Forums Discussions February Challenge

  • SaschaPoles

    February 11, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    i bet its gonna rock azriel!!!!!! cant wait to see it!

    veena, i haven’t even started mine yet! i was at the store tonight though and was SO TEMPTED to buy 80’s sunglasses just for this vid haha!

  • exdiva69

    February 14, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    COOL! so many great tunes from the 80’s, that’s a hard pick, i know alot of gals weren’t even born yet (WAH) on me, lol, but i can remember:)

    GLITTERHIPS, cool to see u here. i used to IDOLIZE MADONNA, and try and dress like her, which at my age did NOT make my parents very happy AT ALL. started around 6 or so maybe, and at 14 watch out, lol. i’d NEVER let my daughter out of the house in a dress i bought that my mom quickly cut up with scissors. now i understand why, lol. i had the mini skirts, the lace bow in the hair, lace gloves, ahhh…..the good ol days. when the song ‘like a virgin’ came out…i sang it like crazy with my lil friends, tho all the while, never knowing what the word ‘virgin’ meant. I can’t believe how long ago that was.

    CAN’T wait to see entries, I’ll do mine this coming week, everyone have a GREAT Valentin’es day!

    xoxo shel

  • azriel

    February 15, 2009 at 1:11 am

    so happy to have you here shelly! you’re so awesome and could definately be really helpful to alot of us! xx

  • exdiva69

    February 15, 2009 at 3:29 am

    oh thank you honey!! i just got home, i’m BEAT…. but i’ll try comin on again tomorrow, in any way i can help, ia m always ALL ears etc….i hope everyoe had a great valentine’s day!!!

    hugs, shel

  • Deirdre

    February 18, 2009 at 5:21 am

    Can’t wait to see vids…I’ve been off my pole for almost two weeks, my back’s still giving me problems from falling off my pole awhile ago. Hopefully I’ll be all fixed soon and I’ll do a video! Anywho, know what I’d LOVE? If every one posted a link to their challenge in the forum! It’d make it so much easier than searching for it! (Plus I’m search-challenged, I never can seem to find what I’m looking for, lol). Anywho, just a thought!

  • Flosqito

    February 18, 2009 at 6:04 am

    yay im so excited for this challenge!
    its going to be so fun
    i went shopping today and got me a outfit to wear haha its going to be silly
    then i figured out my song today
    and even figured out some super sweet moves to do hahaha
    im so pumped
    and also i had an awesome workout today
    i actually made a video of me dancing!!!!
    but cant post it
    its a lil to risque haha oops
    but im definatly going to post a feb challenge video and i cant wait to see all urs!

  • Sparklie

    February 18, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    I wish I had a video camera to join in the fun… in a few more months that will happen. I love 80’s music, and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

  • Veena

    February 18, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    I did my challenge on Monday… but the song I picked was Kiss by Prince and Youtube wont allow it So I’ll have to find a different song…I even did 5 takes because I wanted to dance straight though but my kids kept intrupting…I would be almost done and a child would wander past the video cam. LOL but then Monday night I had the stomach flu so it will be a few days before I jump back on the pole. Everyone one of my kids had this awful flu I thought for sure I wouldn’t get it…This whole month of February has been full of fevers and . The challenge for me isn’t the 80s music its actually DOING a video LOL. I hope to see some of the vids you guys have done!1

  • SaschaPoles

    February 18, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    thats a good idea deidre, when i make mine ill post a link in here for you. sparklie i hope you can get a camera soon!!!!!! flos, i loved how you had those cute little faces after certain things in your post, i cant wait to see your vid, i know it’s gonna rick!!!!! poor veena, that sucks about them pulling the song on your prince 80’s vid- all that work and they pull the audio, that sucks!!! im glad you’re feeling better though!!! thats too cute though, i laughed when you said, "and a child would wander past…" too cute!!!! i haven’t been on my pole in ages, im gonna have to start all over with the fireman and stuff to get back into it!

  • Veena

    February 18, 2009 at 9:11 pm

    No…. YouTube pulled the whole thing Video and all. Not the audio the whole darn thing!! Oh well

  • SaschaPoles

    February 18, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    whaaaaaat??? that’s so annoying!!!!!!!! to be honest, i thought they’d pull my props vid because i had music in the background, you could clearly hear buckcherry’s crazybitch song in on of them- i thought i’d get in trouble for that lol.

  • Veena

    February 18, 2009 at 9:22 pm

    Can’t wait to see vids…I’ve been off my pole for almost two weeks, my back’s still giving me problems from falling off my pole awhile ago. Hopefully I’ll be all fixed soon and I’ll do a video! Anywho, know what I’d LOVE? If every one posted a link to their challenge in the forum! It’d make it so much easier than searching for it! (Plus I’m search-challenged, I never can seem to find what I’m looking for, lol). Anywho, just a thought!

    Yes that’s a great idea Deirdre!! Hope your back is feeling better.

  • Sparklie

    February 18, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    Prince is a HUGE copyright freak about his stuff. I love a lot of the music, but I would stay away from posting anything with his music because they will pull it.

  • pole-twista

    February 19, 2009 at 12:08 am

    oh i agree i am also search challenged i am basically computor challenged in general anything to make it easier would be great i still can not seem to find saschas floor moves video typed the adress in but no luck will keep trying. Haven’t been overly motivated last week or so, but do plan on doing the challenge. Maybe someday I’ll even get to post

  • exdiva69

    February 20, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    ughh…having problems with youtube pullin off songs from like 20+ yrs ago, is just WRONG! Do you really think those old bands, mind us polin to them? hell no, but yet, i managed to find a couple tunes from the mid 80’s unallowed *grr*, i’ll be moving on down to the 60’s soon, hehe…

    seriously, I THINK IT’S GONE TOO FAR, give us back our rights, dang it!

    ok sorry, i just get a lil ticked when it takes so long to pick songs, dance, then the upload process, and BOO-ING…nada! RE-START!

    Here is my 80’s veena challenge video..

    can’t wait to see and watch more of ’em!

    xoxo shelly

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