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Foam Roller…couple of questions
Posted by Mary Ellyn on March 29, 2011 at 9:30 I am just starting to look into using one. I've read some of the threads but I have a couple more questions.
1. Do some places actually offer a "how to" class on this?
2. Is this done in addition to stretching or in place of it? I get the impression it's in addition to but want to be sure.
3. How often are you suppose to use a foam roller?
VanillaryPuff replied 13 years, 7 months ago 38 Members · 51 Replies -
51 Replies
empy, when i was thinking about getting one i googled the heck out if it and found very little info. so i wasn't sure about it… until i actually got to play with one. once you have one in hand, you'll understand exactly what to do with it… you just lay different parts of your body on it and use your arms/legs to hold up some of your body weight as you roll back and forth… it's self massage. if you find a tight spot just make tiny little rolls back and forth to really work into hte spot… if you're really sore, they are a lifesaver and they can be a great thing to do during cool down… i wouldn't suggest them for before a workout or in place of warmup. i dont use them much for flexibility) but i know others do… they come in different "hardnesses", with harder rollers being more intense and some with nubbins to really get into your tight muscles.
I have a pretty basic one. You can find some tutorials on YT on how to use it but is a myofacial (please forgive me on spelling) massage. Basically its you against your body weight as a self massager.
I use it on very tight spots – hips, random spots on my back etc. It does wonders on my back. It will pop my back in places I cant get to myself. It also helps release the latic acid from working out.
I use mine weekly. I use it while im waiting for a game to load or watching tv.
I've got lessons coming with foam roller use!!!!!!! I've very excited about it
Thanks for starting this thread…I, too, am very interested in it. My yoga studio is selling them so I googled some videos..but BETTER is Veena's lessons..perfect timing!!
You can work out with them but I much prefer to use them right before I stretch. I don't always use them when I'm warm though – I'll just feel tight and grab my foam roller and massage it out.
When I do a stretching session I use them to warm up – there are a lot of exercises you can do and they can be tough to use. 20 minutes of foam roller followed by stretching is great. They are also great for before you pole if you're tight. Just be careful – they are painful at first. Work in slow small areas instead of large areas.
On top of a foam roller, a tennis ball and a wall works wonders for getting those little buggars that like to hide around your shoulder blade that you cannot get with a foam roller.
I use a foam roller as an addition to my stretches specifically for my back flexibility before and after a workout. Foam roller for back flexibility takes time and progression to ease your back into the stretch because the foam roller is so big it could actually be painful if your back isn't properly flexible. You don't want to throw your entire weight into it, you have to ease yourself in. That saying goes for all the stretches you would use the foam roller for. I use a rolled up yoga mat for my beginner students in the lumbar area…it has a little give but for people without hyperflexibility in their back, it serves as a sufficient stretch. There are a lot of YouTube videos out there for foam roller exercises. I also got BeSpun's foam roller DVD and found some useful exercises. The foam roller I got came with a DVD and many of the exercises Amy in the BeSpun DVD shows you are on my foam roller DVD too. I also like the tennis balls but I use them for other areas in my classes. I have used them in the rhomboid area and I can tell you it felt like heaven. I also really like to use my foam roller for my shoulders….that feels amazing too. There are different types of rollers in colors and soft or hard. The following article is a good overview of some of the benefits and differences with foam rollers.
As a runner, foam rollers get to be both your best friend and your worst enemy, especially on the old IT band! I use them. On my legs all the time and have only recently started using them on back and shoulders. I know at least for the legs, a lot of people roll back and forth over the tight spots but I found out at a running seminar that I went to that it’s actually better to slowly roll till you find a sore spot then actually sit on that spot till it releases because going back and forth over it can actually aggravate it sometimes. Think of it like a pressure point kind of massage – if it were a masseur/se doing it, they would hold down the point till the fascia (little muscley fibre bundle thingys) release (within reason though – if it takes too long to release, ease off and try again later). Mmm hurts so good
I think Veena's foam roller lessons will be a huge hit! Last weekend she ran through the basics of foam roller use with me and helped me use her roller and OMG it felt so freaking good! (some places that were really tight it was tender at 1st, but it loosened up quickly). Veena showed me different ways to hold yourself to modify the amount of pressure (and good pain!) you feel. She then ran me through several stretches after the roller use and I felt so much more comfortable going into my side splits (sometimes I'd get this shooting pain in my rear, but the muscles all felt much more relaxed) I was really surprised how tight certain areas were and I think as Sassafrassle said, I would pause and let the muscle release…this was gentle/slow rolling with pressure as tolerated. It felt GREAT!
@ Fuzzy…I'm glad you did like it…I was hoping it wasn't too painful. As Sassafrassie said that IT band wow it hurts!
From massage schoool this is what I learned about foam rollers which do what is called myofascial release for your system:
Fascia is a layer of connective tissute which covers all of your muscles. When this is tight the muscles themselves cannot move or stretch. Use the foam roller in addition to your stretches. this way your fascial envelope will be freely moving so that you can then lengthen your muscles. Often people spend lots of time stretching what they think are the muscles and don't understand why they aren't getting any further and this is because they spend so much time only stretching the fascia and the muscles will get mild stretch. I hope this is helpful! Lots of luck
I've heard awesome reviews on this one because the knobbies really get into your muscles whereas regular rollers compress your tissue:
"Be Spun" has a dvd on using the Foam Roller ~ I just got it in the mail and haven't watched it yet so I'll have to get back to you on that! I've heard all good things about their videos.
One more thing ~ I'm sure Veens's foam roller lessons awesome!!! Can't wait to check them out!!! Now I wish I wouldn't have bought the dvd…
Keli Roberts has a dvd call Flexibility for the inflexible. I bought it and it's pretty good for me. My right hip muscle was so tight, been to therapy for it but using the roller helps. Yes, it hurts but doing it every other day help loosen the tightness so, it's doing better. I got the dvd from Amazon. I figure I'll will start offf with the basics.
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