Forums Discussions First Pole Performance!

  • First Pole Performance!

    Posted by michaelaarghh on October 12, 2012 at 12:48 am

    Last Friday night I performed at my studio's open night for the first time!

    I'm pretty happy with how it went – especially considering I came down with tonsillitis the night before but pushed on anyway. My hands were so slippery at the beginning and I couldn't hold the first move which really shook my confidence but I think I recovered well. 


    All the details are here:

    Tell me what you think and about your first time performing? What did you learn from that first experience?

    I'm thinking I might perform at the next one – even though it's only 6 weeks away! eep!

    calipolepixie replied 12 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • pantherchild

    October 12, 2012 at 6:06 am

    Awww!  You guys looked great!! Did you have fun?  It looked like you did!  Really nice moves, very clean. I didn't really notice the slipping.  And those pictures are just wonderful!!!  Congrats! 

    You should totally do the next showcase–6 weeks is pelnty of time.  😀 Would you do solo this time, or another duet?

    First time I preformed was for a showcase my studio put on…we had to aduition to get in and ended up dancing to live singers.  That made it kind of awesome–we got a copy of a draft of the song from the singer before hand, but live it was a little different.  I totally forgot half my routine, but ended up just shaking my rear at the audiance for a while.  Everyone cheered, so I guess that's a win.  😀 I totally freaked out though, and I can see it in the video, though other people have claimed they can't.

    I learned most of all to have a back up plan. If the pole is funky or if you forget everything, have a couple combos stashed away that you can just whip out while you get your bearings again. And to pick a song that fits with your personal style so that you can really put a lot of emotion and feel good about it.  This is what I ended up doing:

    I love preforming–I love the attention and the lights and the feeling that everyone is paying attention to meeee.  I've started really seeking out places to preform at.  It's addicting!!

  • michaelaarghh

    October 12, 2012 at 6:43 am

    Oh I love it! You can tell you love performing, you look like you're having such a great time up there. 

    I really did have fun with it. It's a bit weird how "in the moment" you get. I was so focussed on the music, I honestly don't remember hearing people cheer. I was a bit surprised actually at the audience reaction when I watched the video!

    I might do my first solo performance for the next one! I'd love to do another duet, I just think that in that time frame it's easier to organise myself than to have someone else rely on me. Especially as I have uni exams coming up in the next two weeks. 

    Having live music to dance to is really insane! I think that would just create a completely different atmosphere; a more fun one! Thanks for the advice re: a back up plan. I am definitely going to consider that for the next one. Song choice is such a difficult issue! Laura (who I danced with) picked the song and did all the choreography for that routine (amazing, isn't she!?) so I think half my issue will be that this time. Eep!

  • pantherchild

    October 12, 2012 at 9:33 am

    Hehe, thanks.  I'm kind of an attention seeker. I ended up getting into a local comp and getting 3rd, so that's exciting.

    That's so wonderful!  The feeling of being into the music and connected to it is really awesome–you looked really beautiful preforming. Very gracful and not stlited.

    You should! Solo is very fun, and stringing together moves is really fun. Coming up with coreography is something I love. It's fun to come up with sets of moves and see them executed well.  If you need any help, hit me up!

    It puts a different spin on it–there's not just your emotion and power going into the dance, but there's a whole 'nother preformer putt her emotion into it….it's really cool, and if you have the chance, totally jump on it.

    Yeah–I have a few small 'go to' moves.  Fireman to pole spin, fan legs to backwards spin, dip to a cross behind step…they are things I know I can throw in anywhere and let me catch my balance if I'm off kilter (or think of waht to do next, hehe.) I also listen to my music a LOT, so I try not to pick songs that I really really love because I end up sick of them–but I do try toget fun songs that I like to listen to (this weekend's preformance is to Bowling For Soup's 1985!)

    You'll do great!  Just remember–even if you screw up, no one knows unless you let em.  😀

  • calipolepixie

    October 12, 2012 at 11:41 am

    This was awesome 🙂 congrats on your first performance! It all seems so exciting! I want to perform badly but I have yet to perform & i’m terrified about it.

    I have a pole party that i’ve booked for my bday Dec 8 & “the plan” is for me to perform for my guests at that & i am already majorly freaked out. I still have to formulate a routine too & have no idea where to start as i am terrible @ putting together choreography & my freestyle is much worse lol. My studio instructor offered to help if i book a private lesson which i dont have the extra $ for right now 🙁
    I’m thinking of just taking bits & pieces for vids on the net that feature moves i can do & piecing it all together…

    Good luck at your next performance i’m sure youll do great!

  • calipolepixie

    October 12, 2012 at 11:41 am

    This was awesome 🙂 congrats on your first performance! It all seems so exciting! I want to perform badly but I have yet to perform & i’m terrified about it.

    I have a pole party that i’ve booked for my bday Dec 8 & “the plan” is for me to perform for my guests at that & i am already majorly freaked out. I still have to formulate a routine too & have no idea where to start as i am terrible @ putting together choreography & my freestyle is much worse lol. My studio instructor offered to help if i book a private lesson which i dont have the extra $ for right now 🙁
    I’m thinking of just taking bits & pieces for vids on the net that feature moves i can do & piecing it all together…

    Good luck at your next performance i’m sure youll do great!

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