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Follow up: Gym Owner of “Kids Pole Dancing†Speaks Up!
Posted by OopseyDaisey on August 5, 2011 at 3:30 pmGood to hear both sides…even though it was in a pole magazine and not, unfortunately, in the "mainstream" media:
dustbunny replied 13 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
I think the pole dance community will be fighting this one for a few more years to come until society fully understands. To be honest.. if I had not had the experience in teaching kids pole myself, I probably would of thought it was wrong too. I was really nervous over the idea to help teach kids at my studio but after the first 5 minutes, I relaxed. Why? Because I was able to see just how innnocent it was. I tell a lot of people, if they think it's wrong, then they gotta see it for themselves just how circusy and not sexy it is. And I love Jess! WOW! She's so awesome. 🙂
I love Jess' work and her style. I am not opposed to children pole dancing. Whoopi was correct in saying that we have to support the art by letting people know that not all pole is sexual.
However I do not believe that shoving it in the non-pole dance community's faces with pictures of children on the pole is a good starting point.
A large part of the non-pole world still believes that even for adults this is purely sexual! Show them that ADULTS can do this without being sensual and then, with time, let it lead to poling for children. I believe that will be more effective.
I also think that Jess needs to be more careful about her defense of it. I was disappointed to see her comment: "Dancing is not taught at JLN only the pole positions."
First of all, dancing does not make it sensual! Second I've seen Jess and while she does a lot of tricks, her transitions are definitely dance based. She must teach that as well since videos of her students include dance transitions as well.
She comes across in her response as though her classes are a gymnastics course but then has a pole party for her students with videos like this one:
I'm not saying she is wrong for allowing this but she is trying to say one thing and is presenting another. Actions speak louder than words.
No matter how hard we try the pole still has a sexual affiliation and pictures of children on the pole will attract the deviates. Why not just keep the pictures of the children off the internet and EDUCATE people what it's about. We need to let the rest of the world "join" us when they become comfortable with it, not shove it down their throats!
Hey all, pole fitness for kids has started catching on here in the UK and it’s getting the same prejudice. There have been tv interviews and the instructors have said it’s gymnastics with the bar at a different orientation but still people are not listening. Personally, I find it infuriating that these people have jumped on this bandwagon saying it’s inappropriate when there are things that could be said about other sports but are not, these people are just trying to get airtime, it’s ridiculous and unfair!
i am an instructor at JLN and what jess meant by not teaching dance was the sexual kind of moves that some pole schools incorporate. as for the girl in the video at the summer party it was a competition and each girl choreographes and comes up with their own costume. but i get where your coming from. over all the complaints did bring this topic to the media and has brought out a more positive response than it would have done a year or so back, so things are moving forward and am sure once pole is recognised for the art form and fitness regime that it is, it will be accepted in the mainstream.
I think it's interesting that "dance" (meaning without a pole) is not considered as sensual or as sexual as pole, but here, on American TV, they did this dance about a one night stand:
And why is a little girl climbing a pole in school yard ready jean shorts that fully cover her butt considered more sexual than this:
Teresawitch–give my compliments to Jess. I think she's helping these kids to have more pride & respect for their bodies than obviously a lot of "normal" dance studios.
OMG…that one with the 7 year olds turned my stomach! That is completely inappropriate!
At my studio, we don't allow minors to dress like those 7 year olds because that outfit is considered inappropriate. My husband will not even allow me to wear something like that in public or a pole comp. LOL! We also don't allow minors to do bodywaves, hip circles, air humping or boob touching like those 7 year olds did. But I thought those ballet twirls were cool. That video disturbs me.
Those girls are amazing dancers for only being 7 years old, but I agree both the costumes and a lot of the movements were unappropriate. It's unforetunate that what is considered "normal" in dance schools nowadays is somehow okay, but what we do is clearly wrong and only appropriate for strippers. 🙁
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