Floor Body Roll And Shoulder Mount Question
Hello fellow veeners; got a couple of questions for you guys.
1st: I’ve been sporadically working on the floor body roll Veena added to her lessons a little while ago, and I’m having some trouble taking the motion all the way down through my shoulders. I can get my hips and the lower half of my body moving like they’re supposed to, but Veena mentions in the video to keep the motion going through your shoulders as well, and they just sort of look stiff and awkward when I try to roll them. I’ve already watched the lesson several times, although I should probably go back just to refresh my memory; maybe something will click better this time. Any tips? I should probably post a video for you guys to better help me, but I need some new batteries for my camera; I’ll put up some new videos as soon as I get those.
2nd question: Any tips on doing a shoulder mount while on the pole? I’ve seen this done but am not exactly sure how to get my hands into the proper position once I’m on the pole. For the record, I can do a nice controlled shoulder mount from standing and also from the floor, so I feel like I’d like to work on the aerial version next.
Any help is appreciated!
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