Forums Discussions Fav dancers/clips online

  • Fav dancers/clips online

    Posted by Sassafrassle on June 20, 2009 at 5:32 am

    I’m pretty new round here (hi! *waves*) but not so new to the pole – 2 years and counting:) However, I am not as awesome as perhaps one might think from that amount of time spent at it, perhaps ‘cos the teaching at my studio is not so structured at the upper levels. What I do do is watch A LOT of clips on youtube and now on here, to see what sort of moves are about, what sort of dancing people are incorporating into their routines and to generally marvel at the awesomeness out there in the pole portion of teh interwebz and hope I can work towards even a little bit of that upsidedown magic. What I was wondering (and hopefully this is an okay place to ask this) is, for you as polesters, is there a pole clip or pole-r that rises above the rest for you? Something you think every poler MUST see? It doesn’t have to be the big tricks – some of the most engaging pole clips I’ve seen haven’t had that many tricks in them but they’re well placed for effect amongst elegant dance moves.I’m completely in awe of Redke71 right now and there are other clips here and there that I’ve come across and loved either because they are a graceful joy to watch or some/all of the moves are interesting and innovative and just thought I’d see what floats other people’s pole boats:) Again, please tell me if I shouldn’t be posting this here! Thanks very much:)

    SaschaPoles replied 15 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies

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