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I think rubbing alcohol smells worse than vinegar. Rubbing alcohol just makes me think of sick people. LOL
is it more for cleaning the pole or putting on your hands? I'm very intruiged to see how others get along before I 'splash' out on a bottle of white vinegar lol
bought a bottle today…not only for the pole, but also for its many other alleged uses (cleaning, laundry, etc.). Will let you guys know how it works for grip!
Phew, I'm not sure whether I can buy normal white vinegar here … I know I saw white balsamico and all kinds of more or less clear vinegar (cider vinegar ist quite popular) at the supermarket – do you think this will do??
@Celeda – Glad it worked well for you! Good luck in your search for the already diluted version.
@Veena – hahahah I can relate, being in the healthcare field.
@Ollie – OH NOOOO! Lol no splashing. It’s meant for wiping the pole, even though some vinegar on the towel gets on your hands. I don’t literally wipe my hands with the vinegared towel until after an hour or 2 of poling.
@Gingercake – Get the normal white standard vinegar, if you can find white distilled vinegar, that’s better. I was going to use cider vinegar since that’s what we have but after researching, best to use standard white and mix yourself or white diluted vinegar.
thanks for sharing, I'm definitely going to try this. My grip is always better in winter cos obviously it's colder so this is gonna be a great thing to try in time for summer sweatiness haha
try it last night and it work well, pole was more grippy
Thanks for the tips
Yay! I'm def. gonna try this today. Maybe it'll work for me too. *fingers crossed*
I hear that you shouldn't use vinegar based cleaners (including window cleaner) on coated poles. (TG and Chrome)
Good point robyn…Vinegar is acidic. I wouldn't use it to dry out my hands on my titanium finish pole. Chrome if it has been applied properly should be ok but to clean the pole your always safer going with alcohol. I think we were just talking about using it on your hands? I would keep something else around to clean the pole. I'm lucky I don't have sweaty hands I have to deal with dry hands
Yay ladies! You’re welcome and yay tiggertail for more grip!
@Robyn – Actually its safe to use vinegar on chrome. There’s 190,000 results on google suggesting it. Lol!
I’ve been using it on my chrome x-pole with no problem and used it on brass, stainless steel, and chrome in studios. Though your right its probably best NOT to use it on titanium gold bc there’s no saying long term results.@Veena – We’re cleaning our poles with vinegar like you do your floors! Hehehehe. My partner last night had dry hands like you. My polar opposite. She brought alcohol, but preferred using my vinegar instead. She LOVED the grip so much more, that she’s buying both vinegar AND iTac. Lol! Guess it works both ways.
Thank you so much for this post! Definatly going to give this a try 🙂
Thanks for the info about using vinegar and water to clean the pole, I do get sweaty hands when I am pole dancing. I'll give it a go.
I tried the vinegar last night – it worked so well! I first wiped down the entire pole with vinegar, then wiped my hands with it. The smell was intense at first, since I didn't dilute it. All I could think of was salt and vinegar chips, which made me hungry….hah.
I poled for about an hour, and I only needed to re-wipe the pole and my hands once. It seems like ithe vinegar dissolves the oil on your hands and any grime lingering on the pole.
It did increase thigh chafe and discomfort though – ouch! Probably because my skin was already pretty dry – this winter has sucked.
Anyway, I highly recommend the vinegar for grip! Thank you for the suggestion, Heathalynne!
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