Forums Discussions Fetish Fantasy Pole

  • Fetish Fantasy Pole

    Posted by Babz on January 29, 2012 at 2:00 am

    It's almost time for tax returns so I'm trying to weasle my way into getting a pole. LOL

    I've been researching and checking reviews on each pole but I'm on a budget. Anything more than $150 I just can't do. And sadly that leaves me with not many options…

    What is your opinion on the Fetish Fantasy brand?
    Is it just like the Carmen Electra and Peekaboo pieces of poo or it is actually worth a try?

    I've seen Lil Minx for around $150 but only on sale and who knows how long that will last…

    At any rate, I need to know if the Fetish Fantasy brand can withstand my weight (185lbs sadly) and if I can go upside down/swing around.
    I'll only be using it for fitness and I will NOT be using it professionally.
    I'll more or less be switching out my hula hoop exercise with poling instead. So a max of 30-45 minutes every other day.

    Thanks girls! <3

    Babz replied 13 years ago 10 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • PaulettePoles

    January 29, 2012 at 4:35 am

    Id look for a used quality pole! I just bought one from another member for my cousin and its perfect!!

    Make a post for pole wanted- people upgrade all the time- or move and there are always poles floating around

  • chemgoddess1

    January 29, 2012 at 9:45 am

    That mount looks all plastic.


    And I see it as anything less than $150 (new) is a danger to your health.

  • BACE16

    January 29, 2012 at 10:00 am

    I'd recommend waiting/saving to get a better quality pole.  You'll end up saving more too.

    $150 now for a quick pole + $250 (average) for a real pole later = $400 

    $250 waiting for a real pole = $250

  • Dancing Paws

    January 29, 2012 at 10:59 am

    Like Paulette said, post an ad on here for a  "pole wanted." Also, do the same thing on your local craigslist. Lilmynx is a really good pole to get, especially if you are on a budget. If you can't find anyone selling either a cheap, lilmynx, x pole, platinum stages, action, or pole danzer pole, I'm with the other ladies on here and say just wait a little longer and save for the lilmynx. IF you can save up for a spinner, that would be the best option since everyone ends up wanting a spinner in the end…better to get it from the start (if you can) so you can save money and not have to buy a second pole. OR you could start with the stationary lilmynx, then save up for a different pole later that spins. I personally have had 3 separate poles, and am thinking about getting my 4th pole…

    BTW, that fetish pole looks really cheap. The base alone makes me nervous. It looks like a shower curtain rod! It looks like it would snap off from the ceiling because the base would have no traction. You need a base that can grip the floor and a mount that can either grip the ceiling or screw into it and be sturdy. You can see what my PS base and ceiling plate look like, and it makes sense how it grips the ceiling and floor so well.

    The X pole has a similar sized base, and a ceiling dome, and each have a silicone ring that grips the ceiling and floor. The lilmynx has a mount that you drill one hole in the ceiling with a larger screw than the fetish pole. It also has rubber gripping feet on the bottom (and you can buy a non-skid floor pad as well.)



  • Babz

    January 29, 2012 at 2:05 pm

    Ahh I see. Thank you!

    I couldn't find any good reviews on the FF pole but I'd assumed it was cheap quality.
    There is a Lil Mynx on Craigslist for $175 so I might try to snag that up before posting on the "pole wanted".

    I'm not even sure if I can get one. lol

    I'm not sure if I even want a spinner since I get dizzy so fast! But we'll see how it goes when I actually do end up with a pole.
    It'll be just a hobby anyways so I don't want to spend too much on it. 😛

  • PoleDollqld

    January 30, 2012 at 3:19 am

    Ok, ill have to pipe up here. I bought one of these from an adult shop. I didnt realise that you had to screw it intot he ceiling.The base is super flimsy,  so i wouldnt go near it again. Plus, its made by some dildo  company,  which i doubt has any idea about poles ( well, the dancing kind)


    I agree with the veeners, even when on a budget – safety first! Lil Mynx, Xpole, Platnium are all good brands and Veenars are often trading up and selling their old ones on. Good luck!!

  • o0sair0o

    January 30, 2012 at 5:26 am

    As far as I know (and I’m sure someone here would know better) I thought all spinny poles could be stationary as well? I could be very wrong tho. I agree with everyone that pretty much says safety first. I find upside down terrifying enough but at least I know my pole won’t let me down!

  • Rose2011

    January 30, 2012 at 8:09 am

    I got one of the Fetch poles (before learning the diffence in poles)! Don’t waste your money! I weight about 115 pounds and it broke after 1 week! It is VERY flimsy and it has 2 seams on it. One is flared out and tears your skin off! It was a very bad purchase! Now I have a Platimun Stages pole and it is soooo much stronger and better quality than my first pole!

  • Rose2011

    January 30, 2012 at 8:09 am

    I got one of the Fetch poles (before learning the diffence in poles)! Don’t waste your money! I weight about 115 pounds and it broke after 1 week! It is VERY flimsy and it has 2 seams on it. One is flared out and tears your skin off! It was a very bad purchase! Now I have a Platimun Stages pole and it is soooo much stronger and better quality than my first pole!

  • dancing in the gray

    January 30, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    If you can get that LM pole for $175, do it! We use LM in our studio and that’s what I bought. I still haven’t put it up but I am really excited to!

  • Babz

    January 30, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    Thanks again girls!

    I'll defiantly try to get the LM pole as soon as I can!
    Come on tax returns! Gimme money now!!

    I wonder if I can haggle them down a little futher…maybe $150~

  • dancing in the gray

    January 30, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    What kind of LM is it?  SS, powder coated, diameter, spin pole?

    If you think there might be room to haggle, I'd do it.  But it's a solid pole for the money especially.

  • Babz

    January 31, 2012 at 2:00 am

    I'm not sure about the specifications since this is the posting 

    "For sale – brand new, never used. We took it out of the box long enough to realize that NONE of our ceilings are high enough to mount this. It's the 8'-9' black powder coated pole. All hardware still included – like I said, we only opened the box to realize that it was too long. I had eyeballed the ceiling and figured it was tall enough, but alas, they're 2" too short. 

    Asking $175bo. "


    I think I can work around the size of it though.

    I'm assuming its the 45mm.

  • Dancing Paws

    January 31, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Contact them and find out if it is a spinner or not. If it isn't then you can probably haggle them down some more.

  • Platinum Stages

    January 31, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    Not sure what city you're in, but we know of someone who wants to upgrade to the new super skinny 38 mm/1.5 in and she is selling her old pole first.

    I'd be happy to get you in touch with her. is my email address.


    Erica from Platinum Stages

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