Forums Discussions Flexibilty Help….Anyone hear of Stacey Nemour?

  • Flexibilty Help….Anyone hear of Stacey Nemour?

    Posted by mrsbaybeegurl on April 30, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Hey guys, I know flexibilty is always a hot topic around here since we all want more of it lol  While looking for some kind of REAL flexibility DVD (not just simple stretches) I can across a DVD called Stacey Nemour's Extreme Flexibility for Pro-Athletes & Teams .  It looks really good and like it teaches you how to even do basic contortions, but the DVD is pricey…it's $40, which while thats not crazy for a high quality training vid, it'ss not something I have to just throw  around either.  There is only three reviews on Amazon for it (which are all perfect ratings) and a clip of whats  on the DVD can be viewed here   She also has another DVD called Secrets of Splits & Flexibility, it's $25 with about 24 ratings, most really good.  Anyways, I wasn't sure if anyone here maybe has tried either of her DVD's but if you have how is it?  Thanks 🙂

    mrsbaybeegurl replied 13 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • monary

    April 30, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    I have the secrets of splits and flexibility dvd.  I think she is really good at making sure the stretches are safe.  For example, I once was shown how to do a v-straddle against the wall by my physical therapist because I had some pain and swelling in my knee.  Whenever I did that stretch it stretched my knee painfully, I kept at it hoping it was a stage to get through and then once it was stretched enough it would stop hurting.  When I got the video, Stacey Neymour gave some tips on positioning where she pointed out the position that put strain on the need, and how to position to do that stretch without inadvertantly straining the knees.  My physical therapist showed me the exercise but did not go into detail to protect my knees.   there are a lot of really goood positioning tips

    There are a lot of stretches on the video. Some I already knew, but some  were new to me.  The video is set up to that you go through shoulder, calf, quad, hip, groin, and hamstring stretches.  Usually there are two or three stretches for each area.  Stacey doesn't tend to hold the stretches for very long. She usually does two stretches for a muscle that she doesn't hold long, and then the last stretch for that muscle, she goes deeper and stretches for longer. So it is almost like the first two stretches are warm up stretches, and then she holds the stretch for longer.

    Then there is a section of dynamic stretches with ankle weights, then finally lunges, and splits practice.

    I have not had the consistency with it to go seriously for the splits. I think it is a valuable video because it teaches a variety of leg and hip stretches safely, but if splits were my goal I think I would learn the stretches and then do them on my own where I would hold some stretches a lot longer.   

    t overall it is a very good leg flexibility video, that teaches you how to do a variety of leg and hip stretches safely and with good form. .

  • mrsbaybeegurl

    May 1, 2011 at 11:26 am

    Thanks Monary, Im happy to hear that she makes sure her stretches are safe, and I am glad that she is one of the people that make sure you do't get hurt while following her program.   From her ratings and from what I am hearing from you, she sounds legit in what she teaches.  There are so many diffrennt theories on stretching/flexibility and what works and what doesn't.  I know the foam rollers are getting lots of attention too and that was something else I was thinking of before running into her DVD's In the end I just wanna be bendy lol Whatever gets me there the safest is a go in my book. 

    I actually had an injury back in september while exiting out of a split, not beccause of the split but I have bad knees (they click whenever i walk especially up steps and Im only 26!  Dr's say i need an MRI on it and insurance company wont pay cuz the xray looks fine…never ending case of wth  is wrong with ME?? lmao) Anyways the knee dislocated and i had to take about 4 weeks of from stretching and now i lost my ability to get into a split grrr…  But I also have my eye on some basic contortion moves that i would LOVE to be able to do.  I don't need to be able to do all the wild and crazy stuff but I would really like to nail the chest stand and  that standing scorpian thing lol and Staceys newer DVD looks like it can help with that type of training.  So the fact you said the DVD you have was safe on your knees means a lot! 

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