Forums Discussions Foot Drama

  • Dawnella

    November 9, 2009 at 2:01 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this Sissybuns. I have flat feet just because I get it from my Dad. I have often wondered why my feet sometimes cramp up when I give my toes a good point. Now, after reading your post, I have some ideas as to why that might be. I appreciate you sharing this information with everyone.

  • SissyBuns

    November 9, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    aw, I’m sorry sissy, I really hope surgery wont be the case, I’ve been having this knee pain for a few weeks now, the doctor said it could be a stress fracture! damn!! I hope it isn’t ’cause that’s gonna be about 8 weeks off the pole!!! we should work on a ‘disable’ routine together or something…hhahahahahaha

    I’m already working on a routine I can do with my cane LOL. Maybe we can do cane/pole doubles!

  • SissyBuns

    November 9, 2009 at 3:03 pm

    As both a runner and a pole dancer, you completely have my commiserations about your feet being so inconsiderate about your daily activities;p Just a thought about at least maintaining up body strength, to add on to what someone else said about doing pole pull ups, maybe you could use/invest in a swiss ball to sit on beside the pole and do combo upper body and core stuff – at least that way you can do things with the pole without having to stand? If you get what I mean (eg. use both the ball and the pole at the same time, sit on the ball right beside the pole where you’d normally stand, grab onto the pole, engage your core and invert etc – that’s the way one of our instructors prepares people for inverting). Just an idea anyway!

    That’s such a good idea!!!!! I was going to try from the floor, but the ball will be a great help too. Thanks!!!

  • SissyBuns

    November 20, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    Quick update…that I’m totally stoked about!

    I got the results from my MRI today and there is no tendon damage in my foot!

    That’s a good sign because if the tendon was torn or ruptured that was more work the Doc would have to do to repair it. I want the least bit of trauma to the foot as possible and I’m really happy that my tendons are good to go.

    Hopefully recovery will be quick and I’ll be back in action as quick as possible

    I’m so happy about this guys, because I just knew it was going to say that my entire foot was shot to hell and that a ton of work was going to need to be done. Phew!

    I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday to dicuss the next step

    I’m so happy

  • Sabrina

    November 20, 2009 at 4:48 pm
  • SissyBuns

    November 24, 2009 at 6:37 pm

    Soo…I went back to the doc again today and we made the final surgical desicion and put the wheels in motion to get it done. On December 31st I’ll be having an Evans Calcaneal Osteotomy or Arch Repair in english, LOL.

    It’s on New years eve which is wack but I didn’t want to do it before the pole jam in December because I want to be able to pole, so the jam will be my last big hurrah before going into a cast for 9 weeks.

    I’m totally excited about getting fixed up! It’s gonna suck being in a cast and I’m worrying about losing flexibility and range of motion in that ankle but it must be done. I’ll be in physical therapy afterwards for a while too and then after that’s all healed up and can bear all of my bodies weight, I’ll have the right foot done!

    It’s going to be a year of surgeries and recovering.

    I won’t be able to do Miss Xpose this year but I’m going to be the first to sign up next year! Maybe this is a sign that I should wait anyway lol. I’ve only been dancing 6 months and probably not ready for a competiton, even if it’s a small local one LOL. It sure was gonna be fun though…

    Pole plan? Do as much as I can do whenever I can do it. I’ve gotten some good suggestions on poling from the floor or on a ball and I’m going to try all of that. I’ll still have one good foot so I can still do lot’s of stuff hopefully, but we’ll see. The way I see it, by the time I come out of this my upper body strength should be pretty damn impressive! LOL

    Thanks so much for supporting me guys and I know you’ll be there with me every step of the way. Veena I haven’t fogotten about that challenge in my honor, I think everyone should do it with one foot wrapped up. LOL

  • Judy Jovanelly

    November 24, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    good luck lovey ! we will all be pulling (poling) for you !!

