Forums Discussions Finally doing a move but then can’t do it next time?

  • Finally doing a move but then can’t do it next time?

    Posted by Lexi girl on May 24, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    So I have been poling since the beginning of May. I'm a total newbie. Mostly, I am just dancing, stretching, conditioning, etc. Last week I was able to do my first fireman spin and the week before I did a pole sit. I can still do the pole sit overall although not as clean as the first time and I am unable to do the spin again. Was it just beginner's luck? I know I need to work more on my strength but it just seems sad that I can't do it again. Advice? Tips? 

    Lexi girl replied 13 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Runemist34

    May 24, 2011 at 9:03 pm

    Sometimes we tend to overanalyze our moves. When you're a beginner and haven't done it before, you sometimes just jump in to see what it was like, and often, you don't know what to expect, so you can't really analyze it. And then, once you've done it once, you try to "improve" forcefully, by thinking about your experience.

    My advice? Just try it again, without trying to improve, without the expectation, if you can manage it. Even if you don't quite get it, you will at least be closer!

    Also, if you feel comfortable doing it, we can always help you on video! Most of the people here are very visual, so if you put up a video, we'll give you a hand!

    Also, congrats on the pole sit! That was a big one for me! 🙂

  • Cinara

    May 24, 2011 at 9:12 pm

    Being able to do a new move one day but not the next is completely normal, and happens to all of us. I'm going to resist the urge to geek out and write you an essay on motor learning (I'm doing a PhD on it), but I will say that whenever you learn something new, your performance is very variable at first while your brain works out exactly what signals to send to each part of your body. (And how to adapt to changes in humidity, triedness, etc, etc)

     In a pole sit, this doesn't matter so much because you can still grip the pole when your muscles are doing slightly different things (though as you noted it's not as clean). Something like a fireman, though, is far more complex and requires more balance, so a slight change in how your muscles work can throw the whole thing off.

    All you need to do is just keep trying, and it will come back. Your brain just needs some time to experiement and figure it out. It's all just a part of the learning process 🙂

  • HollySatine

    May 25, 2011 at 8:21 am

    I totally agree – this happens to me all the time, especially with spins because in order to do most of them correctly you're relying on very exact muscle movements, timing, and placement that you don't have to worry quite as much about with moves that require mostly friction and strength.  In general, this will all become easier as you find your "sweet spots" for each move you learn, but you will probably always run into this problem as long as you're learning new moves. 🙂

  • Lexi girl

    May 25, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    Ah, that makes total sense. I definitely need to chill and just keep working on it. It was just SOOO exciting and then to be unable to do it again was so defeating. Thanks for the support! Alleyoop! Back on the pole! 🙂 

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