it was too late to return it. Buy only from the company!!!

  • Shadow22

    March 17, 2014 at 8:02 am

    What a shame! I was so close to buying an x-pole off e-bay because all poles on x-pole uk’s we page were out of stock. Fortunately before I checked out with my e-bay pole I checked one last time on x-pole and by stroke of luck the pole I wanted in the right size was in stock! Far more expensive than the e-bay pole but I’d rather spend money on a genuine good quality pole than put my life in danger with a fake one.

    Tragic shame for that poor woman, I hope she stays strong and makes a full recovery. These sellers have no idea what damage they can cause! Keep your eyes peeled when shopping around, if in doubt buy direct 🙂
    Stay safe polers!

  • chemgoddess1

    March 17, 2014 at 9:00 am

    I have said it before and I will say it again, there is no such thing as a safe cheap pole! You will NEVER find a new pole for under $250 .

  • Veena

    March 17, 2014 at 9:45 am

    Meg, thanks for seeing my reply to the thread and sharing this here! xoxo

  • quancutie23

    March 17, 2014 at 3:10 pm

    I dont understand how ppl cant tell the difference between a fake pole and whats a real pole.but thanks to sites like studioveena and educated pole instructures we can learn whats real and fake and how to be safe while purchasing a pole and how to properly put them together

  • Lina Spiralyne

    March 17, 2014 at 5:28 pm

    It’s because they don’t have any references I think, regarding how a proper pole should look like. If you’ve never seen an xpole dome then you won’t know. And even if you do, you may just think that they changed their style, like they do with some of the parts like the bottom plate sometimes.

  • quancutie23

    March 17, 2014 at 6:25 pm

    Yeah thats true. But I guess I was lucky when I bought mine I was warned about the sites and I had the girl that refer me to xpole come to my house and help me put it together to make sure it was the real thing

  • Stephanie X Pole

    March 17, 2014 at 6:39 pm

    Hi All,

    If you ever need to have a pole verified for authenticity, please email photos or links to and we can let you know if it is an authentic X-Pole or not. Cheers!

  • Palace

    March 17, 2014 at 8:39 pm

    Stephanie, can you tell me if there a certain parts of the pole that I should take pics of to send? What is the easiest part for x-pole to view in order to verify authenticity?

  • X Pole Tech

    March 18, 2014 at 3:04 am

    Fake X-Poles
    Fake X-Poles are easy to spot if you know what to look for.

    If in ANY doubt please contact us, we are here to help.

    For X-Pole protecting the Pole industry is very important and every accident affects the whole industry (its image, insurance etc.) and all the hard work that the schools, gyms and dancers worldwide have put in to change the perception of pole.

    So everyone knows. X-Pole only manufactures at one factory in China (in Shanghai) and has done so for the last 10 years. They are 100% exclusive to X-Pole and it is under X-Poles control. So we know 100% what is manufactured and 100% what leaves the factory. All companies offering poles on Chinese web sites are fakes.

    Here are some pointers to spot a Fake / Copy X-Pole.

    1. Joints
    X-Pole has been selling new style X-Poles with X-Joints for over 4 years. So, if it is being sold as a ‘New’ X-Pole and has ‘Screw Joints’ it is a fake or copy.

    Any pole over 4 years old needs to be checked and buying one with screw joints ‘now’ is not recommended as you will have no idea how that pole has been used.

    2. Upper Dome
    X-Pole has never had a ‘Plastic’ Upper Dome / Top Support.
    They are steel and have a very specific construction. Take a photo of the part that goes against the ceiling (the flat part) and send it to X-Pole. We can tell 99% of the time immediately.

    3. Serial Number (XX Xpert Only)
    On the flat part of the upper done there is a small white label. That is the pole serial number. Send us that number and we can tell you when it was made and if it is an X-Pole.

    If there is no serial number and it is a static and spinning pole, it is not an X-Pole.

    4. Height Adjuster
    All X-poles from 2010 are ‘Bottom Loading’ i.e. the adjuster is at the bottom. No one wants a top loading pole now!!

    All new X-Poles from 2010 have Hex Screws (x3) to lock the adjuster in position.

    If the pole is New, Top Loading and has a ‘Nut’ to lock adjuster and uses a Wrench/Spanner to tighten the Nut – the pole is a fake.

    There a several more points but the above will be a good start to check for Fakes/Copies. One other quick way is to ask the supplier for an extension. Most copy manufacturers and suppliers do not have extensions. Very often they say buy from X-Pole – in which case they are not supplied by us.

    We hope the above helps and please contact X-Pole if you are not sure what you are buying.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • X Pole Tech

    March 18, 2014 at 3:12 am

    One other Point regarding companies selling Fake X-Poles.

    Many of the companies and re-sellers on internet sites use X-Pole photos to hide the fact that they are fakes.

    If you send X-Pole the link you are buying from we can confirm if we supply the re-seller.

    In addition if they are including a DVD in the box – it is a Fake. X-Pole have not supplied a DVD in the box for over 4 years.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • Meg Smith

    March 18, 2014 at 4:36 am

    Quick question when an stockist on ebay say “Official X-Pole Stockist” does that mean they are or can anyone say that?
    Helpful pic too –

  • X Pole Tech

    March 18, 2014 at 5:08 am

    A web site saying “Official X-Pole Stockist” could be anyone.

    X-Pole send out to our stockists an official pack with details of how to re-sell X-Pole and with that pack is are 4 Authorised Logo’d signs which they can and should use to identify them as a official re-seller. If they are not using one of these then there is a good chance they are not an authorised re-seller dealing with X-Pole.

    There are some good re-sellers who may not be using one of these yet so if in doubt call us and check or buy from X-Pole direct then you know you are getting real product.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • X Pole Tech

    March 18, 2014 at 5:14 am

    Apologies the logos have somehow blended together and the words ahve gone missing of some of them.

    X-Pole Tech Support

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