My mother in law had something like this done. She had a breast removed due to cancer and then had an implant put in. She disliked it very much and said it was so weird having this perky forein thing in one side and then on the other side natural and 45 years old. So after much complaining to her dr. they removed it and had it fat graphed. If she wanted to ever pole dance it would be extreamly difficult! They had to take all the muscle from her left side abs and literally push them up into her breast. She only has ab muscles on one side now. Fat needs muscle to be able to have blood flow and such so they had to do that as well as adding fat they got from doing a small tummy tuck. She had to relearn how to sit up, and it was a very long recovery time, not being able to lift things etc. She is all fine and healed up now, 8 months later. She likes it much better than her implant, but I remember thinking about how she wont ever be able to try pole dancing now that half her abs are gone! I’m not sure if it is the same for people who already have breasts and stuff but that was her experience.
Personally, I always wanted bigger breasts. I was an A/B before I had my son and when I had him and breast fed I went up to a C/D! I hated it! I hated being around my dad with my new body, I didn’t like the attention at all! Now I’m back to my old self and happy that I had that experience before I went out and paid a bunch to have them bigger. I think small breasted girls are beautiful, and can wear a lot more than big breasted girls. Just my opinion. Good luck! Love yourself!