Flexibilty Help….Anyone hear of Stacey Nemour?
Hey guys, I know flexibilty is always a hot topic around here since we all want more of it lol While looking for some kind of REAL flexibility DVD (not just simple stretches) I can across a DVD called Stacey Nemour's Extreme Flexibility for Pro-Athletes & Teams . It looks really good and like it teaches you how to even do basic contortions, but the DVD is pricey…it's $40, which while thats not crazy for a high quality training vid, it'ss not something I have to just throw around either. There is only three reviews on Amazon for it (which are all perfect ratings) and a clip of whats on the DVD can be viewed here http://www.youtube.com/user/StaceyNemour#p/u/3/IUzgHZMLbB0 She also has another DVD called Secrets of Splits & Flexibility, it's $25 with about 24 ratings, most really good. Anyways, I wasn't sure if anyone here maybe has tried either of her DVD's but if you have how is it? Thanks 🙂
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