Flexibility loss?
I have a problem that I wanted to ask you guys about. I have had some problems with my front splits, but my middle split is just fine and quite easy to get into.
Lately I´ve been working on the front split a bit more to get some results and the only result I´ve got is pain, pain, pain and loss of flexibility. I dont push if it hurts and I try to stay in the stretch until my body relaxes and I dont do any ballistic stretches as I feel (and think) that is not good for the muscles. The pain I feel is in my hips, butt and back of my upper legs. The hipflexors are fine and lower legs are fine aswell.
To my questions. Have anyone got any tips for the frontsplits? And how often do you exercise deep stretching? (Some say you should do it everyday and some say only one day a week?!)
I dont ask for shortcuts but I seem to be doing something wrong. What just gets me is that all the other stretches are going just fine and I have gotten huge results so far. 🙂
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