Finding my style
Hey guys!
I have really been doing some “soul searching”. I have always found it difficult to be myself because as a child I was taught to be a certain way and act a certain way. Having such a strong negative influence as I grew up, my body image and self esteem had been destroyed and I felt like I wasn’t left with much. I’m still a young person but over the years I’ve felt like my “style” and outer appearance just didn’t match up with how I felt inside and how I viewed myself.
I’ve had people tell me what hair style, hair color, clothes, etc look best on me and every time they say things like: your natural hair, blonde hair, don’t wear so much black, etc, I’d always feel disappointed. I would feel disappointed that others didn’t like what I wanted to wear or have as style.When I was 16 and moved in with my dad, I was finally able to start doing things on my own (especially once I got my job and car). It was really hard to decide what to do with my outer appearance when I felt like the inside was broken. I dyed my hair black and sometimes auburn. It was also a depressing period in my life but I really enjoyed the contrast of dark hair on my pale skin.
In therapy, I’ve been discussing how my family makes me uncomfortable sometimes…I always feel like the black sheep or the odd ball. I have family members who call me “weird” and think that I got what I deserved (breaking my foot) by doing pole. It really sucks to have such negativity in my life and especially towards something that I love..
It sounds silly, but I couldn’t make up my mind: did I want to please others with my natural hair or did I want to do what I wanted to do?
If I did what I wanted to do with my outer appearance and even speak my mind, I’d have people tell me that it doesn’t look good on me or to go back with the natural look. It’s been a really difficult journey, years later I feel like I’ve been fighting with this silliness for too long.
The truth is, I know who I am. And she’s been here the whole time, sort of lurking in the background. Ultimately I have to do what I feel comfortable with and what I think looks good. I am really excited that I’ve finally accepted myself. I really enjoy who I am and I don’t really care what others think. I know I’ve progressed a lot and I’m super proud of this journey.
So…I’ve decided that I’m going to do something drastic with my hair. I recently had to cut it short, but it’s finally starting to grow back out. I am thinking of going either bright red or maybe even black with blue highlights…
I’d also like to get my nose pierced again (had to take it out for work a while back). I enjoy piercings and I can’t wait to go do this again.Anyway, I know this isn’t super relevant to pole but at the same time, I feel that since I’ve been doing pole a lot of my style and soul has been coming out. Once I let go, I think we’ll really see it/me.
Since I’ve been doing pole, I can tell a difference in my body and my attitude. I even feel like I handle myself and situations more positively.
I just wanted to share my journey thus far and what I’ve been thinking about. I am sure that others feel similar or can relate to this.I feel really excited to make a physical change but also by doing so, emotionally I’ll feel changed and proud of myself for making the change.
If anyone has any thoughts or similar circumstances, I’d love to hear it! I think the pole community is super supportive and also I feel that polers in general tend to let go and really let themselves shine through their dances.
Thanks for listening to me babble. 🙂
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