Forums Discussions Foot Drama

  • SissyBuns

    November 5, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Awww Sissy, You don’t need to suffer in silence!! I can’t believe you went so long without answers while you were in so much pain. I had no idea you were in pain at the workshop. You did great! Anyway, taking a break won’t be that bad if you do get surgery. I broke my hand a few years ago in a bad car accident and I was SHOCKED that even though I couldn’t work out I A) didn’t gain any weight and B) didn’t lose much muscle strength. You gotta take care of your feet, they are the foundation of your whole life. I think you could still find a way to pole even with a cast on. You could even draw the outline of a high heel on the side of the cast!

    The heel on the cast! Perfect idea Angel!

    Our feet are the foundation of our body and lately it feels like every step I take is radiating up my damn spine. I just want to quit work right now and go home and put my feet up. I went to bed as soon as I got home yesterday because it just hurt too much, it was wearing me out.

    Good news though! My boss got tired of seeing me limping around, called my doc (she’s a supervisor here so she has connects) and got me an earlier appt for tomorrow morning. We’ll go over all my tests and decide on the next step

  • RoxyPink

    November 5, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    YAY!! i’m so glad they got you in sooner…I thought it was a little rediculous that they would continue to have you walking around with stress fractures for another two weeks!!!

  • goforit

    November 6, 2009 at 1:21 am

    hay Sissy, just a thought but in addition to your weightlifting maybe you can do "pull-ups" either on your pole or a bar at the gym. that may help you to continue lifting your body weight. …but i still hope you dont have to get surgery…keep us updated

  • Fleur

    November 6, 2009 at 1:25 am

    I’m sorry to hear you are in pain I always think it’s best to try every option before going for surgery. Find a good physical therapist who can give you exercises fro your arches and do them RELIGIOUSLY! Even if it doesn’t eliminate the need for surgery, you will be much better off coming out of it if you are stronger going in. The key is to do them every day without fail. I’ve heard good things about acupuncture for the inflammation but you really need to strengthen those muscles to support your foot! Keep us updated ok? I feel for you since I am in the same situation with my shoulders, it sucks!


  • LittleC

    November 6, 2009 at 3:09 am

    So sorry to hear about your issues! I hope you start to feel better soon. Acupuncture is FANTASTIC for pain and inflammation – I’ve seen one for years and she’s a lifesaver. Remember, there are lots of options out there before you have to start making decisions about surgery – so see what choices are available to you. Foot pain blows.

  • witeroze

    November 6, 2009 at 3:26 am

    I feel ya, I’ve developed flat feet also. I noticed when I started running daily and within a week i felt as though i had sprained both my ankles. i ignored my orthotics prescription as they are too costly; i got better shoes though and they helped.
    your condition sounds pretty bad tho, hope it gets better for u.

  • poledanceromance

    November 6, 2009 at 3:54 am

    Oh sissy =( you poor little trooper! That’s not whiny at all. Chronic pain BLOWS I don’t care if it’s in your feet or your whole body! We love you and I hope you feel better soon. You would still dance circles around me in body cast, mama!

  • verucablue

    November 6, 2009 at 4:33 am

    ugg that sucks so sorry about your pain…hopefully you will have more answers soon…also maybe you could find somewhere to swim – so you can still work out but off your feet?

  • Judy Jovanelly

    November 6, 2009 at 2:46 pm

    DAMMIT ! I am sorry to hear you are going thru all this, and hope things get turned around for ya soon. Poor thing !
    We’re pulling for you, so keep us posted of how you’re doing. And if you need to, please feel free to go ahead and whiney how ever much you want !

  • SissyBuns

    November 6, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    First off I want to say thank you so much to everybody for your support, well wishes and suggestions. I have a bit of an update…I had my follow up appoinment this morning and the doctor showed the images of my feet and boy are they jacked up! Wow man!

    It was so cool to see the bones and see how they’re supposed to be in relation to how they actually are and that really helped me understand what’s causing my pain. The doctor told me he’s definitely going to have repair it surgically. I have a closed stress fracture of my left tibia and possibly some tendon damage in there. He ordered an MRI to check on the tendon. I also have to see a gastro enterologist and an endocrinologist (cuz I have tummy issues that might be interferring with my body absorbing the nutrients it needs to heel) and he wants to make sure my bones will heel properly after he goes in and works on them.

    Then after that…we will start talking about surgery.

    For now I have to wear this huge dramatic (un-sexy) boot on my left foot and walk with a cane! I can’t stand for any longer then 20 minutes at work. This of course interferes with my job greatly so this afternoon I go talk to the people at occupational health to see if I can still work with these limitations. If not….I might have to try going on disability or something until I’m all healed up.

    I certainly don’t mind collecting a check to sit at home with my bad feet propped up and watch pole videos LOL but it just sounds so wierd to use the word "disability" when I’m talking about myself…man I must be getting old. LMAO!

    I haven’t started thinking about the surgery or when to have it or my competition or recovery time and all that. I’ll have that talk with him after I see all these other docs

    I just wanted to update you guys and let you know that I’m getting answers and I’m so happy! I see the pain free light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for caring guys!

  • velvetvixen

    November 6, 2009 at 9:20 pm

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do. I’m glad you were able to find a doctor that can help you. Hopefully soon you will be pain free and back to normal!

  • Angel1201

    November 6, 2009 at 9:54 pm

    Sissy, I’m so happy you have found an answer to what was causing you problems. Surgery isn’t the end of the world. It’s just a set back until you can become a better you! I wish you the best through all this, you hid it so well!! I’m sending hugs and prayers your way. Since my name is Angel, I might have some extra pull in the heavens!!

  • Dayanara

    November 6, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    aw, I’m sorry sissy, I really hope surgery wont be the case, I’ve been having this knee pain for a few weeks now, the doctor said it could be a stress fracture! damn!! I hope it isn’t ’cause that’s gonna be about 8 weeks off the pole!!! we should work on a ‘disable’ routine together or something…hhahahahahaha

  • Sassafrassle

    November 8, 2009 at 6:38 am

    As both a runner and a pole dancer, you completely have my commiserations about your feet being so inconsiderate about your daily activities;p Just a thought about at least maintaining up body strength, to add on to what someone else said about doing pole pull ups, maybe you could use/invest in a swiss ball to sit on beside the pole and do combo upper body and core stuff – at least that way you can do things with the pole without having to stand? If you get what I mean (eg. use both the ball and the pole at the same time, sit on the ball right beside the pole where you’d normally stand, grab onto the pole, engage your core and invert etc – that’s the way one of our instructors prepares people for inverting). Just an idea anyway!

  • Runemist34

    November 8, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    I’m so glad you’ve got a good doctor, Sissy! I’ve known a few that wouldn’t go this in-depth about anything, just kind of mark you down as "in pain" and that’s about it!
    I hope everything goes well for you. I know what it’s like starting to think of yourself as "disabled," and how weird that is! It took me FOREVER to really understand what was going on with my knees…not to mention the troubles upstairs, as well! Anxiety and depression can be just as disabling.
    I’m really glad something is getting done, though. Living through pain isn’t easy, and especially when it’s as bad as you’ve described. Maybe when you’re down, you can work on choreographing some amazing combos and stuff, and when you get back to it, you can show off with them and make us all jealous!

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