  • amarykah

    November 25, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    Ok…im in a bit of a rush, so i didnt read all the comments, but im a pro with this subject. I was a ballerina for 6 years when I was little, and then i had to stop because my feet were hurting so bad (i also stopped complaining about it because my mom used to tell me to stop whining…) then we found out that i had flat feet…it was so bad that i had recorrective surgery on one of my feet, and should have had it done to the other, but never did. because of the flat feet, horrible cramps are caused (especially when pointing the toes). I’ve found (with azriel’s help) that bananas help with the cramping… but, depending on how bad ur feet are, maybe u should get some orthodics (they are expensive, and i actually got them but stopped wearing them after a few years because they annoyed me… but keep in mind that when ur feet point out, it then messes up the ways your knees move, and hips, and back, and neck (so do anything u cacn to prevent further injury)….iv been having problems with this all my life… going to a chiropractor helps to realign your body so that everything else doesnt hurt so bad…. but honestly, my arches actually touch the floor and bruise…and its just something iv learned to deal with…after awhile, u wont notice the pain unless ur on ur feet too much (my doc always told me to have a sit-down job….and to stay off my feet as much as i can) there are also some stretching exercises u can do, but (not to sound hopeless) i’ve been dealing with this for 15 years now, and not much has changed, but now i hardly notice it. i know it really sucks, but the best thing u can do is to stay off ur feet when u can, and elevate them 20 minutes a day (at least once) and soak them in warm water…pampering them will help a little. i know this didnt help much, but i just wanted u to know that ur not the only one, and it will get better…unfortunately, only after it gets worse. if u have any questions, let me know. xo

  • amarykah

    November 25, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    also, keep in mind (i dont want to scare u, but u should know) that after the surgery, it takes a LONG time to heal, and u will be in a wheelchair, then crutches, then go to rehab to learn to walk again…and u will lose ALL the muscle tone in one leg (they will only do surgery on one foot at a time…i tried to get both feet done at once, and they said its not possible…) and u will have to learn to walk again. i know this sounds really scary…but really…my right leg did NOt work for a long time…imagine trying to step on one of your feet and falling to the ground because there is no muscle left… Only get the surgery if u REALLY REALLY need it… I can send u pics of my feet if you want. Good luck with everything…
    but on a positive note…if u can pole in a wheelchair, u will be my new hero

  • litlbit

    November 25, 2009 at 2:08 pm

    I was born with flat feet and had pain and cramping for years, I just lived with it until I worked for a podiatrist. He put me on increased water, calcium citrate and I eat something with potassium everyday. My cramping stopped once I increased my water intake. I was also fitted for orthotics and the ones they have now are quite comfortable. I spoke with my boss about surgery….he didn’t recommend it and usually doesn’t. My pain and cramping have been eliminated as long as I do those few things as well as foot stretches which I do before getting out of bed (it’s such a habit now). I know everyone’s situation is different….that was just mine.

  • SissyBuns

    November 25, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Ok…im in a bit of a rush, so i didnt read all the comments, but im a pro with this subject. I was a ballerina for 6 years when I was little, and then i had to stop because my feet were hurting so bad (i also stopped complaining about it because my mom used to tell me to stop whining…) then we found out that i had flat feet…it was so bad that i had recorrective surgery on one of my feet, and should have had it done to the other, but never did. because of the flat feet, horrible cramps are caused (especially when pointing the toes). I’ve found (with azriel’s help) that bananas help with the cramping… but, depending on how bad ur feet are, maybe u should get some orthodics (they are expensive, and i actually got them but stopped wearing them after a few years because they annoyed me… but keep in mind that when ur feet point out, it then messes up the ways your knees move, and hips, and back, and neck (so do anything u cacn to prevent further injury)….iv been having problems with this all my life… going to a chiropractor helps to realign your body so that everything else doesnt hurt so bad…. but honestly, my arches actually touch the floor and bruise…and its just something iv learned to deal with…after awhile, u wont notice the pain unless ur on ur feet too much (my doc always told me to have a sit-down job….and to stay off my feet as much as i can) there are also some stretching exercises u can do, but (not to sound hopeless) i’ve been dealing with this for 15 years now, and not much has changed, but now i hardly notice it. i know it really sucks, but the best thing u can do is to stay off ur feet when u can, and elevate them 20 minutes a day (at least once) and soak them in warm water…pampering them will help a little. i know this didnt help much, but i just wanted u to know that ur not the only one, and it will get better…unfortunately, only after it gets worse. if u have any questions, let me know. xo

    Thats really sad that you have been having so much pain for so long. I’ve only been going through my ordeal for about 7 months and it’s already pushed me to my limit. I cant imagine several years.

    I’m actually on my feet all day because I’m a nurse LOL, so resting my feet never really was an option unless I take time off. I have already been put on limited duty which means I can’t stand any more then 20 minutes at a time, but I still have work to do and can’t really tell my patients to hold on while I go take a break LOL. The doc I work with has been real helpful though. He’s been trying to do more of the walking and standing and helping me with my work so I can sit, which makes me sick because I want to be able to do my job and not have others have pick up my slack, but it’s what I gotta do for now

    I’m on my second pair of orthotics already. The first pair hurt like hell but these are better so I’m working on breaking them in.

    The toe pointing thing is driving me crazy! I taped my practice last night and I watched myself on the video flex my feet like 100 times because they were cramping up. I think dancing in heels more will help because they kind of point the toe for me in a relaxed way, but if I wear them too long it hurts LOL.

    And you’re so right about the pampering though. Soaking my feet in scolding hot water feels soooooo good! I have this little foot spa thing that has vibrating rolloers on the bottom that I can roll my feet over while they soak, but alas…a foot soak doesn’t repair bone

    I wish it did!

  • AubFolts

    November 25, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    I too am having foot drama.. so I understand how you are feeling. I am becoming more terrified by the day. I have a severe bunion on my right foot and a taylor bunion on the right foot. I also have a bunion on the left foot but it is mild. I am scheduled for surgery the last week of the year. It has taken me a long time to finally decide to go through with the surgery. I will be in a walking boot for at least 5 weeks. And… they will only do surgery on one foot at a time. so I don’t know when I will go through with the left foot. I will not be poling for a while and am very sad about that… I am hoping that I heal really fast. I hope everything goes great for you too Sissy!

  • amarykah

    November 25, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    Ur right about the heels…wearing heels actually creates a false arch, so every pair of shoes that you wear should have at least 1/4 inch of a heel…fat heels are better than stilettos. And I also used to be a nurse, but had to change professions after 5 years…im a psychologist now, which is much better for my feet. Hang in there…I dont even notice the pain most of the time…but i’m sure that the nursing is what’s doing it to you…try to get some comfy shoes for work…i sed to use nursemates…they worked really well for me. also, like someone else commented…lots of water is good for you, lots of stretching, and eat a banana before you pole.

  • SissyBuns

    November 25, 2009 at 5:02 pm

    also, keep in mind (i dont want to scare u, but u should know) that after the surgery, it takes a LONG time to heal, and u will be in a wheelchair, then crutches, then go to rehab to learn to walk again…and u will lose ALL the muscle tone in one leg (they will only do surgery on one foot at a time…i tried to get both feet done at once, and they said its not possible…) and u will have to learn to walk again. i know this sounds really scary…but really…my right leg did NOt work for a long time…imagine trying to step on one of your feet and falling to the ground because there is no muscle left… Only get the surgery if u REALLY REALLY need it… I can send u pics of my feet if you want. Good luck with everything…
    but on a positive note…if u can pole in a wheelchair, u will be my new hero

    I don’t expect to lose ALL muscle tone after being in a cast for 6 weeks…did that really happen to you? I had to wear a cast for much longer than that in the past (when I broke my leg, down at the ankle) and my recovery was pretty quick. Once the cast came off I was walking just fine…

  • amarykah

    November 25, 2009 at 5:14 pm

    well…im sure the style of surgery has changed throughout the years, and my case was pretty severe…do ur arches touch the floor and bruise? they had to shave many bones in my foot, move bones around, and they also put a Z-cut in my achilles tendon to lengthen it…maybe its different for u? i dont remember how long i had the cast on, but yes, i lost all of my muscle and couldn’t walk at all…my leg was so skinny compared to the other…it was very scary to not be able to walk…i remember falling alot in rehab because i told myself it was all in my head and i could walk…like in kill bill…you can do it, wiggle ur toes…haha…i hope your case is better than mine was…and i hope i didnt scare u!!! i only meant to prepare u!! XO

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